PAGE 14, WEDNESOAy, SEPTEMBER 26, 1984, WHITIBY FREE PRESS WTC announces new, name'and 1984-85 season ne-up By BERT HEA VER To parody Shakespeare's llnes "a theatre company by any other name la juat as great; " wblch la Whitby Theatre Company's way of announclng their new tii,"Whitby Little Theatre." >1.The name change cornes as a* resuit of the theatre groupe ap- plication for incor- poration whereln the rules state the- termn "Company" cannot be used as part of the title for a non-profit organization. There are rnany advantages in being incorporated (un- der The Corporations -Act). Some of these are, the directors and mem- bers 0f an incorporated association are exem- pted from any liability for indebtednesa and wrongful acta and ad- miasions of it's officers. Other distinct advan- NEW HAPPY HOUR MO.-SAT.pi ý 4 P.M. - 8P.M. LICENSED UNDER LLBO SPECIALS IALL YOU CAN EAT SALAE 5 DAYS AWEEK 12nmon - 3p.m. Mon - Al Canadian Cheese Burger Tues - Chioken Wlngs Wed - Roast Beef on a Kaiser Thur-, Chioken Fingers MFri - Breaded Shrlmp Set - Lucky New Yorker NF tages include improved chances of obtaining grants from gover- nment authorities. Generally, a provision of obtainlng grants from federal, provincial and municipal authorities la that they have a preference to issue grants to incorporated bodies rather than unin- corporated associa- tions. Under its new banner Whitby Little Theatre is offering an impressive alate of plays for the 1984-85 theatre season, beginning with, "The Women", by Clare Booth Luce. This light comedy is directed by Paul Spencer, andteils the story of the trials and tiresome tribulations of the high society women of the turbulent 193's.' This light-hearted offermng is already cast and into rehearsal and will be presented Nov. 8-9-10 and 15-16-17. The second produc- tion of the 'season, a complete contrast is Tennesee Wlliam's classic, "Cat. On A Hot Tin Roof". To theatre and movie buffa this powerful play needs ne. EVERY WEDNESDAY ½ 1/PRICE' tails & Quarts of Beer 6 P.M- 1A.M. OCTOBERBEST DNESDAY & THURSDAY )CTOBER 1 OTH - 1 1TH SPECIAL PRICES DITIONAL OCTOBERFEST FOOD introductio and very lit- tle Persuasion to, see it just one more tizne. The strong, emotional relationships of the characters are what this play la about, focuasing as it doms, on family confliet on a rlch Lousiana plantation. Scheduled for presen- tation Feb. 14-15-16 and 21-22-23. This play will be directed by Garvin Farr. As it did in the begin- ning, 50 the season ends, on a light-hearted plane. A guarantee of this declaration is a Ben Travers' farce. For la final Production of the 1984-85 season Whitby Little Theatre has chosen one of Travers' beat, "The Bed Before Yesterday."P A popular line in today's fast pace la, "9you're not getting older, you're gettîng better". This expression is exemnplified in this romp,'to be directed by Michael Roantree, and will be presented May 2-3-4 and 9-10-11, 1984. W.L.T. Youth Group under the direction of Rhonda Davie will present their Christmas production of "Bye-Bye,, Bfrdie". This rock 'n roil (Elvis P'resley- style) classic is well suited to the energy and enthusiasm of the youth group, who can be depended upon te make it a lively part of the Christmas season. With this exciting siate firmly in place, Doreen Smyth, W.L.T. president and her board of directors are far from resting on their laurels. Currently, their energy and attention is directed to ways and means of improving their theatre'. Utilizing a generous grant from the Town of Whitby as well ai fund- raising money of their own, W.L.T. wrnl instal new llghting systems and work on plans for remodelhing the costume - make-up room. The need for replacing theatre seating la also high on their list of priorities.. Whitby LaittIe Theatre la always ready to welcome anyone who la WANTED' PEOPLE FOR CORN EATING CONTEST AT CQKEE JOE'S