ý 1 WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRI L 11, 1984', PAGE. 17 Stranger appears SA Myrtie Station mnan was more than sur- prised when he saw a stranger in, his'kitchen late Friday eveninig consuniing a bottie of beer. The resident then ap- prehended his visitor and waited for police to arrive. According to the Durham Regional Police Force, the suspect smnashed the front door glass to gain entry into the home causing about, $15 in damage. .Police-said.that they Firefighters eet$19,740 to'MDA.C, rThe Whitby' Professional Firefighters Association presented a cheque for $1,740 to the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada last week. Here Doug Maceéan and Capt. Ken Corner present the cheque to Phil Boyce (centre) of the M.D.A.C. Boyce, the Ontario assistant field director of the association also presented a certificate of menit to the firefighters ini recognition of their contributions. The firefighters raised the money over the Christmas period during various parades. Free Press Staff Photo Aduit education programs A number of aduit education programs are being offered by the Durham Board of Education. "We have tried to ac- commodate aduit students in a numnber of différent ways through the development of programs that best ser- ve their needs and available tuire," Don Riddle, Principal 0f Con- tinuing and Alternative Education said. For more information on these and other PrOgrams, contact the Durham Board of Education at 576-460. Ladies Auxoliayrpr By MAJORIE ADAMS Press Secretary The Ladies Auxiliary, Royal Caniadian Legion, Branch 112 Whitby en- joyed a very, busy and successful month of March.- OUr regular business meeting was held on Mar. 14 wîth Comrade Teresa De Maeyer occupying the chair. We were informed of the impending renovations to our kit- chen which will greatly assist in our many eatering endeavours. The branch is looking after the immediate payment of the changes, >and the auxiliary have adopted this as Our chief project for the year and Willy therefore, be repaying the branch as mornes become available. The provincial auxiliary convention which is being held in September in Niagara Falls and the chartering 0f a bus to attend same was discussed and fur- ther information will be passed along as it. becomes available. March 17 saw a seil- out crowd attend and enjoy Our Smorgasbord. Dancing followed the dinner and the entire evening was an unqualified success. The 29th anniversary of the forming of our local auxiliary was celebrated on March 28. We enjoyed a delicious dinner with the branch as our hosts. It was our pleasure to present a cheu fo $2,000 to brnhpresident Earl, Ormiston as our initial payment towards the kltchenw renovations.~ Bingo andà a social timne was enjoyed following dinner. April 16 will see Bowmanville hosting the Zone social night. This event always proves to',be most en- joyable. Final plans for transportation will lbe discussed at our April meeting. aMu JUST LISTED: 178 Thlckson Rd. N. Large 75x200 lot. Fîreplace large rooms. To vlew ploase cmli Janet MKnlght. I JUST LISTED: $60,900. Oshà wa llnk homne close to schools and shopping. For Appolntment please Cmil Janet McKnight. M were told by the suspect that he forced his was into the house to use the telephone because his car was stuck in a near- by ditch. Charged with mischief under $200 and thef t under $200 is David A. Ferren, 23, of Olive Ave.,y Oshawa. He, will appear in Whitby provincial court on Apr. 27. 225 Brock St. N. Whitby . 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE Flnlshed rec room, upgraded broadloom, almond stove and fridge, walkout to patio, m*ove in condition. A good buy at $43,500<. Caîl Kay Rogers for furthsr Information 668.6171 or 668.4592. WHITBY.- EASY LIVING $51,900. A terrîflo buy ls this 3 bedroomn Townhouse wlth living and dlnlng, walkout to fenced. patio and central air con- ditioning. Caii Merv Parchment 668-6171 or 433. 8688.j DrpFREE!! W.FRANK REAL ESTATE BUYERS GUIDE Drpinta any one of ou r 18 off ices f rom Toronto East ta Pictan and North ta Barry's Bay OR CONTACT OUR WHITBY OFFICE: 225 Brock Street North 668-6171 ANNOU NCEMENT, AUDREY MOORE ASSOCIATE BROKER D.W. McQuay, Realtor is pleased to announce that Audrey Moore has Jolned his office as an Associate Broker. Audrey has been active ln real estate ln Whîtby, the Durham R eglon, and Metropolitan Toronto, for the past 25 years and has operated her own off ice ln Whitby for the past 13 years. Audrey Is weil quallfied to look after ail your real estate needs whether resîdentiai, commercial, industrial or land assembly. Audrey Invites ail her former clients and business associates and ail new clients, to contact her at her new off ice for personalized service tÃhat has built her reputatlon. Cai-offIce-68-5868 Resîdence-688-3463 D.W. MCQUAY REALTO R 103 Dundas St. W., Whitby Personal service in Whitby and Durham Region for 31 years& m ý2 1