Whitby Free Press, 14 Mar 1984, p. 31

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1984, PAGE 15 'E.. M MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 WhItby, Li N 581 PR... lieu I Emporium Ads wilI only be accepted subjeot to the following conditions. COLLECTOR PLATES, $2,500 and Royal Doulton figurines, $2,500. Phions 576480. ANTIQUE qulît, $80. *Sunbeam snowblower, 385.' Boekamp Radiant lester, $4. China mink fur jacket, large, beautîful, $85. Brown ouode fulilength coat, fur trlm, eîze 12, $75. Ladies leather jacket, brown, size le, $2. Judo suit, M, $20. Hockey skates, size 7,- "4eilnek", $15. Hardhat, $5. Solid front door, 34x84, $50. Bathroom sink, white, $5. 2'x4l asborite sheet, $5. Alil items like jnew. Cail 668-7404. KIMBALL ORGAN, $800. Colfee table and 2 end tables, $200. FLiving room chair, $50Plions 668- 4760. FOR SALE living room suite, Roxton, earth-tone colours, ysar and a half oid. Asking $2,500. King sîlze bed, $300. Combînation dinfing room kîtchen suite, $250. Muet be ssen to be appreciated. Plhons 688-0926 after 4:30 p.ým. FOR SALE two 68" Eiectromods deluxe series slectric baes board heaters. $50 sach. Firspiace In- sert hsater with turbo fan, $350. Bicycle 22" rim, $35. Phone 655- 4040. COMPLETE SET of hockey equipmsnt. lnciuding skates, size 5 for boy 11.-13. Used one season, $75.,Excercise bed, $25. Phone 668-2677. FOR SALE wood stove, $200. cail atter 5 p.m. 668-9548.1 ONYX CHESS SETS, Aztec style,, Scsorted colora, $55 seach. Frigidaire automatia drier $100. Record collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 man lent $160. Bally raceway pinball machine, needs some work, $350. Phons 965&9258. FOR SALE 5 pace dînette suite. Set lncludes: 4 chairs and table wlth 14" thick smoked glass top. Like new. Asking $300. Phone TRAIN SET FOR SALE 8x4 outiay, 12 Atlas switches, remote con- trol. Price $30. Phono 571-2212. TABLE& CHAIRS 42" round glass top with brasa colour legs and four dark brown uphoistered chairs. Like new. Paid over $800. Aoking $40. Please ceii 6684-178 anytîme. 35 AND 10 GALLON AQUARIUMS for sale. Comploet with excellent stand, crushed onits gravel, power f liter, ornaments, tank top and air pumps. Asking $100. Pissas cali 576-0864. BEAUTIFUL LIGHT PURPLE tuf- ted hsadboard with soiid wainut frame for King sîze bed or twin beda together, with matchinig bedspread and drapes. Ail n very good condition. $225. New ver- tical blinda, belge, l6ft wide x 45" long and 5½oft wide x 45" long. Cost $675. Seif $275. Phone 655- 8764. WOODEN KITCHEN TABLE with two leaves, seats six, 395. Dun- can Fyfe type table with two beaves, $75. End table, oid, $80. Occassionai chair, $25. Typewriter, manual, Smith Corona, $45. Phone 8834638. FOR SALE Exetron Stringy Flop. py Drives 0 & 1 for TRS80 Model. Plus 33 wafsrs, data i1O, ESF monitor, Edtasm RIS patch, eiec- trIc spread sheot. Smail bus. bookkseping. Asking $275. Bruce 688-1965. HARDWOOD CRIB mapis finish, $150. Mattresa, $25. Comforter, $10. Bumper pada, $15. Harwood dresaing table, mapie finish, $65. 655-4271. HEDSTROM STROLLER Ex- cellent condition, cmnopy, 3 position seat, Wavy blue. Aimoat new, $65. Phono 571-2181. PLEASE READ- When the advertised Item sa soid, disposed of, or unavailabie fir whatever reason, the Item wiii be deemod to have been soid and a commission wili be charged based orn THE ADVERTISED PRICE as IIIustrated beiow, regardiesa If prIce la stated with "best offer". If the Item ls NOT SOLD, or dIsposed of, the ad wiii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 38.00 wIii appiy payable ln advance of publication of the firat ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge