Everg reen Farmers&A FUsa Market' SATURLIAYS & SUN DAYS, 9 a.m..5 p.. Hwy. No. 2snt HarWooid Ave., AJax r-mThIs Weekend's.Speciais IFrssh sllcod bread Whlte or Brown Chef mast or Parchmont wrapp.d marg. 3 for 99,ç 39%1. Limit 2 per cuatomer. WlARE NOW MIA TED SIiOP IN COMIFORT 1VEN DORS WANTED 686-4431 683-51221 Stay fit By JONATHAN LOCKE Free Press Staff An opportunity for women to get in shape and keep trim is being offered in the foirm of an aerobics and bodybuilding program. Lynda Black, the course's organizer and instructor, hopes to get a good turnout. "A lot of women can benefit from an aerobics and bodybuilding ciass," Black noted in an inter- view last week. "The purpose of "the aerobics' is' to reduce body' fat, and the bodybuilding is to strengtben mhuscle, " she says. Black, wbo was an in- structor with two Toron- to fitness clubs in the 1960's and 1970's, has practiced bodybuilding for well over a decade. "IWben I was in grade two my teacher wrote, 'Lynda excels in athletics.'I have always been atbletic; I've lear- ned a lot about fitness, injuries and nutrition. " At 34 years of age, Black is 5 feet 7 inches taîl and weigbs 122 pounds. "I don't feel there's a reason a woman my age or ten ON*; and trim with the "Bar Belles" years older can't be in tbe kind of shape I'm in," she says. "The fact that a woman is pushing 40 doesn't mean ber bips have to be pushing 40 as wel."ý Black feels that she can easily relate to everyday women wbo want to get in shape. She bas had gail bladder surgery, experienced cbild birtb and had a degenerative disc disease since she was 18. These -factors, she feels, wil enable ber to offer personal and un- derstanding attention to eachof the course's par- ticipants. "II appiy myself to my workouts, " Black 'says. III work out tbree times a week, and in between I might run or ride my bike; I'm an avid cyclist.", A typical workout session for Black in- volves ten minutes of warming up, . 20 to 25 minutes of aerobics, a 20 to 30 minute flexibility session and a haif hour of weigbtiifting. "Fitness shouid be a part of everyone's life," she believes, adding that, being in shape helps one cope witb daily stress and pressure., Black bas cut fried foods, sweets and sait out of ber diet. "A treat for me is a littie sait on my porridge," she says. "To be fit you bave to train both your body and your taste buds. " The notion, that bodybuilding is only a man 's sport is ail wrong according to Black. "If a woman is masculine because she lifts weigbts, is a man un- masculine if he doesn't? Femininity is. an at- titude." As well as aerobics and bodybuilding, Biack's course wiii offer guestlectures every two, or three weeks. "The first speaker is a 35- year'-old woman who iost 187 pounds over a period of 18 months"l she says. "She'il be discussing wbat she went through emotionally,' how she had to deai with anorexia nervosa once she lost the weight and where she is now" Other speakers .Black bopes to get- include cosmeticians, bair- dressers and a representative of the police departmnent to speak on seif-defence. jO/rýFoppy Disks by dfoa 5DISKETTES 97803Pt 5tfo AES Pl & AP' .565 ea. N497575 At I & Ri(t St &1,RS80 '497875 0 .70ea N97875 70eIo 6.50 ea. 8" DISKETTES pr N497525 ft BM Systi 32 4.85 ea. A N97523 lt Wa ttSyst >1i 25 &30 5.85 ea. N97593 toi >( v850 &860595 ea N97840 toi AES 90 & 100 6.95 ea, N497838 ftrAES C20 Mult ýPts 695 ea' PHN 8316 SOLO ONLY IN PKGS OF 10 DISKETTES FOR OTHER SYSTEMS AVAILABLE ON REOUEST tar LYNDA BLACK Biack's course offers Cedrick's Dining classes, every Monday Lounge at 173 Brock St. and Wednesday starting N. You can register by on Apr. 16. Tbey are calling Black at 666-3817 being beid in the or by coming out on Apr. banquet hall of 16 at 7:30 p.m. Contributions for a wheelchair wanted. Amateur .radio operators throughout Southern COntario are coilecting Dominion store cash register tapes in order to buy a special wbeelchair for Jocelyn Loveil. For every $450 in tapes, the store wil donate $1 in cash. Anyone wisbing to contribute sbould oeal Charlie Bissett at 668- 7481. Speaking to You By SCOTT FENNELL (PC - Ontario) *With ail the news of the Liberal leadership cam- paign which the press is reporting about iateiy, I feit that I should take some time to set the recrod straight on John Turner's so-called innocence regarding the present state of our economy. 1 arn sure that you have noticed that whenever Mr. Tur- ner bas been questioned about the mess that we find, ourseives in rigbt now, hie aiways feins innocence and advises that he bad nothing to do with, our economie probiems - after ail - he bias been out of Parliament for over a decade now. But if one returns to the period when Mr. Turner was the minister of finance in 1972 and 1974, one realises that this is where Canada's economic problems actuaiiy started. At that' time the Liberal's bad a minority government and they were s0 desperate to remain in power, that tbey initiated numerous programs demanded by the N.D.P., because they needed their support. Mr. Tuën'er, along witb Mr. Trudeau, surrendered to their demands, and started spending the taxpayers money. During that time, Mr. Turner doubled federai spending, inflation went up along with the unempioyment rate while the Canadian dollar and our economic growth went down. In other words, because of Mr. Turner's excessive spending, be created a deficit of $5.6 billion during bis two years as minister of -finance. At that time the Conservatives, under the leader- ship of Robert Stanfield, were advising the Liberals that controls on government expenditures were needed, and true to form, the Liberais did notheed Mr. Stanfield's warning. Governînent restraint should have started almost a decade ago, but. it appears that Mr. Turner, bas convenfentiy forgotten this, and the problems that he ér'eaied. 41 -, WHOLESALE - RETAIL 328 Ritson Rd. N. 7544 725-474 FANTASTICUTS UNISEX Ladies, Mens & Chlldrens Cuts Wash & styllng extra. Waxlng Ear Pierclng, -f Manceures, Acryllc Nails &Tips A m Saturdays OnIy ~ ISPECIAL April 2 -30 PERMS $25 Reg.$35 852 BROOK ST. N., WHITBY 6811 5 Year Guamanteed lnvrestment Certificates Annual Interest Rate subject f0 change * VICIDRI AMD GRY TRUST ýiSe4 Whitby: 308 Dundas St. W. 668-9324 Toronto Une 683-7189 Member Canads DepoSkit aur anc opmrad L PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, APRIL Il., 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS 9