Whitby Free Press, 2 May 1984, p. 22

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PAGE 22, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS Mm.. PR... MU. I Emporium Ads wilI only be accepted subject to the following conditions. FRSLEARTICLE ARTICALES FOR SALE1 KIMBALL ORGAN, $800. coffee table and, 2 end tables, $200. Living roomn chair, $50 Phono 668- 4760. FOR SALE rad, $120. AMIFM Cassett, $100. ýRoof rack, $20. Bika, $15. 10 speed bîke parts, $10. Altemator, $30. Master cylînder, $15. 2 Honda clvlc rima, $30. Double bed sprlng, $10. S Snowblower, $150. couch, $25. Phone 655-8758. FOR SALE windsurfer, new. Asking $600. Phone 66592. ONYX CHESS SETS, Aztec style, aasortad colora, S$55 each. Frigidaire automatlc drier $10. Record collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 man tant $160. Bally racaway plnbail machine, needa some work, $350. Phone 985-9258. FOR SALE baby scala, waighs In pounda, $15. Phone 7233710., CAMERA Ricoh KR-5, 35mm SLR with case. Lîke naw. $120 Taiephone 655-4110 aftar 6 p.m. FOR SALE 5 place dînette suite. Set Includes: 4 chairs and table wlth 'h" thlck smokad glass top. Lîke naw. Asking $300. Phone 666-3068. TRAIN SET FOR SALE 8x4 outlay, 12 Atlas switchas, remota con- trol. Prica $300. Phono 571-2212. BEAUTIFUL LIGHT PURPLE tuf- Sted headboard wlth solld walnut frama for Kng sîza b.d or twln beds together, wlth matchlng bedspraad and drapas. Aitlin very good condition. $225. New ver- tical blinda, beige, l8ft wlde x 45" long and 51ohft wida x 45" long. Coat $675. sali $275. Phono 655- 8764. FOR SALE Colonial style, maple, 7 pce. dining suite, Includes .47" table wîfh 12" leaf, 4 chairs, 43" buffet and hutch, $725. Colonial style mapla captaIns bed, 3 drawers and 4 book shaîves. In- cludes posture board, $190. Cali 66&1565. TABLE à CHAIRS 42" round glass top wlth bras colour legs and four dark brown uphoistared chairs. Like naw. Pald ovar $600. Asklng $400. Please caîl 668-8178 anytime. WESTINGHOUSE de-humidifier, $75. Four drawer lagal sîza fillng cabinet, $30. Electrlc baseboard heatar, $5. Brand naw Jacuzzi awlmmlng pool pump and motor, naw $250, asking $150. Phone 683-8145. FOR SALE Exetron Stringy Flop- py Drives 0 & 1 for TRS80 modal. Plus 33 wafers, data I1O, ESF monitor, Edtaam RIS patch, alec- trlc spread shoot. Small bus. bookkeeping. Asklng $275. Bruce 688-1965. TWO BATHROOM madîcine cabinets, $15 each. One Pot Pourri, $25. One Coca-Cola por- table cooler, $20. On. 7" Jackson Oscilloscope, $75. One Heath Kit oscilloscope, $35. One Porsalin bsthroom sink, $25. One La Fran- ce foamite coppor -f ire ex. tînguisher, $30. Solld oak chîlda school desk, $45. Phonoe68& 4098. FOR SALE realistlc receivorlam- plif ler and speakers. As naw wor- th $400, asking $175. Queen size Royal Orthopedique mattresa unused, $75. Phono 686-1360 ef- torS5 p.m. FRIDGIDAIRE DRYER automatlc, perfect worklng ordor, $185. Bed chastorfiaid, double, good con- dItion, $175. Oak crb, excellent condition, no mattresa,$10 Phone aftar 6 p.m., 655-4164. 100 BAILS of good straw. $1 a bal. Phone aftar 6 p.m., 6554794. WOODEN KITCHEN TABLE and four chairs, two leavas, $250. Duncan Fyfo type table with two les, $75. End tabla, old, $60. Occasalonai chair, $25. Typewrlter, 'manuel, Smith Corons, $45. Phone 683-6638. CALL 008-111 f0 place your ar- ticle for sale. M -PLEASE READ - When the advertIsed Item la aold, disposed of, orunavailable f)r whatever reason, the Item will be deemed to havé been soid and a commission will be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below, regardiesa If prîce la stated with "beat offer" If the, Item la NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wili be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $600 wlll apply payable ln advance of publication of the firat ad. Otherwiae a $7.50 charge wiil ap- ply If billed which'muat be pald upon receipt of bill. The above minimum charges will be applled f0 the final commission due but ln any case the hlgher amount wlll be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid; $7.50 bllled. Maximum commission: $100.00. AIl advertlse7dienta must be placed on an ex- clusive basis wlth the WHIT13Y FREE PRESS and run atleast one month If not soid. 5% of adverted prîce Up to $M0.00 RATES (if article la sold): 2% of balance over $40.