By ERICA NEMIS Durham Region Lung Association will be of- fering free Lung Fun- etion Tests at the Oshawa Centre' on Friday, June 22 from 1 to6 p.m. The association's ob- jective in providing this service is to identify in- dividuals with the early symptoms of obstruc- tive lung disease, and encourage them to seek prompt medical atten- tion. Testing -takes ap- proximately four minutes, is completely painless and.coes 'not require removal of clothing. The procedure is not an X-ray. It is not necessary to make an appointmnent for testing, which is provided on a "is come, first served" basis, with test results calculated on the spot by a qualified respiratory. teclinolo- gist. The lung association liopes that by offering easy'access to lung fun- etion testing,- more people, wiil becomne aware of potential %. ç3.HAY RIDES! SU'MMEýR threats of resplratory liealtli. their It is estimated that over four million Canadians currently suffer from ailments af- fecting the lungs and airways, with smoking, pollution and oc- cupational ' hazards cited as prime factors in the increasing incidence 0f these conditions. Anyone wantinig more information on this free Chiristmas Seal service, caîl the Durhiam Region Lung Association at 723- HORSE CAMP HUGE INDOOR ARENAI AGES 8T0 16 YEARS - BEGINNER TO ADVANCED SESSIONS JULY 3-13 JULY 16-27 JULY 30- AUG. 10 AUG. 13-24 $180 $200 $180 $200 FOR FOR FOR FOR 9 DAYS 10 DAYS 9 DAYS 10 DAYS 9 A. M, TO 3:30 P. M. TRANSPORTATION CAN BE ARRANGED FOR FURTH ER-IN FORMATION CO NTACT SA N DRA B ROWN PROGRAM CO-ORDINATOR 686m4641 OSHAWA'»CAR CA'RE'LTD. The Collision Repair Experts in Oshawa EARLY SUMME R S.Ipecial NO INTEREST' ON 3 MONTH FINANCING ON ANY COMPLETE AUTO BODY REPAIRS AND PAINT JOBS TRUCKS- INCLUDED. WE ALSO DO -E gile ShampooingI -terlor ShampooingI -SthGrigof oteiors -Rct-ust r of o teio s DETAILS AVAILABLE OSHAWA CAR CARE LTDU 576&1019 6W0 Drake St.., OSHAWA South of Bloor St. East of Wilson M j~1 PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS L ung testin cnine Property Is the fruit of labour; property is desirabie; It is a positive good. Abraham Lincoln. (1809-1865) The sky is blue, the sun is shining and I am sitting lookmng at the garden. Gardens are different things to different people. If you love gardening April, May and June are the busy months and the productive months when plants and trees almost take off in their rush to greet the warmth of the sun. Our gardien is a very special place to us and is just aswe would like it to be. I have spent nxany, too many'happy hours just looking out the window,' staring and planning. It's amazing how many hours one can speid doing this but the rewards are great and one could neyer regret "wasted" hours; to me they are very productive. And talking of gardens and gardening I remem- bered something I had been toid years ago and I had planned to *Write about it. When you garden in the back gardien try to remember to lock doors in the front of the house. If you are in or at the back* of the- bouse you somnetimes are very visible to anyone close hy. A friend of mine had someone walk through the front door and ransack parts of the' bouse. Who would ever think of this happening? This applies to the back of the house too. To walk into the bouse and meet up with a stranger is a shocker too and nothing to be desired. This happened to someone I know and it really, scared her out of lier wits. Walking down the stair- way she cauglit a glimpse of a man bending over a desk and she liollered. No doubt he was scared toi LA/ SINCE 1874ifl FINE DINING LOUNGEý liii THURSDAY'S Iil IIih(LIMIT3 & SALAI) BAR Uil LOBSTEFiS PER PERSON> ONLY I9og!I By RUTII COLES lIllijSUNDAY-BRUNCH- 111FROM 11.3 P.M.&'I Ilili' TUESDAY'S 111 11110LADIES NUGHT ST11'SEAK& LOBSTER DINNER $8n95 DJ ENTERTAINMVENT ui1 LADIES DRIN'KS $l.0PLUS TAX 11h FROM 4 P.M. To CLOSING 119j PLEASE RESERVE 666-3070' 301 BYRON ST. S., WHITOY Iî LIVE ENTERTAINMVENT THURS.-SAT. - 'l w- " Over 500 popular f rame styles I * Custom framlngh * Neediepoint stretching * Matboard, Glas SPICTURE FRAMESI For prompt f riendly service cali1 now 668-4521 8 rs r S t ud 10WhIItby t i si Betweený You and Me il and 12 years of age, on the proper actions to take in case of fire and to make theni more aware of fire preven- tion. There are 16 places open in the session that will run from JuIy 16 to 20 from 1 to4 p.m. There are also 24" places open in the final session that will' run from July 23 to 27 from 9 arn. to 12 noon. There is no fee for this program and each par- ticipant will receive a certificate. Each' session is liMited . ,to, - -0 -..young.