WED, OCT. 3RD COME &WATCH THE FUN ALL THE CORN O YOU CAN EAT 2 207 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY 668-2337 - ~m w# Bowmanville I ~ For reservations phone 623-4925 Exit 432 off Hwy. 401, interested in helping with their productions. Be it 'onstage or backstage. Ail it takes la to drop in at the theatre, 416 Centre St. S. (en- trance by stage door only) and Tuesday or Thursday evening from 7:30 te 10 p.m. or Sun- day afternoon from 2 to 4:30 p. m. If phoning la more convenient, cail 668- 8006. EDITOR'S NOTE: Bert Heaver ls the publiclty director of the Whltby Little Theatre. YARD SALE The Thickson's Woods Heritage Foundation will hold a yard and bake sale on Sept. 29 at 210 Byron St. N., Whit- by, from 10 arn. to,4 p.m. Featured will be toya and games, bicycles, television sets, air con- ditioners, kitchen uten- ails, books, baked goods and preservea. Ail funda raised will be used to support the preservation Of Thickaon'a Woods Try Our Fobulou SUNDAY BRUNCH O'Toolo's Brunch bas ail the tasty, crowd.pWa*sq Items you woejld expect PLUSt#»» dekflous dishes " Fresh Poachedl B.C. Salmon " Hot Roast oef " Chlcken Cacclatore " Swedish Meatballs We have a total of 27 mouth-watering Items that you'll love again anid again AUl yours for only.. L~flU~fILIG 12 yri. à under 33 Taunton Rd. W. fat Simcoe> OSHAWA ~$Double.N' HP HALl BUT AT ITS BEST! BREAKFAST SPECIAL S3 eggs, ham, bacon or sausage, 0 ~home f ries, toast, coffee. $ 2.50 Mo.,a.6a.m.-9 p.m. Sun. 8 a.m.-9 p.m. 102 Lupin Dr., Blair Park Plaza Whltby 668-8672 GOLDEN GATE 107 BROOK ST. S., WHITBY 668-8321 This popular Chinese -Restaurant l8 ln- troduclng the SZECHUAN CUISINE for ail of you gourmets who lîke splcy hot dîshes. The Golden Gate also offers a wlde selectior of Canadian dishes tram roast beef to veai cutiets and pork chops. The Bo-Bo platter anc the deliclous chlcken f Ingers are two dishes worth trylng Il Perfect for lunch or dinnerl WE DELI VER LARGE VARIETY 0F CANTON ESE DISHES Start the week off with SUN DAY BRUNCHý *Hot and cold itemnS With * desert and beverage 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Aduits $6.50u Chldren under 12 $3.«r5 MONDAY NIGHTSPECIAL FAMILY BUFFET *Salad bar, hot meats and desert Aduits $8.10" Children under 12 $4.50 TUESDAY Thru THURSDAY a La Carte FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUN DAY FULL EVENING BUFFET JOHN MCKENZIE entertains every SATURDAY NIGHT Book your family Thanksgiving. party NOW for Oct. 7th or 8th (Sun. or Mon.) - AUDITIONS & The Oshawa -Sym- ýS phony Orchestra wiil be holding auditions in the near future for its 1984- 85 season. Playera are needed in al string sections and there are vacancies in. the 'principal trombone and second bassoon positions. BABY TIME The Whitby Public Library is holding.,a - brand new eight-week program for infants 10- 19 montha of age and an accompanymng adult. The relaxed format wil use simple atonies, rhymes and music designed to atimulate n the baby while in- il troducing hlm or her to books, rythum, rhymne and, of course, other babies. "Baby 'Time" will be held Tuesday morning > beginning Oct. 16 in two time alots: 9:45 to 10:05 a.m. or 10:30 to 10:50 This ia a limited registration program and names are being accepted either in per- son or by calling 66e- 6531. Fast and friendiy ýservice and good M food Is the order of : ,.the day at the ~'Fireplace. ' Our menu In- .jcludes a wide range of popular items In- cluding banquet.~ burgers, Western sandwiches, steak on a kaiser, sub-. marine sandwiches,~ and chicken f ingers . We are also open for breakfast. We peel : the potatoes our- selves ta give you**< the best homemadeV f ries. And the coffee is e, always freshly ground and brewedj- Join us for lunch or give Mom a break ~ for su pper. Open 7 days a w.ek.Mý DBAR 95 Cocki $3.75 $3.45 $3.50",WE $5.45 c $4.95- $7.95 TRAC ~L1: - ý (qrelz