PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS "The Gm G(ame" portrays the human comedy Ai xunny, roucnlng story of the humnan con- dition wil take to the stage of the Marigold Dinner Playhouse tonight as the curtain goes up on its produc- tion of "The Gin Game". The show stars Murray Westgate and Doris Petrie, two veteran Canadian ac- tors whose long liet of credits sbould bring mucb to this version of the Broadway classic. "It's a play about loneliness," l .Murray Westgate says. "'It has tragie undertones. It's a definite love story. 1 "The Gin Game" cen- tres on two residents of a senior citizens home, who in an effort to rG OSPEL CONCER T IN THE PARK W FEATURING REV. TOM WRIGHT 100 HUNTLEY ST. OTTAWA, ONT. i SUNDAYAUGUST1j2 6:30 P. M. i ROTARY PARK, WHITBY CORNERBROCK & BURNS ST. S Sponsor.d by Whitby Christian Assombiy Rev. Garry Fess, Pastor. E Lu 0 ~f~clm-jj dispeil their loneliness, share the frustrations of their lives over that simple game of cards. The story begins when Westgate's character, who fancies himself an expert at gin, teachers Petrie's character how to play the game only to discover that she rapidly becomes the better player. "«Everyone wil see something of them- selves or their families in this play," Westgate gays. This is Westgate's third appearance at the Marigold having been featured in 'il Be Back Before Midnight" and last year's produc- tion of "On Golden Pond" in which Petrie also appeared. Both actors have nothing but praise for the theatre and believe that its intimate size and atmosphere wil prove perfect for this play. One thing both had to learn was to, play gin properly otherwise the story can become trite. "You have to play the game and play it properly, Po Westgate says.' "We have to do it right. It's ail carefuily choreographed." Both Westgate and *HANDBILLS *BOOKLETS Murray Westgate and Doris Petrie are seen rehearsing a scene from "The Gin Game"I whic h opens tonight at the Marigold Dinner Playhouse.' Both these Canadian actors have appeared at the local theatrical outiet before. They- appeared, together in last year's production of "On Golden Pond" and Westgate was featured before that in -11l' Be Back Before Midnight" . "The Gin Game" wil play at the Marigold until Sept. 23. Free Press Staff Photo Petrie have to play their hands on cue to ensure the play takes its proper course. Petrie says that what appeals to her about the play is that these two old souls corne together and share each others loneliness and frustration while discovering they have similiar problems. "It's a very human play," she says, "lIt's the human comedy."' Westgate added that "They wil identify theypre living i senior citizens who take with it but they probably feeling. in "The Gin Game"' won't admit it,"I he says "The Gin Game" N may not like what they adding that it really run at the Marigold w see, cornes close to what Sept. 23. Vandals cause $8,000 damage to cars Vandals caused about $4,O0O to eight brand new cars at the Nurse Chevrolet Oldsmobile dealership somnetime over the weekend. According to a ;~BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ?Steady family business with living - Squarters, no speCial skilis needed, Svendor wili train, must seli for health reasons. Your wiiingness to work hard f or a deCent living and an in' dependant Ilfe style Ml bring it's own rewards. $150,000.00. FinanClng - aval lable to qualifled purchasers. MFor more Information teisphono Cec Mg Knoll at 705-295-4450 of Bowes& Cocks, Brldgenorth, Ontario. TE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY TOWN QF WHITBY MUNICIPAL OFFICES C LO0SE D CIVIC DAY - MON DAY, AUG UST 6, 1984 WH ITBY TRANSIT THE WHITBY TRANSIT SYSTEMMWILL NOT BE IN OPERATION ON MON- DAYAUGUST 6, 1984, BECAUSE0F THE CIVIC DAY HOLIDAY. TH-E TRANSIT SYSTEM WILL RESUME NORMAL OPERATIONS ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 7,1984. WE REGRET ANY INCONVENIENCE THAT MAY BE CAUSED BY THIS AC- TION. R.A. KUWAHARA, P. Eng., Directar 0f Public Works. p'1890 CIRCA. Pine piank floors, aid oak & mIrror* Iimanti original stained glass. New basement with pc. upgraded broadioom. W/O ta huge yard. Lillan North, 668-6221, 668-7479. Durham Regional Police Force two 1984 Corvettes were parked on the Dundas St. E. car lot when someone took a sharp instrument and severely scratched the paint. Police estimated that it would cost $1,O0 Our office is clos e dMon day ând Winl ntil Ini another act of van- dalism, Six vehicles parked in the rear com- pound of the lot were damaged when someone threw rocks at them, prohably from the near- by plaza. The damages were estimated at In honor of the Civic Da y holiday, the offices --f' the, W hitby Free Press will be closed next Monday, August 6. The deadline for display advertising submissions shail be this Friday at 4 p.m. Furthermore, the deadline for our Em- porium pages and our classified advertising tL~J12iIC.1 1 kTRUST CORPORATION WHITY CETRALWhitby 668-8865 Reduced to seil $72,900. CharmingI aider home, right in town, convenient to everything, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, huge country kitchen, new furnace, air tight stove, shows to per- fectiori. Cati Maursen Those organizations wishing to submit press releases and other news articles for next week's edition are asked to submit them before. .2 p.m. aswell. The staff of the Whit- by Free Press would like to take this oppor- tunity to wish ail our readers a happy 668.983, Tor.-1 LIns 2941372 Ext. 238. IRoman Catholic Churches, ST. JOHN THE EVANGELUST 903 Giffard St., Whitby 668-3676 MASSES Saturday, 7 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m., 10-,30 a.m., 12:15 p.m., 8p.m. BadlSt. N.LEO'S in 668-3676 MASSES' Saturday, 5 p.m- "Know that 1 arn with youalways; yes to the end of'time." Mati 'HOL 91 Rlbt (at Ma 5W MI Satui Y FAMILY biesdaie Drive annlng Road) 76-2098 ASSES rday, 5 p.m. day, 9 a.m. t .28:20 i Une 294-1372 Ext. 238.