- Loto winner «A Whitby resident lias become a Super Loto bonus prize winner. Mr. B. Boyce of Ann Arbor Crt. will share a $10,00 with tliree otlier people after they won in the May 27 Super Loto bonus draw. He will share the prize with Dorothy O'Brien of Mississauga, Joeseph Kryzanowski -of .West Hill andJackle Coffeyoqf -] bm M,. M -0 f >Mm UL) -- A and left in a hurry. Too of ten, women leave their purses near the front door when they enter the bouse and for anyone on the prowl this makes a thef tso easy. They leave the purse but remove wliat tliey want. For some reasoin this has been on my mind and there it was in the Whitby Free Press, an account of this taking place in Whitby. After ail these years it is stili going on so beware that it doesn't happen to you. The spring and summer bring a cooling influence to land near a large body of water, just the reverse to winter when Wt las a moderating Influence. This means that folk who live near a lake can almost en- joy two spring times. Toronto is alive with color, Whitby too when. buds haven't even opened near the lakte. I wonder liow many people use bone meal in tlieir gardens? I had to stop because of dogs diggingup the soul around tlie bone meal. This applies to dead fish too another form of bone nieal but this does flot appeal to me anyway because I don't like dead fish. We find them ail over the lawn dropped by birds as they fly over, mutilated awful looking fish. My liusband loves gardening a nd, always had an Englisli garden whicli wedo not'have liere; too many trees. However, lie doesn't miss it and there is little maintenance liere. July and August are not my favourite times to garden. The reason? I love tanning and swimming. My liusband does not because he burns. We enjoy tis pastime though together and this is why. I shed as many clothes as possible while he adds more. A cap, long sleeved shirt and long trousers protect him against the humn he so easily acquires. In the long run lie seems to end upwith a darker tan than I do whicli I don't understand and almost envy. Our garden is comprised of wild flowers and they multiply like mad. In the beginning I bought beautiful ferns at tlie St. Lawrence market in Toronto and the 'cost: 6 for. $1, but'now they are probably $1 escli. Taîl and straight tliey are -truly beautiful. Once in a whule when people look at tliem and say, "Oh, wliat wonderful source of fiddleheads you have." My reply is a stern look and with as mucli sterness as I can pull together I look at them liard and say, "IYou are dead," they seemn to understand, thank goodness. A dozen years ago while in California I spent many happy -hours enjoying -the gorgeous ferns whicli are quite tropical looking., If only I would think and now it lias corne to pass. Ours are about five feet in height, beautifully shapeid, 50 very graceful. They make a protective screen around a patio and this we cail our secret garden, ful of magie; that wonderful magie of childhood. No doubt my mind goes back to that wonderful book "The Secret Garden." 'After realizing that fernis transplýant'easilyeve'n though tliey are so delicate and fragile, I started to colleet them. Many of -them are from Owen Sound,, Acton andGalt ail thriving- to beat the band;' One a lacey, lovely plant I transplanted, put in a pot and tried to make it into a houseplant. Lost foreverý it just <ied in short order. Violets, pink, purpie, blue and yeilow ail hidden under the ferns but visible in the early spring. Two "Jack in the Pulpits" one of which is rather new, an offspring of tlie original plant. Someone suggested we need a few elves and such under or close to the ferns, not big ones but rather tmny. I have not reached the stage yet tesee- or'even believe in plant and flower fairies. There are sucli things some people .imaintain and rightly so, wliy not? My next priority will be to'find such things including elves and grernlins in a store. My first visit wilI be to a well known flower shop down- town, surely they will have some.. Do you ever look at your garden in the moonliglit? Or- arl-Y mo-vprnn wenth wm4is heavy? Birc