wiii ap- piy If bIiied which must be paid upon roceipt of bill. The above minimum charges wIii be applIed to the final commission due but ln any came the hîgher amount wIii be charged. Minimum charge: $8.00 pre-paid; $7.50 bIiied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Alil advertIsements muat be piaced on an ex- clusive basis wîth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atieast one menth If not soid. RATES (If article la soUd): 6% of advertised prIce up te $400.00 2% of balance ovar $400.00 EXAMPLE: SoId item advertlssd for $120.00. Commission due 38.00 (minimum charge le 38.00). Private advortising onlyl Please notIfy the WhItby Free Press Immediatoly when Item lasaoid go that we may deiste It from the foiiowing Issue. Alil ads not fIttîng the Emporium guidelînes wIiI be tremted and charged per wesk as regular ciasaîfied ada on a pre-paid basis such as: srvices, heip wanted, ciothing, remi estate, and personai message type ads, or ada not quoting prIce or quantity. Private ciasaifisd mds may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED.TH DALNEFR MOIU ASSTE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. GHOIINILD ê R MUSICtS RALE RS FOR SALE Hoover spin washor/dryor. Sovon months oid. Stili liko now, has warranty. AakIng $30. Phono 683-4104. FOR SALE Moffat Fiesta stove. Oven above, drawer elements, Lazy Suzan beiow, good con- dition. AskIng $250. Phono 668- 42lOafterS p.m. MOFFAT DISHWASHER white, bulit-in, Ilko new, $255. Phono 668-1770. rear ssats, eisctric start, 35 h.p., Jolinston motor, Wsstcot trailer. AskIng $2,600. Plhons 723-8228. 1One ad ln ths Whitby Free Press Empori- u m Section wiiissii ai moat anything. Cail 8686 111 to piace your md. THOMAS ORGAN Two years oid, mînt condition, two keyboarda, lit keys, many functions. Bench and shoot music inciuded. Good Christmas presont. $1,500 or beat offer. 655-3536. LADO GUITAR 4 months oid, mint condition, shadow pick-ups, comos with case. $650 or boat of- for. 688-2736 after 5 p.m., ask for Peter. ANTIQUE PUMP ORGAN' Good working condition, $325. Phono 668-0245. FOR SALE LOWERY ORGAN "Dobut" with "Magic Gonie", double koyboard, full rhythm sec- tion, bench and books. Very good condition. Aaking $1,200. Phone 655-4995. SNOWOBILS S~AIES/RE?1IS/RENTALS 1979 340 OLYMPIC Snowmobile. Good condition. Need cash. Aaking $800. Cmli after 5:30 p.m., 655-8893. 35FT TRAILER, Corfair. Two tip- outs, 3 place bath, broadioom throughout, fuiiy furnished, patio doors with 10x16 cedar dock. $12,000. Phone 655-8885. FOR SALE a box trailer, 4'x6', $325. Cail 579-4212. ~FOR SAIESLEý TWO 1982 HONDA CR 80 Mint condition, oniy used one season. $650 oach. Phone 655-3977. 1980 KAWASAKI KX 80 Excellent condition. Asking $650. Phono 688-9426. FOR SALE 1979 Honda 550 Four K. Excellent condition. Asking $1,200. Phono 683-8552. 1977 KAWASAKI KZ 650 ex- cellent condition, a good fat bike, 28,000 kma., extras availabie. $1,1%. Phone 668- 9394, eveninga. -IAUTrOMOBILES jTý,MGT VE IO SALE REPI/AT 1978 BUICK CENTURY 2-door, 6 cylînder, automatic, power steerIng, power brakes, 60,000 miles. Excellent condliîonZý $3,150 or beat offer. Phone 579- 9419. 1978 OLDS ROYAL P.W., P.B., P.S.., velor seats, 4 door, tilt wheei, AM/FM storso, electrIc trunk, new tires - radiai, tinted windows, rear defogger, 400 km pertank. $3,700. Plions 6681232. 1976 FORD ELITE $50 as la or good for parts. Plions 655-447. 1974 SCAMP mechanicaiiy good but body la poor. 80,000 original miles. Any reasonable' offer. Wouid like $300. Phone 668-1760. 1973 DODGE DUSTER for parts. No motor or transmission. Body ln good shape, $100. Phone 579- 7673. FOR SALE 1972 chieveiie. 