Worden new lung prelsident The annual meeting of Durham Region Lung Association was held on May 10 at Adelaide House Y.W.C.A., Oshawa. The >1984/85 management commit- tee was formaily in- stalled, its menibers representing Bowman- ville, Oshawa, Pickering, Port Perry and Whitby. Donna Worden of Whitby accepted the presidency, .with .the following elected as of- ficers or committee chairmen: .Walter Beath - (Oshawa); Elaine Buchanan (Port, Perry); Margaret Couch (Oshawa); Dr. Myles - Fisher (Oshawa); 'Dr. Scott <Henderson (Whitby);» Veronica Bremner (Oshawa); Sharon Swain (Pickermng); Tony Cowling (Oshawa); Don Sutton (Whitby); Jean Winters (Bowmanville); and, Bob Fry (Oshawa). Highlight of the evenmng was a presen- tation to Jean Pearse, retiring association secretary. In recognition of Pearse's 23 years of service to the lung association, an original' painting depic- ting the main street of her hometown (Fergus, Ontario) had been a commissioned froni 7 local artist, Hugh A Charlebois.M The Durham Region Ci Lung Association raised r, inexcess of $107,Ooo.oo rr during the* 1983 Christ- t mas Seal Campaign, I anid-provided a wide variety of educational 0 and rehabilitative sup- ai port services during its dt past fiscal year. o These included di astham information r programs, 'better du breathing courses for m older aduits with'lung h disease, cold weather tir protection masks, sh, Summe r Camp for 1 asthmatic children and- h the distribution 0f 16,000 im pieces of educational wi WHJTRY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 30. 1984, PAGE 21 901 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA THIS 15 YOUR LAST CHANCE! 3 bedroom home on very large lot, pool with Ige. cedar deck, eat-in- kîtchen, livlngroom with firepiace, just 1/ hr. from, OshawalWhîtby, beautîful vlew of the Nonquon R!yqr, Alng $69,900. Caii 433-4114. Whitby is home to the third Woodcraft Furniture store. Last week, Mayor Bob Attersley (centre) cut the ribbon to officiallyopen the store which 18 located at 111'Dunlop St. W.1 Next to the mayor are Regional Councillor Tom Edwards and -Scugog Mayor Jerry Taylor, the acting Durham Regional chairman. 1Holding the ribbon are Jack Friedman, vice-president of Woodcraft and Mark Mager, president of the firm. The store has a wide selection of hand made pine and oak furniture.whjch the company manufactures itself at their plant in Markham. Free Press Staff Photo Speaking to You By SCOTT FENNELL (PC - Ontario) Many of you might remember that back in December of 1982, the Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce, Ed Lumley, appointed a Federal' Fask Force on the Canadlian Motor Vehicle and Automotive Parts Industry, because the industry l'as. in sueki difficulty. The mandate of the task for- ce, was to consider and determine-policy alter- natives for the Canadian automotive industry. The nembers of the task force were from ail areas of he industry, and presented their final report to the Mimister in May 1983. It is now May 1984, and the Minister has had the )pportunity 0f studying the report for over one year, ind yet, even with urging by ail sectors of this in- lustry, he has not made any decisions. This is not nly an insuit to the members of the task force,' but a isgrace to the industry workers as welI. The ,commendations do not touch the automotive in- ustry alone, as this industry affects many other nanufacturing sectors indirectly. Consequently, he employment possibilities are endless, and at a me of record high. unemployment, the studying hould be over and decisions should be made. We have identified the problems, and recognized iat the future of the automotive industry is of great nportance to notonly Ontario but to Canada as a hole. We cannot afford to wait long periods when REALTOR SEMI1 0F THE WEEK. Absolutely Charming, * Decor. 