Whitby Free Press, 5 Sep 1984, p. 16

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-P£AGE 16, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whltby's Most WideIy Read _ CA5IFID AL S VSERVkIC LVACINAUTOMOTIVE AARTICLE S RTCE -LEGAL' _______ PA iLY8FITRLSALES ' FOR SALE NOTICS VACATION TIME or just a weekend away. Leave your home and pets in my care. Calil Elsa 666-3395. ...P. GARDENING and Main- tenance, patio, Interlock, fencing, tee est. Pleese caili 7284017. COLOUR ANALYSIS Discover the colours & shades that com- pliment your skin tone & enhance your best fMatures. OnIy $30 Par Consultation Coli Sharon Taylor 6-62770 MATURE RELIABLE LADY wlii do iight housecieaning, experionce over 15 yeers, own transpor- tation..Cali Barbaraeat 725-9154. 000 TRAINING CLASSES star- ting Soptember l3th, Oshawa. Cali Barb Scott 57865635. 8PECIALLY DESIGNED Summer Computer Courses for scadomIcaiiy advanced In- dividusîs. 683-2226. APJUCEMENTS CONGRATULATIONS on the engagement of Miss Karen Seed of Whitby to Mrs. Toni Lidstone of Oshawa. Best Wishes. CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcoming marriage. Pisas view our sanples of engraved wedding Invitations ai your loi- sure In our Ajax Pieza store. DIck- son Printing & Office Supplies 683-1968. wOOk or monin. ,Discounts aveul- able. Dickaon Printing & Office Supplies in the Ajax Piaza. Cal us for business machine repaira 683-1968. '4GRAMMAR for people who hate grammar" la the ideai pocket reference book for business people. $3.95 par copy and evait- able et Olckson Prlnting & Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer enquirles Invited 683-1968. Cieerwator.- Throo bedroom moble hmes Hetedpools, Ntenn, ,close obechos and Imjor attrctons, chidronl weakly (les5 then motel oo683-5503e SWANTED TOI) PIANO VtïBUY RTENT1 FURNACE OIL wanted, I ESSONS roasonable prices pald for bl amount, tanks removed, fuel oul D. Goodman, rlocatod. For Information cal A.R.C.T. 723-3973. L 668-3056 ______ GUITAR LESSONS. Cali Mike 655-3791.- HOUSECLEANING IN WHITBY. Bondebie - reesonabie rates, have recommandations. 668. 9386, ask for Audrey. SCOTT'S HOME TREATMENT $35 por visit for 5 rooma, (dishes, Int. windows and linon change inciudod). Additional charges for iaundry, exterior windows, wails and lewns. 9-5 p.m. 571-3160. WANTED USED APPLIANCES <WorkIng or Not) WE BUY, SELL RECONDITION1 131Hrwo ., PICKÇERING - relleble person needed to share 3 bodroom house on bus route. Fiished basement. Hugh treed lot. $300 plus. 1-831-3452. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT ln amal Whitby buiiding. Adulte only. Includes fridgo, atove, hydro and parking. Cable TV and iaundry facilitios aveleabie. Phonoe68-6372 between 9:30 e.m. and 5 p.m. PROP à. SKEG REPAIRS (5 day service). Expert boat repaira.- do- It-Yoursolf fibreglas supplies. Oshawa Glss Fibre - Reyplex. 341 Durham St., 579-1433. 1972 GREW SS-130 Fibergiase speodb>oet with 40 h.p. Marc and Tilt traîler. Electric Start motor, AM/FM casa, Ski ber, 2 gastanks and bilge pump. $2795. Aiso 65 h.p. EvInrude Outboerd motor. Eiectric start with aIl controls. In use untîl recontiy repieced with larger unit. Good condition. Asking $80. Cali 655-4069. REBUîLT TRANSMISSIONS, Most nmodela, $185.001 Cali Bob 683-0811. ASSOATNENT 0F ENGINES guaranteed for sale, aiso in- staîied Ford truck parts, tran- smission, alternator. starter and tires. Cati 576-0653. CAR REPAIRS bodywork, tune- upa, paint job, etc. Reasonabie rates. 668-7620 anytime. 1970 NOVA runs like a top, neQds body work, as sa $500. Phone 666- 3631 atter 5 p.m. TTRAIERS FORRSASELE 38' HOUSE TRAILER on scenlc lakeside lot fuiiy fum. with 4 pc. bath, fridge, stove, etc., Master bedroom and 2 bunka, 10x24' dock and gardon shed. Located on Scugog Island. Aaking $6,500. Colt 655-4069. PrInting & Office Suppiy store In the Ajax Plaza and pick up e fr00 copy of thoir 1984 Metric Caien- der. Printod ln two colours.l i. maes for hendy reforonce 683- WE'VE BEEN HERE OFFICE SPACE WHERE FOR RENT HAVE VOU BEEN? WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for ront on profossional floor. Wouid be suitebie for lewyer, accountent, etc. Rent Includes ail utiiities and la nogotiabie for an eppropriete tenant. For furthor Information ceil 668-372 between 9:3o a.m. end 5 p.m. Monday to Fridey. It suited Charlie to take off for Diclison Printing & Office Supplies at this particular point in time, something lie will nover regret! ACOMDATON -MOTO ~WANTED L DESPERATE - studonts going back to schooi need accom- modations. Apertmnent, duplex, sublet, etc. Phono 668-7062. HONDA ROAD BIKE 35Occ, twin cytinder, only 19,000 miles, ex- cellent condition. $460. Phono CHESTERFIELD suites, love- aGate, sectionsa, lbas than 'h prico. Largo soloction. McKoen Furniture. 524 SIMCoo St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. VîTAMîNS Jamolson: write or cati Mr. Alton for your apocial mail ordor price liat. Money back guarantee - In Durham we deiivor, 728-4694, 725-5310, P.O. Box 1082 "B", Osawa. L1J 5Y9. GEOTYPE prose-on iottering now n stock et Dickson Printing & of- fice Supplies In the Ajax Shop- pIng Plaza. Largo soiection of styles and suzes. Why psy more for a amailer shoetot f ttoring? 