6 cylinder, automatIc. $400 as 194 Phone 668-1130. 1972 OLDSMOBILE CIJTLASS $300. Body has been dons. Needs engine. Phone 655-4407. 1971 VW KARMEN GHIA Rsstoreabie condition, hard-top. Asking $800. Phone 668-3052. THiNK MONEY - Thînk the Whii- by Free Press Emporlum Section. One amail advertisomsntisail It takss. Place your article for sale In the Whitby Free Press and get Immediats resuits. ,Thes Free Press la read by over 70,000 potentiel buysrs each week. ThInk about what we can do for you ... then cmli us. Whitby Free Presss668411. PMR ICIPOUZOf CORBEAU RACINO STYLE bucket seat high back f Ixed position with bulit ln headreat finIshed In black nylon with yen >- tilating hoies. Adjustabie track. Very nice condition. $175. cail Chuck 2828760. PICK-UP TRUCK Tonneau covers to f it Datsun, Ford Courier and Mazda Trucks up to 1979 wlth a el box. $25. Phions 26248760. 1-800-268-6362 Beautiful ail-occasion greeting carda, personaiized stationery and unique gift ideas .. ail of these await you -in-our free colour brochure fsaturing the new UNICEF collection. For a FREE BROCHURE call the tlltifree numbe and ask for Operator $08, In TORMNO: For lrse brochure and sales Information coltf 947.1565ý Send a UNICEF card today and treIp a chitd <to a better future tnee If In doubt cail: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. CON FUSED?1 Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- tions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't questions - if not, do eall 668-6111 and we'1I be pleased to explain the miss -out on our low advertising rates just because you have ques- Emporium Section to you personally. If you: o are aprivate advertiser; e have an article to seil; and, e have a speclfled asking price for your article then you can advertlse under the Emporium sec- tion'(see guidelines above for m ore details). Vour ad wilî run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months). A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad: $6.00 If pald before the f irst Insertion of your ad; $7.50 If you are biiîed after your ad has appeared once. If your article does NOT seil within three months, you pay oniy the minimum charge. It Is unfortu- nate that no newspaper can guarantee your article wilI seil, but, where else couid you get three mon- ths advertisIng for onîy $600? When your article seils, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Commission is: 5% Up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the mnimum charge descrIbed above. have read the Emporium guldelines above and wlsh to have the follow-i ing advertlsement pladed under this section of the Whltby Free Press. (don't forget to Include your phone number) D 1 enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. El Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. n Bill me for $7.50 after f Irst publication of m Cord No. Exp. Date Nom# (please print) Addrous Coty Poêtal Code Below are some examples of what you would be cha ' rged If your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. Advertised Price Up to $120 $ 150 $ 200 $ 300 $ 400 Total Amount pay" $ 6.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.W 30.W 32.W 52-W 72.W 92.W iw.w my ad. $ 500 $ 600 $ 700 $ 800 $ 900 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 and up MAIL TO: WHITBY FREEPRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. WhItbv Ll N'5Sl ARTICLES ARTICLES. FOR SALE FOR SALE Boitirs & SUPPLIES BABY NEEDS RARE 14FT Richardson cedar strin boat- Unhoistored front and VALQI&tý, uMý

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