Whitby Free Press, 1 Aug 1984, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WFDNESDÀY. AUGUST 1. 1984, WHITIBY FRE ARTICLESCLE Sa FOR SALE FORM SALE Kenmore humidifier, $20. Antique floor radio, $50. Mantel radio, -$10. èaeeboard heatere, $2. Floar polishar, $15. New ecaiioped edge biind, $20. Beatty automatia antique Ironer, $50. Leather sutcase, $15. Prices negotiabie. Calil668-2800. FOR SALE rad, $120. AM/FM casseit ,i100. Roof rack, $20. Bike, $15. 10 speed bike parte,. $10. Atarnator, $30. Master cylinder, $15. 2 Honda Civic rime, $30. Double b.d epring, $10. Snowbiowar, $150. Couch, $25. Phono 655-8758. ONYX CHESETS, %Aztec style, asaorted colora, $55 each. Frigidaire automatia drier $100. Record collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 man lent $160. Baily raceway pinbaii machine, noeds some work, $35. Phone 985-9258. PINE CANONBALL bedroomn suite. 9 monîhe aid. Moving muet sali. Excellent condition. Asking $1,300.Calil 66125. FOR SALE Fiexpring diving board, 12' ianglh for ewimming Pool, $100. Approx. 220' chain iink fence, 2" mesh Inlil gauge, vinyl covered, 42" high wlh gaivanized toprali, cape, raiiend aesembiy, offset bande and ten- sion bars, (note no posa), $165. Aieo 3 gales, 42" high x 33" x 43" x 43", $17 each. Pool vacuum hoee, 11/"x40', $17. Aiea 3/4 rope and 4 bouys, 20' iength, $15. 3 bicyclese, 1 mens, 23" Simpson Sears, 10 epeed Fire Spirit, $75, 1 boy'a, 18" C.T.C. Supercycle, 3 epeed, $55. 1 ladies 19h" C.T.C. Supercycie coaster, $60. Alil the aboya In goad condition. Cali Len 655-4719. HUMIDIFIER, $75. Brase and fiat back glass door firepiace caver, $50. 1974 Austin Marina, 1978 motar, burne no cil, excellent runnlng condition, good body, $900. Cali 686-3323 anytime. FOR SALE boy'e bike, 26" tires, $30. Phone 668-8429. FOR SALE Dorel chlld safety seat, $33. Stanlees steel double slnk with Arborito, $45. Phone 6688. STEEL FENCE POSTS,- ail ln wrought ron back - 4 corner pons, 2 gate poste, 1 gale for 601, tance, 9 ina posta, approx. 100 fi. top rail,< $110. Rael type lawn- mower, powered by Brigge and Straton 3.5 HP. angine, self propeled, $75. Phone 655-3670. 48 CEDAR 4x4'9, 8ft, long, $5.50 each. Phone 655-4200. FOR SALE'new mapie dlning set, 6 chairs, 81111 un boxas, $1,000 naw - asking $800 or beel offer. Green antique satin drapes, $50. inlng roo mIlight fixture, $30. Aluminum door, $25. Tires 14x15 Inchas, $5 each. G.M. rms, $10 each. Bumper jack, $8. Muet sali. Cali 571-0271 anytîme. DINING ROOM SET - buffetl, iiutch, table and 4 chairs. Ex- collent condition, $595. Sunger sowing machune In cabinet, $95. Men'a 10 apeed bika, $70. Cali 8834638l. REALISTIC PORTABLE Programmable Scanner. 4 mon. tha old. AC Adaplor and batteries Inci., $360 f lrr. Ask for Terry. Phone 433-865. G.E. 10,000 B.T.U. air con- c0tionor. Vertical window modal, usod 3 aummers. Asklng $30 1krm. 868-4639 aller 4 p.m. TWO shopping carte, $20. Threo wiooden soff drink cantons, $2 ooch. Phono 666-3632. ROOM SIZE carpeting, neariy new. Light green, 11lftx27f t, $340. Light blue, 1f.xll½tfl., $140. Tan, 1O½hft.xll½hft., $130. Phone 434-5580. COMPUTER - Radio Shack TR5- 80 Mod. I., 16K. Includes keyboard, monitor cassette drive, Joystick, manuel and handbooks, plus quantily of cassettes, $300. Phone 655-3854 after 5 p.m. SAUNA IIEATER. 