&PAà -GE 8, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9,1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS " Custom Framlng "Needepoint Stretching- "Hundreds of popular styles. ISAVE,*$$$ I S FOR BEST RESU LTS BÀING A LONG YOUR PRINTS, PHOTOS, SNEEDLEPOINT, OIL PAINTINGS, ETC! 82 FROST DR., WHITBY 668-4521I p remier Premier William Davis wlll place the final.plant.in a Bicen- tennial flowerbed next Thursday (May 10) to mark the opening day of a "Bicentennial in Bloom" contest and the public is invited to at- tend. The site is the Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village were more than 100,000 tulips, daffodils and crocus will be in their peak color for the official opening. "This is a wonderful Bicentennial projet for al gardeners," said Margaret Birch, parliamentary, assistant to Davis. "4I'm especially pleased that there's a special category for young people up to 16 years." The contest is being * THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION M Whitby Centrai Business District Improvemnent Area TAKE NOTICE that the Counicil of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby in- tends to pass a by-Iaw to amend By-Iaw No. 658-78 to increase the maximumn permissible chargethe Council may annuaiîy Ievy in the Whitby Central Business Districtimprovement Area. The purpose 0of the proposed.by-law.is to provide additional monies for the improvement, beautifîcation and maintenance 0f the Whitby Central Business District Improvement Area and the promotion of the Area as a business and shopping area. The effect "of the, proposed by-Iaw wiiI be to increase the maximum per- missibie charge the Council may annuaily Ievy fromn $1O,OOO.OO to $20,OOO.OO.,The by-iaw w.111 apply ta ail persons assessed for business assessment in the Whitby Central Businessý District Improvement Area, as shown below. M If no notice of objection is filed with the Clerk within the time provided, the by-law will corne into effect upon ts final passing by the Council. If a notice of objection is f iled with the Clerk within th e.time provided, the ,proposed by-Iaw will be submitted to the Ontario Municipal Board and the by-law wlll not corne into -ef fect until approved by the 'Ontario Municipal Board. THE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS IS MAY 23,1984. OBJECTIONS MUST BE RECEl VED BY THIS DATE TO BE VALID. DATED at Whitby, Ontario, this lBth day 0f April, A.D., 1984. Donald G. McKay, Clerk The Corporation -of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossîand Road East Whitby, Ontario - L1N 2M8 Phone:.(16)668-5803 M lto plani presented with the co- operation of Weall and Cullen Nurseries, 590 CKEY, MTV-47 and the Ontario B icentennial Celebrations. "Bicentennial in Bloom will encourage thousands of citizens to beautify the province for this special year," Len Cullen, president of Cullen Gardens said. Flowers may be planted bicent ennial bloom in pots, planters or gar- dens. "The finished plan- ting must in some way reflect our heritage," Cullen added. To qualify, contestan- ts must send an officiai ballot and photograph (either 3-1/ by 5 inches or 4 by 6 inches) to Weall and Cullen Nur- series, 4290 Steeles Ave. E., Milliken, Ontario, Ninacs new head of ladies' auxiliary By ELIZABETH RANSOM' The Auxiliary to the Dr. J.O. Ruddy General Hospital held its annual' meeting recently at St. Mark's United Church Auditorium, at which time members of the executive for 1984-85 were elected., Anna Strike, vice- chairman of Regioný No. 7 of the Hospital Auxiliaries Association, installed the new executive which include president: Barbara Ninacs; first vice- president: Elizabeth Shepley; second. vice-' president: Fran Rich; recording secretar: Helen Colins; corresponding secre- tar: Anne Dvies; and, treasurer: Eve Davies. The > honorary. president is Josephine Ruddy-Wilson and past- president is Kati Crouch. The convenors standing committee ai as follows: social cor mnittee, Phyllis Suttoi co-convenor, Non. Hutchinson; pubi relations, Rosaîir Raymond; co-ordinatg of adult volunteers, E% Avent; membershil Bey Platts; gift shol Mary Kamcki telephone, Elizabei Ransom; constitutic and bylaws, Irene Nu ter; ways and meanç. Judy Moskaluk; and cg ordinator of volunteer Kim Glover. New members of th Auxiliary and additioni volupteers are alway welcome. EDITOR'S NOTE Elizabeth Ransom is thi auxiliary's outgoin public relations officer. I DIS KETTES 5'/" DISKETTES SINGLE SIDE DOUBLE DENSITY 140 Ttack> N97575 SINGLE SIDE DOUBLE DENSITY (80 Track) N97831 SPECIAL PREFORMATED. .DISKETTES SINGLE SIDE SINGLE DENSITY N97525 3.95 a 5.75 ea. DISKETTES FOR OTHER