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advsrtlsed for $120.00. Commission due $8.00 <minimum charge Ia $6.00). Private advertising onlyl Please notify the Whtby Free Press lmmedlafoly when Item la sold 50 f hat we may delete If from the followlng issue. Ail ada not flttlng tho Emporium guldalines wiIi be treated and chargod per wook as regular cIasslfled ada on a pro-paid basis such as: services, heîp wanta d, ciofhlng, real estate, and personal message type scda, or adia not quoflng price or quantity. Private classiled adia may appear In the Emporium sect ion under appropriate headinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whltby, Li N 5S1 If ln doubt cali: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whltby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. *,ARTICLES jfUSI"'i'-a les' SALESALE] INSTRE1SUMENTS TRAILERJ PANASONIC. B & W, 6" acreen portable ACIDO, $90. Woodstova cylindor shaped, 'k' thîck steel with claanabîe amoke stack, very sturdy, $30. In fine hot wator heator, 220 voit, naw $55. 18 bun- disesof Canada Domtar shingies, green color, $5 per bundîe. Cal 282-8760. KUBOTA FLAIL mower attach- ment, new 5 foot wlro. $1,800. Phone 655-3477. INTELLIVISION Il 12 gamos, ln- teilivolce module, cartridge holdor, lesa than yoar oîd. $375 or basf offor. 688-6539, ask for Paul. FOR SALE new maplo dlning set, 6 chairs, sf111 ln boxas, $1,000 new - asking $80 or beat offer. Green antique satin drapes, $50. Dlning room lght fixture, $30. Alumlnum door, $25. Tires 14x15 Inches, $5 each. G.M. rima, $10 each. Bumper jack, $8. Muet se11. Cai 571-0271 anytîme. FOR SALE Master Craft air con- dit lonar. 5,000 BTu, 3 speed fan, easy f0 Instail, adjustablo fther- mostat, used 2 montha only. $225. Tlephone 666-3408. FOR SALE LOWERY ORGAN "Debut" with "Magic Genie", double keyboard, full rhythm soc- tion, bench and books. Very good condition. Asklng $1 ,200. Phono 655-4995. LADO GUITAR 4 montha old, mint condition, shadow pick-ups, cornes wlth case. $650 or beat of- for. 66-2736 afler 5 p.m., ask for Peter. ANTIQUE PUMP ORGAN Good working condition, $325. Phono 688-0245. LADO ROCK "V', oiectric guitar serial No. 0004. Perfect shape, comes with case, stand and 4-10" speaker cabinet, $525. 668-6539 ask for Paul. RARE 14FT Richardson codar sf rip boat. Upioistered front and rear seats, eîectric start, 35 h.p., Johnston motor, Westcot trailer. Asking $2,600. Phono 723-8228. CABIN CRUISER 1963 Chris Craf t Cavalier. 283 engins, aleepa 5, canopy top, electronica, refur- bishad, dockage paid f111 May/85. $6,500. Phone 686-3957 affer 5 P.m. FOR SALE a box traiter, 4'x6', $325. Calîl 579-4212. MOBILE TRAILER, 30' Chevron <Executiva Model). -1 bedroom, kitchan area, living roomares. Self-dofrostlng refrigerator, self- cîesnlng oven. 3 plece bat hroon - csnopy. $9,500 or beat of fer. Can be sean on site. 723-3710. 12FT. LIONEL HARDTOP tralier, 3 way hook up, 201b. tank, fur- nace, aleepa 8, fridge, stove and lots of cupboard space, very dlean, inside excellent condition. Asklng $3,500. 668-3536 affer 5 p.m. TENT- Canadien Tire Campmato HighwaII. 12'x9'x7'x5'2", f loor 1 place 100% poîyathaîena, vinyl coafed scraening on windows and zippered door, 100% San- forlzad cotton walia and roof, used once. $190. Telephono 86- 3408. I AUTOMOBILES ORCTL'b FO SALE 1 -FRSALE 1976 FORD ELITE $50 as la or good for parts. Phone 655-4407. 197i MONTE CARLO as la or good for parts, $450. Phone 655- 3823. 1974 SCAMP machanicaliy good but body la poor. 60,000 original miles. Any reasonable offer. Would Ilk. $300. Phone 668-1760. 1974 MAVERICK 8 cyl., auto, good mechanically. Asking $200 or beat offar. 1971 Toyota Corons - good machanically. Asking $250 or beet offer. cail 8689335. 1973 DODGE DUSTER for parts. No motor or transmission. Body ln good shape, $100. Phono 579- 7673. 