WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1984, PAGE 13 3 ANC: 4 GOLD.l SILVER, 3 BR OP >3 WOR LD .REC NOW THAT 9s qIZ-E ýomDs COMING THROUGHI 1984 CANADIAN OLYMPIC SWVIM TEAM. Back row left: Reema Abdo. Peter Szmidt. David Shemilt. Bernhard Voîz. David Ch urch ili. Cameran Henning. Sandy Gass. Alex Baumanin. Victor Davis. Mike West, Marco Veil leux. Benoit Clement. Wayne Kelly. Rab Chernaff. Blair Hicken. Ken Fitzpatrick. Peter Ward Middle rawlef: Michelle MacPherson. Karen Ward. Marie Moare. CindyOunpuu. Jane Kerr. Alisan Dazza, Jili Harstead. Tam Panti ng, Anne Otten brite. Peter Dabsan Baftam rawleft: NathalieGingras. Mary Lubawski. MelindaCopp. Maureen New. Lisa Barshalt. Garai Klimpel. Cheryl McArtan. Julie Daigneault. Danna McGinnis. Pamela Rai Absent f ram phatagraph: Levente Mady Ail of Canada is proud of you for yaur remarkable performance at the Games of the XXlllrd Olympiad. And Esso 15 especially proud. As the major corporate sponsor of Canadian amateur swim mers since 1978, we know the awesame effort it takes to achieve the kind of perfection that makes you the best. The best in the world! Congratulations ta yau, and toalal Olym plans who represented Canada sa gloriously in Las Angeles. You mAe us bettier