6 KWN Fennon sauna healer. Stainles asteel In- aide, baked enamnel outeide, complete with contrai, $340. 668- 0786 afterS5 p.m. ONE PAIR ladies rolier skates size 8, $40. One aiumInum door 34" x 80", $15. One Mareon spray paint gun Ilke new, $75. 50ft. iink fencing plus gales $30. Phone 683.845. TH REE G-70 14" snow ti res. 2 on rima, 1 G-70 14" regular tire, 1 year oid, $60. CCM Galaxie Coaster bike, good condition, $50. Firepiace set, Includes 3 bools, fireecreen and wood hoider In Swediah steel, excellent con- dition, $50 or bet offer. 576-0864. ONE BUNOLE cedar shime, $5. Some piywood paes. 1" round atone, $10 yard. Green roof shIngies. Phone 655-4035. BIKES ladies 10 apeed, $80. Boys and girls, $40. IBM eiectric office typewriter, excellent condition, $100. Picnic table, $30. Oak chairs (4), $15 each. Bookcase, $18. Step-iadder, $10. Car rampa, $25 a pair. Eiectric atove, good for cottage, $50. Oak table, $85. Cati 6836638. FOR SALE 2 aiumlnum doors R.H. 34x82, $30 each or $50 for bath. Set of 4 whoels, G.M., 15" 'widerime, $100 take ail. 'h Ion plckup cap, fibergiasa, 1ke new, $325. Siingerland drums, 6 places, cymbale, cases, har- dware, and extras, $1,00 or beet offer, Phone 683495 afler 4:30 P.m. STEREO 120 watt amp. Marantz tuner, LARGE speakers, $50. Stand-up humidifier, $50. Large woodstove, brick ined, glass front, neyer used, $450. Piller Queen with power head, $450. Gaos wead sater, neyer ueed, $150. Phone 683-8081. ýWhen the advertised Item le aold, dispoaed of, or unavailabie for whatever reason, the Item wili be deemed to have been soid and a commiasion wiii be charged baaed on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iiiustrated beiow, ragardiesa If price la stated with "beat offer". If the Item ls NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wiii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wiii appiy payable ln advance of publication of the tirai ad. Otherwlae a $750 charge wiii ap- rýIy if biiied which muet be paid upon receipt of bilt. The above minimum chargea wiii be appiied to, the final commission due but In any case the higheramount wiii be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid; $750 bilied. Maximum commission: $10000. Aul advertisementa muet be piaced on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run aileasi one mont1ilf not soid. RATES (if article la soid): 5% of advertîaed prIce up to $400.0 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item adverllsed for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 (minimum charge le $6.00). Privaie advertising oiyl Pisase notify the Whitby Free Prose Immediateiy whén Item le soid an Ihat we may delele l from the foiiowing Issue. Ail ada not fitting the Emporium guidelines wiii be treated and charged per week as reguiar ciassified ada on a pre-paid basia such as: services, heip wanted, ciolhIng, reai estate, and personai message type ada, or ada not quoting price or quantily. Privaite ciassified ada may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WîLL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, LIN 551 If ln doubt cali: 668-6111 OR DELI VER TO: 131 Brook St, N. Whllby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE I FRIDAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ARTICLES MUSICEALL FOR SALE] 4l[MTUENTS1 FOR SALE Teak dinalte set, 1 table and 6 chairs, $250. Gr's desk, $50. Two wooden cheat of drawars, $30 each. Two wooden bunk bada, $75 each. Taak bed. for dan, $120. Antique radio In cabunet, $50. Large wooded desk, $80. Drapery, $200. 