*PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY,- FEBRUARY. 29, 19841" Income rRu. IOCH Tax 7-REASONS WHY R.F. ROCHE SHOULD PREPARE YOUR TAX: FRiEE EVIEW of reassessmenta ... regardiess of who prspared your return. FULL SERVICE - ail year at aur main Oshawa office. PRICE - W. wili flot b. underaoid end wiii match or botter the pice charged by any of aur major competitors lest year for the same rstum. COMPETENCE - Our business doubied last year because so many of our cliente recommended us to their finonde. CONFIDENTIALITY - W. offer private office Interviews by appoîntment or walk.ln. TAX REFUNO BUINO - If you want your maney faster. 633 KING ST. E., OSHAWA @est of Wilson Rd. (acros from the Eat Malil Plaza by Radio Shack) OPEN: 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Set. tli noon Eveninga byeppointment. OTHER LOCATION: OSHAWA CENTRE ay EATONI8 eff.ct. F.b. 14 Roguler Malil Hours. Phono 416-433-1581> HOMES URGENTLY NEEDED In the older areas of Whitby, BrOoklin'& Ashburn, Price range - '50,000-'85,000 LOWR EAL ESTATE FEE 0F 3½ 2% Cali now 668-0515 ASTON BRUMLEY REAL ESTATE LTD. 107 Kent St., Whitby 901 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA- 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW - good resîdential sec- tion of Oshawa, full recreation roomn and large kit- chen $67,900. Cmli Alex. $59,@00.. ORONO DISTRICT 1 acre with fruit trees,> 3 bedroomn bungalow. Cili Fred. RETIRE TO HAVELOOKI 3 bedroomn home, Sitting on 66x1 62 ft. lot. $1 9,500. WHITBY,-FREE PRESS DO,'C break only a week away By L. BUZMINSKI Denis O'Connor H.S. This past week was a shortened one for DO'C students 'as the staff participated in a retreat at Marylake, King City, on Friday. This Thur- sday, is Grade 8 Orien- tation Day. Grades 9 and 10 will be hosting upwards of 300 grade 8's from our feeder schools. In sports action this week, the junior boys çompeted in the L.O.S.S.A. basketball final on Feb, 21. The CO'C Chargers defeated Cartwright with a score of 67-47. The victory now entitles DO'C to advan-: ce to the C.O.S.S.A. competition on Mar. 2. High scorers in Tuesday's' game were John Walsh with 35, Jim Sheehan with 16, Tyrone Evans with 8, Gerard DeLaCosta, Tom An- derson and Dan Timothy with 2 'each, and Kevin Fernandez with one. The Churceh Speaks, Sponsored by the WHITBY MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION By THE BEy. GORDON D. MCKINNON Pastor Durham Full Gospel Church The whole world, well our part anyway, seems to think that unless your "with it" you are flot "of it" or maybe not even "in it". There is alot of social pressure being exerted, from where no one knows, to be something you are reaily not. We condemn teens for being swayed by their clique but, it seems to me aduits set the pace in that very thing. In other words, we copy what seems to be "in". We would not dare to be different even if it were right to do so. Jesus began his ministry with a sermon that laid down the principals of His Kingdom. These words of Jesus, Matthew% 5, 6 & 7, are not teachmgs merely for beginners i the life of righteousness but for ail foilowers of Jesus for ail their life time. Just as any government must have'laws. Jesus likewise in establishing His governent im- mediately laid down the laws of His Kingdom. With even a 'little knowledge of these laws we can recognize that they are not "with it" in the light of modern social standards. So we must decide who is right'and then set our sails! This is a serious decision because-the difference is R~ 0OUMRE YERS M1E2 TOM MOROZUK AMBERLEA ELEGANCE Luxurlous upgraded home! Sunken living rm. w/flreplace; large dlnlng rm; 17' kit. wlth w/o to deck. Spiral staîrcase; 3 bth's; 20' master has ensuite! Try $12,000. down. Tom Morozuk 28461 21. UXBRIDGE - 25 ACRES Beautiful 2800 sq. ft. redwood bungalow w/dble att. garage. Luxury features throughout. Concrete f ir. In barn Area recently re-forested. CaOU Richard Uf nul 683-8722. 512 Kingston Road, Pickering WESTSHORE DETACHED Mature area. Clean 3- bdrm. sldespllt; ýL-shaped living & dlning rm; "eat-ln" kit; new br- dlm; fin. basement; cent'l air & lots of trees. Tom Morozuk 284-, 6121. A 2 M ACRE LOT Feel the warmth of wood In this cozy 3 bdrm. home w/main ftIr. iaundry; "country" kit w/pine cupboar- ds' Florida rm. w/energy saving wood stove. Try $25,000. down. Cili Ron Whalsn 683-8722. A STEP ABOVE THE REST lm- pressive 5 bdrm. home (4pc. ensuite w/Jacuzzi), ceramic en- trance w/skylight '& cîrcular stairs, formai dlnlng rm; main fîr. family rm. w/f ireplace & wlo to mature lot. Quality thruout! Ron Whmisn 683-8722. CORNER UNIT! View of Lake& Toronto skyllnel Immaculate 3 bdrm; huge master w/balcony, ensuite & w/mn closet.