683-1968. CLEARANCE 0F DEMO SATELLITE TV SYSTEMS L.NA.'s, Recelvers Dishes, and more at 30% OFF retaîl. One complete 8' system wlth Luxor 9533 remote control reCelver and 120 degree-Ma-Com LNA Sale Prîce - $1,895 CALL 655-4069 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. MATTRESSES and box apringa et hall prico. MoKeen Furniture, 524 6lmncoe Street South, oshaWa. 725-5181. CHECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICE On new chesterfields, bedroom sets, colonial dining moins, and kitchen suites, becis, etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E. (At Ritson) Oshawa HOPE CHESTS and bianket boxes, for sale. cati 433-8951. "HEROES of the Bible"~ coiouring book eveilalei tDlckson Print- ing & Office SupplY, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer inquirios In- vltod. BARRELS - WhIskey, $25. Rum, $30 '. Guarenteod, wet, free deliverY. 686-1645 or 686-0257. VISIT our used furniture ware- hous by appoinîment. Big sevings on desks, chairs, fiiing cabinets, etc. CaIl Dlckson Print.- Ing & Office Supplieos to arrange an appointment 10 view. 683- 1968. BABYSITTINO EMERGENCY SERVICE. Excellent care given by the day. Lots of tbys and nutritious meais. 666-1647. EXPERIENCED DAY CARE ln my home. Fuît or part-time. Fenced ln yard, hot lunches, references aveleable. Brock St. and Manning Rd. 86662752. DUNDAS W..- HWY. 2 Reilable day care, weekiy or deiiy. Fenced yard, over 3 yeara 0f ege. 668- 7169. ARE YOU LOOKINO for home day, care? Durham Professionai Home Day Care has aupervised homes reedy to take chiidren from 6 weeka to achool age. Why not givo us e caîl, we havesa home suitabie for your chIid. Cali 286- 1207. RELIABLE MOTHER of three woutd like to do day cere ln my home, White Oaks Crt. Age 2 and up. References evailabie. Star- ting Sept. 668-2338. 1-800-268-6362 Beautiuui -occasion greeîang carda. personalized ststionery and unique gift idees . .. ail 0f those aweit you in our f ree colour brochure feeturing the new UNICEF collection. For a FREE BROCHURE cal the toit free number and ask for Op.rator 508. In TOROO: For ree brochure and sales Information call 947-I1565. Senu a UNICEF ca 4 d y Slad hP r, a chMIdn a béter future unicef A UCTIONS FUN IF0R THE WHOLE FAMILY ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKEND BA~CK PAIN? POORPOSTURE? caii68-251f or H EL P I - - Please check your avrie ntfreri-ors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will ot be liable for failure to pubish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error tip to a maximum Cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to cîassify or reject aIl advertise- ments. Ads mnust appear in the oaper one day before they can be changed or CanCeîîed. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 110 eaCh addition- aI word if pre-paid. You -may charge your Cîassified Ad to ,TENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12o eaoh additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS OF THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 50 words; 12o each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 34e per line. (No word ads alîowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wilI make every en- deavour to forward rEýplies to box numbers, however, we ac. cept no liability regarding Ioss or damage alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We wMI flot be responsible for box number replies flot caîîed for within 30 days. DEADLIN ES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon'prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 CN RAIL PUBLIC NOTICE Canadian National Railways proposes to relocato Its Ajax Team Track In the Town of Ajax, Regional MunicIpaiity of Durham, to a location on tho south aide of Hunt Street Just wost of Monarch Streot, also ln tho Town of Ajax. Approximatoiy 150 moIres of track locaed west of Westney Roed and juat south of Highway No. 401 prosontiy used as a teming feciiity, wIii be physicaily retirod and repiacod by approximateiy 130 metres of track et the above-notod location. A truck apron ares wili be con- structed et the now facility suitabie for use by ail vehiclos uaing the prosont faciiity. Enquirios rogarding thoe bove should be dirocted to: Mr. A. G. Bertolo, P. Eng. Engineor Spociel Projecte Room 1213 - 20 York Street Toronto, Ontario M5J 1E7 Til: (416) 860-2481 If any person has objections to the above proposod works, those shouId be convoyed ln writing to: Mr. J. OHara Socrotery Raiîwey Transport Committee Canadien Transport Commission Ottawa, Ontario K1 AON9 A copy sa to bo sent to: Mr. G. A. Van do Wator Vice-Prosidont Canadien National Raiiweys Great Lekes Rogion Suite 805 271 Front Stroot West Toronto, Ontario M5V 2X7 Attention: Mr. J. A. CioWos B&L LANDSCAPING GARDEN MAINTENANCE Rosidential, Commercial. Pruning, troe romovel, sidoweiks, patios, foncing, iawns seedod, soddod, fer- tiiized, 30 years. Durham Rogion. 623-3299 WEED CONTROL Priced based on 5,000 sq. ft. LOU'S LAWN SER VICE 728-3589 ARTICLES 649-2002 aller 5p.m. R FOR RENT HR 1 - ACCOMMODATIONsousMaT& TYPEWRITER rentai, manymekes Ac z PIES and modela, by the weekend, VICES CNDS FOR 0RENT

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