1 -epeed bicycle, $70. Wheei barraw, $20. Phone 683-7132 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE Commercial fioor polisher, $800. Aiso 1976 Ford Truck -V ton, p.b., p.s.,. c.t., AMIFM radio and 8 track, angine good, needa some bodywork. As la $2000. Phone aflar 5 p.m., 728- 8794. ANTIQUE'nuraing rocking chair, $80. Dapression glass, (Amber Madrid) 8 place setting, $250. 8mm movie camera and projoc- tor, $150. 9x12 rug, hand wovon, $250. Phone 655-3127. SWIVEL ROCKER arm chair, brown tweed, $85. Two ther- mopanes, 6511x3611, $25 each. Phone 668-2155. TWO LAMPS, brase finush, $40 pair. Two bar stoots, $25 pair. Al Items excellent condition. 427- 7069. VIDEO MONITOR for per sonal computer. Zenith 12" $99. 683- 3894. UPRIGHT PIANO; C.E. Little and Sons Tottanham. Neede tuning. $550 f lrm. Phone 668&3817 after 5 p.m. KAY GUITAR for soie Includes casa and 6 watt amp., $150. Phono 655-3865. ACCOUSTIC GUITAR, Fonder, Modal F25, wlth case, $200 or beal offer.. 68-8545 after 7:30 p.m. lil' TRUCK CAMPER. Steeps six, oven, 3 b urner stove, eiectric and 12 voit iights, tllet, $2,5S0. Cati 655-8052. ELECTRIC STOVE for sale, neariy new, green, $175. Rocklng chair, $65. China cabinet, 31h tt. un hoight and 5 ftL un iangth, $65. 683-8638. FREEZER, WESTINGHOUSE, 19 cubic feet. Neyer bean used. $300. Cail afler 6 p.m., 668-4870. ANTIQUE Jacobean wainut aide chair, $100. Gold vaivet love seat, $125. Kidnay, vanity and etool, $25. Stareo, receiver and speakers, $175. Oak, wood waiiunit for TV and VOR, com- plota with 3 drawers undernoath, brand new, $375.8668-7091. HOOVER SPIN washerldryer for sale. 10 montha aid. $250. Phone 683-4104. MOTORYCLES 1 One ad un the Whitby FOR SALE Frea PresEmpori. > um Section wili seai aimost anythung. 1983 VAMAHA DT 125K. 2 stroke, Coul 668-6111 10 iiquid cooied. $1,000 or b.st of- place your ad. fer. Cati Steve et1668 1093. Meel the "Recycler ol Unwants" The EnîPOrlum Secion GItho WhIIbv Free PreSSI There is no rea- son to keep things you don't need or enjoy be- cause they're valuable. There are customers willing to pay good money for things you've tir- ed of. Contact the "Recycler of Unwants", the classified depart- ment of the Whitby Free Press. You wilI be pleased with the quick resu Its. As fast as a phone cati, re- suits happen! I have read the Emporium guidelines and wish to have the following advertise- ment placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. (don't forget to include your phone number) [-1 1 enclose $6.00 ta cover the minimum charge. 1. Charge $6.00 to mny Visa account, I-J Bill me $7.50 af ter f irst publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Name (please print - f irst and last name) Street Address CIty Postal Code MAIL TO: WITBY FREE PRESS P.0. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby Li N 5S1 AUTMBILES 1975 LINCOLN, 2-door, for parts and Iierior parts, $100. 2 Good Ysear polyester lires on rime, 76x13, $10 each. 2 Good Vear beled radiai tires on rime, 78x13, $10 each. Phono 655-3006. 