SYSTEMS AVIABEON REQUEST* ....... CENT r LA CONTESSA FINISHIN G TOUCHES is now doing porcelain &acryîic nails ½ 2Price Spe.cial, for a full set of nails Make your appoin- tment now for your new nails or for a new _ hairstyle designed ( especially for you. Of re 140H iKO. Ballots and contest rules are available at Weall and Cullen locations, Cullen Country Barns and Cullen Gardens and, Miniature Village. Prizes include a trip to the Ottawa Tulip Festival on Nordair, special award cer- tificates and invitations to an awards banquet Corr-idor Capers By MARY MCEACHERN Cali 725-8967 with items for this column. M_ 6TH WHITBY CUBS AND SCOUTS n; Paper Drive - the 6th Whitby Scouts wiI hold their de paper drive this Saturday in the area south of No. 2 li Highway and east of Lupin Drive to the Whitby- id Oshawa Townline. Please have papers bundled and or at ,the roadside by 8:30 a.m. for pick-up. ve Storage Space Required - The 6th Whitby Scouts ýp are in dire need of a central storage space for their p, camping equipment etc. If anyone has a space cor- e; ner that would house the camping gear, please con- th tact Linda at 668-5453. t- NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH MEETING s ; If you are interested in forming a Neighbourhood o- Watch-for your area, plan to attend the-meeting at ýs, Dr. Robert Thornton Public School on May 17 at 8:15 à e p.m. P.C. John Bell of the Durham Regional Police ae Force wiil be on hand to explain how Neighbourhood RlWatch works, and how it can help your community Ys reduce the crime rate and break-mns. Although the week of' May 17 is Police Week, P.C. Bell has ~:promised to take time to attend our meetinfg. ig THORNTON CORNERS g COMMUNITY PICNIC A community picnic is being planned for ail per- sons interested in the Thornton's Corners Com- munity Sunday School and the Thornton's Corners School between 1910 and 1960. The picnic will be held at Heydenshore Park in -Whitby on July 15 at 2 p.m. Lunch will be pot luck, so bringyour specialty. Cof- fee and tea will be provided. Interested persons are asked to. bring any memorabilia from the T.C. days and be prepared to discuss another reunion for 1985.>' For further information, caîl Irma Wood at 668- 3687 or Queenie Pipher at 725-2036. WHITBY woMEN'S INSTITUTIE The May meeting,0f the Whitby Women's In- stitute will be held at the home of Mrs., Kay Hepburn, on May 30 at 1: 30 p.m. The roll caîl will be answered bybringing your oldest antique. Visitors are always welcomed. WESTMINSTER UNITED'CHURCH Dr. Kathleen Moorcroft, a member 0f Westmin- ster United Church congregation, wilI be the guest speaker at the special Mother's Day Service on May ,13, conducted by the U.C.W. Special music with the children singing. CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION Executive Meeting - the next executive meeting of C.A.R.A. will be held at the Whitby Municipal Building tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in committee room 1. Visitors welcome.' Annual Meeting and Election of Officers - The an- nual meeting will be held at Dr. Robert Thornton Public School on May 17 at 7:30 p.m. The guest speaker for the evening wiilbe-P.C. John Bell of the Durham Regional Police to speak on 'Neigh- bourhood Watch'. P.C. Bell will be on hand from 8:15 p.m. to the close of the meeting. MONTE CARLO NIGHT AND DANCE Glen Stewart Co-Op Playschool wil sponsor a, Monte Carlo Night and Dance on May 12 at 8 p.m. at the Glen Stewart Park Clubhouse, Oshawa. Tickets are $5 per person which includes $2 of fun money. There are lots and lots of prizes to, be won. The Monte Cierlo night includes a buffet and cash bar. Profits from the evenings fun wil be used to, help.. purchase new equipment for the school and finance' field trips for the children. For tickets or further in-, formation cail 728-936. DR. ROBERT THORNTON PUBLIC SCHOOL» The primary choir wiil be singing at Anderson : UPN TESSA WHITBY THEATRE COMPAN~Y IAIR ALONThe Whitby Theatre Company wil be presenting, AIR ALON'Elephant Many, their latest production, directed by C3reen St., WhitbyTer-ril' Stewart at the Centennial Bidn uWib tomorrow, Friday and.Saturday beginning at 8 p.m. 668-9262 Tickets are available at Middleton's Book Store in ____________ Whitby.l r - - I ~~~1J Y r F I t 'j 'i m r~---i : = .1rý-r= ~r.r.~--- AND TAKE NOTICE that anyperson to whom the proposed by-Iaw applies may object to the proposed by-Iaw by fiiing with the CI0rk of The Cor- poration of the Town of Whitby flot later than the 23rd day 0f May, 1984, a written notice of the objection to the proposed by-Iaw and the reasons in support of the objection. I LA C a tua u 4.90OeaA'