1973 GRAND TORINO DELUX P.S., P.B., no body hoies or damage, angine A-icondition,. now battery, snows and summers on rim, tinted glass, etc. Receipta for ail naw parts. Beaufiful dlean car. $1 ,500 or beat. Ahoer 5:30 p.m. cali 576-672. 1972 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS $300. Body has been dons. Neada engina. Phone 655-4407. 1972 PONTIAC LEMANS 2-door, $55. Cail 728-3608. 1971 VW KARMEN GHIA Restoreable condition, hard-top. Asking $800. Phone 668-3052. AVUTOME U~EARPASIR/PARTS PICK-UP TRUCK Tonneau covers f0 fit Datsun, Ford Courier and Mazda Trucks up f0 1979 wlth a 6' box. $25. Phono 282-8760. BABY NEDS SUPPLIES MARvWtjuu tRID, maple finish, $125. Mattreas, $25. Comforter, $10. Bumpar pada, $15. Har- dwood dressing table, mapie finish, $50. Phono 655-4271. FOR SALE Wast African grey parrot. Can talk, 12 yoars oid. Asking $800. Phono 668-7012. 1983 IT 175 YAMAHA. Asking $1,800. Phone 668"592. TWO 1982 HONDA OR 80 Mînt condition, only usad one rsuason. $65 each. Phone 655.3977. 1980 KAWASAKI KX 80 Excellent condition. Asking $650. Phono 668-9426. FOR SALE 1979 Honda 550 Four K. Excellent condition. Asking $1, 200. Phone 683-8552. 1977 KAWASAKI KZ 0O0 ex- cellent condition, a good fast bike, 28,000 kms., ext ras available. $1,150. Phone 688- 9394, avaninga. 1977 YAMAHA RD400 muet sal. $450 firm. Cali Mark 579-2312 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. 1976 KAWASKI KM100. Excellent condition. Asking $35. Phono 68&7546. SUZUKI 35 trail bike. $35 parts. Cal655-4271. FOR SALE Moffaf Fiesta stovo. Oven above, drawor elements, Lazy Suzan beiow, -good con- dition. Asklng $250. Phone 668- 4210 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE antique 9 piece dlinng room set, walnut, $750. Mapie, 7 place dling room set, $350. Cali 68-4372' BEAUMARK waaharlspin dryer. Parfoct condition, undar warran- ty. Asking $275 . Phone 686-4310. HOOVER SPIN washor/dryer for sala. 10 montha old. $275. Phone 683-4104. KEMMORE DISHWASHER Por- table converted f0 a built-in. 6 years old, harveat gold wîth black door, $50. Phone 668-871. CONF-USED? Dont pt. ffadvertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- tions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't* questions - if not, do cali 668-6111 and we'11 be pleased to explain the miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have ques- Emporium Section to you personally. If you: " are a private advertiser; e have an article to sell; and, " haveaàspecifiled asklng price for your article then you can advertlse under the Emporium sec- thon (see guldeines above f or more details). Vour ad wihh run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months). A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad: $6.00 If pald before the f irst Insertion of your ad; $7.50 If you are billhed after your ad has appeared once. If your article does NOT seîh within three months, you pay only the minimum %;harge. It is unfortu- nate that no newspaper can guarantee your article wil seil, but, where else cou Id you get three mon- ths advertising,.or only $6.00? When your article selîs, a commission Is charged, based on the advertIsed price. Commission Is: 5% Up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge descrîbed abova. 1have read the Emporium gulielines above and wish to have the follow- ing advertisement placed under this section of the Whltby Free Press. dont forgat to include your phone numnber) ni 1 enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. E Charge $6.00 to my Visaaccount. 11, Bill me for $7.50 after f irst publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Nom@ please print) Addrest City PotlCode MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brook St., N. Whitby Li N,5S1 Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. Advertlsed Prîce $ 300 $ 400 $ 500 $o 5 00 $ 600 $ 7 00 $ 800 $1,000 $2,000 $3;000 $4,000 I$5,00and up Total Amount payable $ 6.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 32.00 52.00 72.00 92.00, 100.001 -Ã" m

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