Whitby Free Press, 23 May 1984, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1984, PAGE 7 1,000 more thau Ma rc h.... 16,452 people looking CDS inspects local seaman VICTORIA - General Gerard C. Tberiault, Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS), pauses to address Master Seaman (MS) Gregory J. Saunders, 27, during an inspection of a Guard of Honor onboard HMCS-Yukon based at CFB Esquimalt (Dockyard). The CDS toured the destroyer during bis recent visit to B. C. Saunders is the sonl 0f Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Saunders of Wbiteash Dr., Wbitby. Canadian Forces Photo by Sgt. J.F. Smith The Church Speaks Sponsored by the WHITBY MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION By THE -REV. STANLEY ISHERWOOD Rector St. John's Anglican Church Since tbe beginning of the montb Our street bas beenl in, turmoil. Not the people, you understand, just the street. Machines have been digging great boles and planting sewer pipes, trucks bave been dumping loads of gravel and sand, and tbe wind coat.s everytbing witb a fine layer of dust. Our street is very rnucb "«under construction", and there is stili a montb and a baif to go. Tbe am azing part is that nobody seems to mnd 1 I believe tbat there are a number of reasons for this lack of turmoil on the part of tbe residents of the street. For one tbing, we were given plenty of war- ning. This is planned turmoil. For another, we al kniow that we wil end up wîth sometbing better tban what we have now. Most improvements seem to corne at tbe cost of some temporary inconvenience. I wonder if the same sort of understanding wbicb is being shown about our road repairs could be demonstrated when we corne across lives wbich are cunder construction". In every life there are times wben it would be appropriate to bang out a warning sign, "life under 'construction" or "detour" to let others know that something special is happening, something wbich might cause upset to others. But people who are experiencing sucb personal turmoil are not normaily able to give advance notice of tbe upset tbey are going to cause. Those close in spirit may learn to sense wben these tirnes are corning and so step warily. Others cannot know. How easy it is to react negatively to signs of upset in tbose we meet casuaily; to respond in kind to the impatient bank teiler, the angry policeman, and 50 compound bis problern and add one of our own. How muchbebtter to see these attitudes as indications that there is some rebuilding going on and that we ourselves rnigbt be able to help. The Bible tells us tbat it is often tbrougb times of difficulty tbat the most important growtb occurs. Not only sbould we see others' upsets as an oppor- tunity to belp, but we are called upon to see our own trials as occasions for rebuilding. "MY brothers, " says James, "'consider yourselves. fortunate wben ail kinds of trials corne your way, for you know that wben your faitb succeeds in facing sucb trials, tbe resuit is the ability to endure." Here on Dufferin Street we do consider ourselves fortunate to be experiencing ail this upset. But it is because we were warned and because we look for- ward to a good outcome. James wants us to bave these same two advantages in Our Christian life. Be assured, times of reconstruction (trials) WinI come for ail of us; be assured, too, tbat tbe outcome can, in God's bands, be good. I DIOUCE i I FOR FIIAMESI " Custom Framing * Needepoint St retching * Hundreds of popular styles. ISAVE'$$$I FORBES REULT BFIN SALONG YOUR PRINTS, PHOTOS, N EEDLEPOINT, OIL PAINTINGS, ETC! I 82 FROST DR., WHITBY h for work locally, The number of clients unemployed and registered for work at the Canada Em- ployment Centres in Ajax, Wbitby and Oshawa for tbe month of April totalled 16,452. In March, tbe total of registered unemployed was 15,135. Placements in the tbree offices totalled 237 for the montb, wbicb compares to a total of 459 placements during Marcb. The majority of clients were registered in material bandling and related; construc- tion trades; product fabricating, assembling an epairing; clerical and re'lated. During April, the greatest employment OPPOrtunities existed in special trade construc-, tion; retail trade; food and beverage; personal and bousehold. In April' 15' new trainees started in In-. dustrial Training ICEC Programs; 13 on the job training and 2 appren- tices, at a cost of $73e969. These ,people 'wii benefit from botb training and em- ployment in the Region 0f Durham. At the end of April, there were 196 students in the skiil courses sponsored by tbe Canada Employment Centre and 36 people receiving academic upgrading at Durham .......... '.. OUTDOOR INN. Family Camping and Backpacking Canadian- European &Oriental'Tents OPENING SPECIALS WhiIe quantfties Iast - Shop early! DOME TENT 3 person 59 HARBOUR 3 person 29O HARBOURReg. 289.95 SHERPAfamily tent SHERPA Reg. $359.95 28O BACKPACKS MESS KIT Vinyl FROM Air Mattress. $5u24 $36Oa199 SLEEPING BAGS - WAIT JUGS. COOLERS 305 B ROC K ST. N., WH ITBY 668»0474 Same locationas Manders Upholstery o mp W' T 4ý - 77777:'ý

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