1975 DART for parti. Fîbreglase front fendiers. Aekîng $150. Phone 655-3245. SFT fibreglase and wood truck cap. $100 or beet offer. Phone 433-4279. 302 MOTOR and 3 epeed stan- dard transmission, excellent running condition, $250. Phone 655-3006. FOR SALE four Firestone HPR radiai biackwaiis, size P1956R14, 40 per cent worn, $150 firm. One brand new Edelbrock SP2P aluminum Intake manifold, complote with gaekat Installation kit for emali block Chsv, $225. One new Chrysler AMIFM etereo MPX radio, $75. One Motorola AM/FM MPX auto reverse cassette, $150 f rm. One Chrysier AM radio, $25. One Holley 600 CFM 4bbi carb., rebuilt, $50. One 'Carter AFB 4bbi., $25. Two Carter Chrysier thermo Quad 4bbI, $25. One 340 factory AVS 4bbi intake manifold, $40. One factory 318 4bbi. intake manifold spread bore, $50. One 340 4bbi air cleanar and base, $20.> One 360 ,4bbi, ChrysIer,- engin., $150. One 1968 273 engine In places, $75. Autamatic Irans for aboya angine, $25. Two 14"x6" Chrysier Rallye wheais, 41A" boit circia, complote, $50. One new door skln for paseenger sida, 67 10 69 Barracuda, $45. Phone 655-3266. THINK MONEY - Think the Whi,- by Free Press Emporium Section. One email advertisement la aitlti takes. Place your article for sale ln the Whitby Free Press and gel timmediate rasuits. Ttfe Free Press la read by ovar 70,000 potential buyere each weak. Think about what we can do for you ...lther, caîl us. Whitby Free Press 686111. wý> cou us Now At 668-6111 Or Use This Form To Mail Your Ad ln, 1977 MUSTANG. 4 cyinder, standard, new angine, AMIFM radio, sunroof., Needa a 11111e body work. Uncertifîed, $900 or beet offer, Phonoe683-9087. 1977 PLYMOUTH Cordoba. Run- ning order, couid b. certified, $200. Phone 655-3006. 1977 PINTO hatchback, 4 cylin. der, automatic, RaIly wheels, $1500. Phone 668&5909. 1976 AMC HORNET WAGON. Air conditionlng, tilt wheai, reciining buckets, p.e., p.b., factor Raliy wheia, good body, 6 cyiindar, 73,000 miles. Aeking $1,600, car- tif lad. 668-3581. 1975 DODGE DART SPORT 318 V8 auto, -mechanicaliy Ai, top end rebulil, buis 10t prove. Little body work noessary, good rub. ber, aasiiy certîfiabie. $500 as le. 668-3692. 1975 LTD. Station wagon. V8, power steerIng and brakes, air conditioned, $500. OeIl 655-8052. 1974 VEGA $100 or ýbeet offer. Phone 655-3885. 1973 VALIANT reilabie elant, 6 angine, easiiy certified, $600. Cali 666-3068 afler 6 p.m. or waek. ends. 1973 DATSUN, Good for parts, running condition, 4 cylinder, 4 spaed. Asking $175 as le. 1967 Pontiac Strato Chief, runs Ilke new. Asking $925 as la. Phrone 723-3320. FOR SALE 1973 VW Boette. Ex- cellant motor, 58,000 miles, new heater boxes and muffler, 4 new steel b.lled radiai tiras. Neadas f loor rapaired on drivers sida and rear fonder. $50. Phono 666- 1195. 1972 TOYOTA CELICA ST. $100 or beet offer. Phone 668-7546. 1971 BUICK LESABRE. Good mechanuicaily, rebuIt tran- smission, gaod motor, gos tank, asktng $325. PMase colt 723-4238 fromn 9 o.m. ta 5 p.m. or 576-1911 atter 5 p.m. - 196 LINCOLN. Restorod ta original. Neoda painting, $3,500. Cmii 655-8052. CONFUStu? Pease coul us any lime If the Emporium guldeiines' confuse you. Wo'iI b. giad to an- swor any questions yoLà have. Phono 668-6111l anytime.

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