WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 29. < 1984. PAGE 5 LETTERS TO THE DITOR w Fat he r did ail he c ould, but the peer press.ure was jus t too great Dear Sir: As we are ail by now ail too aware, much publicity has been af- forded recently to. the topies of teenage-crime and the current "b-and- e" syndrome. As the father of one of the young people sup- posediy involved, I have been reading. editorials and news-reports with more than passing in- terest. Your editorial of Feb. 15 made me see red, and I trust that the opinions beiow will help you ap- preciate why. You see, I did vir- tually everything within my physical , power to provide my son with what we hoped would be an "ideal" upbringing. To cite a few examples: -1 helped hlm learn to the Avon lady EDITOR'S NOTE: Irhe followlng is an open letter to Mayor Bob At- tersley concerning the town's proposed home xccupation use* by-law. 1'he wrlter's opinions ire clearly stated. Dear Mayor Attersley:- I wish to make a few zomments regarding the proposed bylaw ex- tension to make it illegal in Whitby to carry on any type of business [rom a private home. Firstly, the whole concept of the purpose Df the council- should be addressed. If the phllosophy of council is just to keep on passing byiaws then go ahead and have fun doing it. If, as I earnestly hope is the case, the purpose of council is to preserve the best 'features of Whitby and to erase the legs pleasant then I suggest the maxim of finishing one job before starting another should be implemented. There are today too, many laws. Whitby is no better, nor any worse, than anywhere else in this respect. If a law, and thereby the law, is to respected it must a) correspond to the wishes of the people in a demrocracy b) be en- forced when it is ap- proved by the represen- tatives of the people. Too many significant iaws are not enforced in Whitby and now the council. wants to pass another set of un- warranted 'byiaws which will be unenfor- ced or unenforceable. The true test of a good law is "does this im- prove the 111e of those people in our jurisdic- tion" . The prime requirement for citizens of Whitby is, I believe, the need to enjoy their home free of nuisance from whatever cause. If you were to enforce and even strengthen public nuisance bylaws then I would be the first to congratulate the coun- cil. Entering a new set of byiaws, which fly in the face of reality even (does the -council ' not realize that the infor- mation society is here and that will greatly in- crease the number- of people who will work. al home via computer terminais for exarnple) is counter productive to the councii's duty to me and every other citizen. To sunimarize, finish off one job before star- ting another. (How about insistingthat each development is at least 95 per cent complete before allowing a new development to be star- ted and left in a mess for years.) Enforce the zoning standards (e.g. stop rooming houses'in R.1 zones), enforce the public nuisance bylaws (I, don't think anyone would object to the- people operating businesses on Bluegrass Meadows for example, even though it is in violation of the Developers Covenant, providing they cause no nuisance to the neigh- bours). Accept reality.. (Not only computers, but with your proposed bylaw even- the Avon lady wouid be illegal - this is flot only, faricical' but aiso would 'damage the local economy by preventing many peopie from- making those ex- tra dollars to be spent, hopefully, in Whitby). Mr. Mayor, I may be only a* short ' time resident but I love this town of Whitby. Let's mnake it an even pleasanter place to live not the town that is read and write; -oversaw sehool and >routh organization projects; -attended with pride, school-functions that he was involved in; -encouraged and coached early athietie endeavours; -guided hlm dutifully through the trials of puberty; -worshipped with him le gai known for its unenfor- ced and unenforceable bylaws some of which may yet border on farce if we do flot ail take care. Yours truly, Colin W. Duddridge. LOOK HEALTHY WITH, A GOLDEN TAN Be assured that whilst I was doing the above, and more as a father, my wife was showing as much love, ýcare, con- cern and involvement as the mother-figure at home. While I don't attest to be lily-white or sin-free, the parents that I feel are guilty are the coun- tless thousands who allow their teenagers to grow up in a control- free, moral-lacking, totally lethargre and permissive environ- ment where that moustrous ogre called "«peer-pressure" is allowed to germinate and develop into a- fetid phenomenon that too unfortunately, even- tually overpowers the in church; -drove him to, and spectated at his team games; -swam and jogged with hlm; -relaxed in saunas with him; -appreciated his help in gardening and fence- building; -attended ail parent- teacher interviews; -tried to teach discretion in choosing friends; -encouraged an at- tractive dress code; -encouraged pride in self and-family;- -unceasingly instilled concepts 0f-right and wrong; -set moderately high standards- of morals, ethics and behaviors in 'the home; -established dead- lines and curfews; -listened both to stories and ex- planations; -and, I tried to coun- teract peer-pressures power. * ST TAN NING SESSION (18 YRS. &OVER) *PRIVATE ROOMS eTAN IN COM FORT *PRE-VACATION SKIN PROTECTION *NO BURNING OR PEELING, 1391 HARWOOD N.i AJAX 686*2023 sons and daughters -of people like ourselves. Signed, "Not-guilty". EDITOR'S NOTE: In this Instance, the Free Press has walved lt's "4no slgned letters"' ,policy to brlng our readers a point of vlew that must be brought forward. I F Open letter.O. Bylaw rnmay. make even 1VA~ PERMS SPECIA.VR EG. Menna or WelIa $25 138 Thermal Wav e--, 30 44 Redlken- Day Into Night '35 $47 INCLU DES: CON DITION ER, CUT& CONSULTATION ùis 5 AJRDESIGN Lai