PAGE 6. WEDNESDAY. AIJGUST 1, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS Br~k1in Byines 65537BETTY-JEAN BLYTH Call6537 with Items for this column According to some statistics at ieast 95 per cent of the population suffer from insomnia at least sometixne during their lifetime. Like the common cold, there are as rnany cures as there are suf- ferers. During the years I have been plagued with this af- fliction quite frequently and have tried most of the rernedies suggested by both the professionals and the layrnan. First, of course, are sleeping pilla. Thes.e fall into two categories, the ones that zonk you out irnmediately and leave you feeling zonked for the next two days and the ones that merely make you feel drowsy. These are the rnost insiduous because while you're lying there waiting for sleep to corne, you start to worry about whether you'll be 80 sound asleep that you won't hear the kids if they need you or smell smoke if there's a fire etc. Next thing you know you're even wider awake than when you started. Ainong the home remedies are such thinigs as warm miik (what a revolting thought) most of 'you parents know that it doesn't even work for babies. Another highly recomrnended tonic is a "good stiff drink". Its fine if you don't mind coming to, a few hours later wlth a hangover. Among the non-medicinal cures are such things as llstening to'musie. In our farnily it seerns to work SPECIA L THIS WEEKI 1x12 KiIn Driec White Pine Regg. $1.45 75S' lin. ft. s e s - I - MITCHfELL BROTHEl CASSEU £& CMURCH Sr. BROOKLIN 655-491 for ýthe sufferer but it wakes up everyone else 80 in'- stead of.just one Insomnlac, we end up wlth a whole house full. I've aiso 'tried the old counting sheep technique. This starts out fine wlth rny plcturing al these littie white fluffy sheep hopplng over a -fence in a sultable rural setting but then rny mmnd begins to play tricks and suddenly a black one or one with only three legs appears. Now I start worrying about should I count these separately and if I do how arn I going to keep track of whlch are which or the mathemnatical probability 0 f any more of thern showing up and.... wèll, I'm sure you get the picture. Someone once suggested reading myseif to sleep, but a confirrned bookaholie like myseif neyer faîls asleep reading. I just stay up ail night to find out how it ail cornes out. Another thing I've tried of late is doing one of those diabolical crosswords found in some of the major newspapers. The ones where -you have to soive thé puzzle of the definition before you can find the word that fits. This usually proves s0 taxing to rny feeble littie brain that I doze off pencil in hand and glasses askew., Then ail night long by sub- conscious keeps working at the darrn thing and I get up in the rnorning feeling like I've just been put through the inquisition. Now however, I've corne Up with the perfect cure. I conternplated putting a patent on it but then I decided that in the interests of humnanity, 1 would share it with the world for free. It's 80 simple I'rn surprised that, sorneone hasn't corne up with it before. Are your ready? The perfect cure for in- somnia is the alarrn dock going off? 0f course, there are a few bugs that have to be worked out first like rnaybe lil have to go on the night shift or alternately I couid set it for 3 a.m., the time when I usually wake Up and can't get back to sleep. V'Il have to report back on how this works out later if I'rn still alive ý ... there's the distinct possibility that I rnay be murdered in rny sleep by my nearest and dearest. NEW EXECUTIVE Brooklin and District Kinettes had an election recently to choose the executive for the 1984/85 season. The results are as foliows: president - Gloria Vipond; secretary - Suzanne Lee; treasurer - Brenda Morden; registrar - Gertie Tabor; directors" -,Jean Philips, Linda Death and Leslie MeCabe. The next meeting wrnl be heid in September. V'Il f11 you in on the place and date at a later tirne. SEASON ENDS Brooklin Redmen have finished their regular sehedule of garnes in second place behing Peter-, borough. The playoffs for the chance to compete for the Mann Cup start shortly but the schedule is not available at this tirne. THE CORPORATION OFTHE TOWN 0F WHITBY IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE, ACT, R.S.O. 1980, CHAPTER 337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F PASSINQ 0F.BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby has passed By-law No. 1707-84 to designate the foîlowing property as being of architectural andlor historical value or In- terest under Part IV of The Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 337: Arthur Archibaid House 513 Centre Street South Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 513 CENTRE STREET SOUTH, WHUTBY Historicel Both the original owner (Arthur Archibaid> and the architeot (S.J. Spail) of 513 Centre Street South had important roles In WhItby's past. Archîbaîd was principal of Whitby High School f rom 1927 to 1942 and an inspector of Public Schools for South Ontario County f rom 1942 to 1959. Spaîl was con- struction supervisor for the Ontario Psychiatrlc Hospital and deslgned a number of Instîtutionai buildings In the area. Architecturai The Archlbald House Is an interesting example of an earîy 2Oth Century suburban house with Gothic Revival and Tudor Revlval features. DATED at'the Town of Whitby thîs 25th day of July, 1984. Donald G. McKay Town ClerIk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whltby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Here are some-of the routes available now! Route No. 1010 180 papers -. deiivering to Hawkstone, Powell, Gibb, Sawdon, and Crawker Court. Route No. 1021 135 papers - deiivering to Kirby Cres., Winston Cres., and Janedale Cres. Route No. 1040 50 papers - delivering to Hazelwood Drive and Jeanne Court. Route No. 1045 100 papers- delivering to Meadow Cres., Forest Rd. Meadow Rd. and Westwood Rd. 0l Route No. 1094 100 papers - delivering to Gilbert St. E., Ontario St. E. St. John St. E., Green St., Athol St., and Peel St. Route No. 1117 150 papers - deîivering to Coîborne St.W., Dunlop St.W., Gilbert St. W., King St. Centre St. and Byron St. CALL CIRCULATION 668-6>'111 (ROUTE CARRIERS EARN SI