3 yrs. old, 3 mu m rai bedroom, 11½ baths, tl r quit outmIs o I Thornton Hwy. 2. Must be sold. Asking $62,900. Cili Frank Magnus 579-4010 (24 OFF hrs.). we are dealing with the restructuring of an industry which influences such a wide variety of industries. Traditionaily, we wait too long before we address a problem, our advances in technology is evidence of this fact. The longer the Minister waits the farther our industry fails behind, our. competitors, and the harder it is to catch up. There are too many jobs depending on the out- come of this report. We know that we have ex- perience, the expertise, and the resources - -the Minister should now report hils decisions to Parliament. BIG BEAUTIFUL HOME ON CARTER CRESCENT, WHITBY. Over 2100 square feet, with main level family room with fireplace. Absaluteiy stunning kitchen,ý Hollywood style, with aodles of Oak cup- boards, including B.1. desk alcove. Four spacious bedrooms upstairs, master has ensuite and W/I closet. Close to. park, tennis courts, public and high schooi, convenience plaza, and day care cen- tre. Perfect ln every way for a growing family. Pisase cmii Shirley ýInden 868-8865 or 668-5190. IS YOUR INCOMIE SMALLER THAN YOUR POTENTIAL? If you'te bnqght. drnbitius anrd have a strong drive to succeed. Our CENTURY 21 Iloffice has career opportunities 10 prove Your wnorth ___ A a CE NTURIY 21 sales associate. you can eamn up Io y your maximu t potental We 'D give you the rain ~iiiLUYm g youud expect from Number 1i n North Amnenca. * -~# ir~i. he financial tools and top management support GOLO JACKET REALTY LTD. 686 2 824 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 6862 CANADAS LARGEST REAL ESTATE NTOj CENTUNT 21. IMU OFFICE as INDEPUNDENTLY OWN" &£» 1OPIZATED "Rlght Acrous From Thse Curling Rink" . COMPUTERUZED &PHOTO>\J TH E CORPORATION 0F THETOWN OFWHITBY TOWN 0F WHI TBY 1984 EDUCATIONAL TAX NOTICE The third instalment of taxes for 1984 Is due and payable June 15, 1984. If payment Is flot received by the due date, penalty wiii be added on the first day of default and the f irst day of each calendar month s0 long as non-payment continues, at the rate of 11/¼ % per month or part thereof. Taxes may be paid at any Whitby bank wlthout bank collection charges or at the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Road East, Whltby, Ontario. Corinne Wendt, A.M.C.T.(A), Tax Collector, TOWN 0F WHITBY. THIOPRAINO STHE TOWN 0F WHITBY IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O). 1980, CHAPTER 337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO Xt.&OTICEÈ0F PASSING 0F BY..LAW TAKE NOTICE that Council of the Corporation of. the TOWN of WHITBY has passed By-law No. 1680-84 to designate the following property as being of architectural andior historicai value or In- terest under Part IV-of The Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 337:, Stephen Thomas House 90 Coîston Avenue Brooklin, Ontario R EASONS FOR DESIG NATION 0 90 COLSTON AVENUE, BROOKLIN Hîstorical The house was built in 1859 by Stephen Mede Thamas, a prominent Brookîin businessman. Amangst his accamplishments was the establishment of the Gravesid e Cemnetery which stili serves Braoklin today.' Other prominent business persans wha have awned the hause over the last- 125 years include Col. Albert B. Gaaderham, Gertrude (Heintzman) Van den Berg and James F. Carnwith. Architectural This impressive 21/ storey brick building displays a number of highiy decarative elements such as: - the windows with labels and shutters; the front daorway with transam and sidelights; - the verandah with lattice panels, decorative treillage and bell curved batten roof; trefoil vergeboard decarating the eaves and gables of the roof; and, the front chimney made up of 2 separate brick flues linked at the top by squared chimney pots. There is also a wooden pergola an the property sheltering a walkway which leads from the house ta Baldwin Street. DATED AT THE TOWN 0F WHITBY THIS 30TH DAY 0F MAY, 1984. Michael B. Gaza Deputy Clerk, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario I i 'Si 1 LiN 2MB 1