- Lge. llving/dining (another balcony); appi'd kit. Just Llsted. Alan Wilson 284-6121. Telephone 683-8722 - 284-6121 ALAN GILPIN JUST REDUCEDI Super 2 bdrm condo; nicely decorated; large appl'd kitchen has w/o to balcony; near everythlng. $4,000. down - Ajax. Alan Wilson 28121 Rom: 839-3474. GLENDALE'S BESTI $7,000. down! Loveîy 22' living rm. w/f ireplace. Gourmet kit. w/ap- pi's; T.V. & party rms. Att. garage & fully fenced yard. Tom Morozuk 284-6121. ASKING $5,600. DOWN A spaclous 3 bdrm. brick bungalow featurlng 11/2 bth's; large "country" kit. plus'cedar deck overlooking 140' mature lot. Ron Shute 683-8722. OVER 22 REPRESENTATIVES Tfl SERVE VflhI RO0U ERT - The junior ladies volleyball team com- peted in L.O.S.S.A. last Wednesday at Paul Dwyer. They had a strong opening game against Durham Christian High School winning 15-9. Unfor- tunately, the girls' luck took a turn for the worse and they lost the next two games 15-6. The team then played-off for third place and easily defeated Cartwright High School 15-3 and 15- 5. DO'C participated in the Durham Drama -Festival at G.L. Roberts Collegiate last Friday evening. An update will be in next week's paper. "The Hero'" was per- formed for DO'C students last Tuesday morning. Already students have been confronted with their option sheets. There is a confusing new code to baffle and bewilder our minds. If you are having dif- ficulty figuring out which course is which,' consuit the "1984-1985 course calendar. Also, if you are unsure of which courses to take, mrake an appointment to see a guidance counsellor; they're there to- help. Option sheets are due in life or death. To live God's way is life eternal, the other way is eternal death. Are we going to Jet people influence us s0 greatly that we go their way without considereing the end? People today talk about their "options. " Have you considered the "Jesus way" as an option for you? We recommend that you do. He said Himself, "I arn the Way." If you become acquainted with His way by reading about it in the New Testament perhaps you would be surprised with that Way. But let's stop a moment and get this straight. Jesus was not saying that knowing His laws is good enough. Head knowledge is one think but doing it is another. A missionary once gave out portions of the Sermon on the Mount with the promise that ail who read it could have a New Testament. Soon after ail returned for their New Testament except one man. The Missionary knew him to be a believer in Christ so couldn't understand why He badn't returned. Sometime later he decided to ask him why. It turned out that this man feit compeiled not to accept the 10w standards of just reading it but rather wanted first to practice living it before proeeeding further. This same book teachers that we are to be "Doers of the law and not hearers only". Jesus said it His own way in the last few words of this famous ser- mon. It's the story of the two men, one built on the rock the other on the sand. But, and here is a big "but" indeed, how can anyone keep these. laws of the Kingdom? People couldn't keep the laws given under Moses'so h owf could we keep the laws given by Jesus, whose Iaws cail for stricter living. '.Moses said but I say unto you... " Jesus' commands certainly were stricter. It is obvious therefore that what we need is what Jesus promised. That is a new bieart and spirit with which to walk in God's ways. Disobedience is a spirit so is obedience. The Spirit of obedience cornes from God and itis something He wîll give us for the asking. Ezekiel prophisied, 'II wilI give you a new heart and put a new spiri t within you...", (36:26) Jesus spoke about the need of being born again. This is the only answer to our need of living in the Lord's ways. at the office on Mar, 8. And so concludes another week at DO'C. For those of you who feel you need a break, "March break" is only seven days away!1 ACVI news By G. MCDONALD and DARRYL WIGGERS .Anderson C.V.I. Last week, Anderson C.V.I. held its first ever. "Book Fair"~. - The fair exhibited over one thousand books from a wide range of categories. such as non-fiction, polities, science fiction and other topics. The books were supplied by a Toronto- based company and resold at costs lower than retail value. The event was run by Anderson's English Department !in association with the school bookstore club and was intendedf to provide students Wvith the opportunity to pur- chase books more con- veniently. Owing to the part that students involved with the bookstore club will be in charge of sales and have already had prior experience in sales management, the event was expected to run smoothly. Profits of the sale will go to , the English Department for, the purpose of inviting guest speakers to the school, for. the ,beneçfitof,, the stu dents. Reaction from the, students of Anderson was favourable and the "Book Fair" will likely- become an annual event. While the fair will be expecially beneficial to the students of Ander- son it should, also be noted that the fair is open to the public. FLORIDA SEMINAR GENOSHA MOTEL 70 King St. E. at Mary St., Oshawa WEDN ESDAY, MARCH 7184 AT 7:00 P.M. FLEETWOOD ROOM See an lnteresting Color Flm and Slide Presentation about ,Fiorida without going to Florida. .. . Can-Am Real Estate Ltd. Real. Estate Broker 1000 Finch Ave. West, Sui 'te 600, Downsview, Ontario, Canada M3J 2V5 Tel. 416-661-1625 For reservations cali: Toil Free 1-800-268-0774 Authori Led ODntaria Representetive for OGeneral Development *Ask for and red crefuiy the Prospectus reietng ta this ffeing OA-1-526-81 Tel. 668-6171 WHITBY - JUST LISTED $67,900. 3 Bedroom brick bungalow, offers living and dining, 2- 4pc baths, rec room, cedar deck and more. Cal Merv Parchment 668-6171 or 433-8588. FRANKI .___ RIEALTIOq TWO 225 Brock St. N.1, Whltby STOREY TOWNHOUSE 3 Bedrooms, finished rec room, upgraded broadloom, almond stove and f ridge, other appliances negotiable. Must be seen. Aski.ng $44,900. Cili Kay Rogers for further details, 668- 6171,684592. WHITBY - OU F THE WEEK $59,900. 3 Bedroom maintenan.- ce free bungalow on 66 x 132' lot with family kitchen, rec room and more. Cmli Merv Parchment 668. 6171 or 433-8688. Il I REAI-TY LIM ITED 1