Pringle Creek president 8ay8...., WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1984, PAGE 3 Town flot doing enought'osupport Neighbourhood Watch The Town of Wbitby could be dolng more to help the growth of Neighbourhood Watch accordlng to its Pringle Creek president., Carol Tibbo told the Free Press last week that while her group has enjoyed a fair measure of success, the town bas not been ail that suppor- tive of her efforts since in May of last year. "I'm reaily disappoin- ted that the town hasn't foilowed up on Neigh- bourhood Watch," she said' adding "it's not being prornoted by the town." Tibbo said that she was under the im- pression that the, town Town- writes-off $75OO00iii tax Whitby Town Counci] bas been forced to strike $75,266.89. in uncollec- table taxes off the rol for 1983. Council took the ac- tion* after being told by treasurer AI Claringbold that almost $40,00 f tis money represents tax rol backs ordered by the Assessment Review Board and the Ontario Municipal Board. Other major factors for the write-off include businesses that are no longer operating, BABY PHOTO, TheWhiby aycettes, Spring Baby Photo n: test wiil be held'from Mar. 9 to Mar. 24 atth e Whitby Mail. Applications wiil be accepted anytime from the' Whitby Mal Fiorists. The $2 féee should include a 3 x 5 photo as weil as the parents' names, ad- dress and phone number as weil as the cb ild's name and age. The con- test is for children aged 3 and under. Voting will be based on the money donated, L.e., 1 cent is 1 vote and* 10 cents is 10 votes. AUl proceeds wiI go to the Dr. J.O. Ruddy General Hospital *buildings that have been demoiisbed and the over charging of taxes due to alterations in the original assessment. Last year's budget ailocation for tax write- Offs was only $40,000 creating a substantial shortfail in tins area for 1983. The $75,266.89 in write-offs represents- a total of 206 applications for tax reductions. The 1984 tax write-off budget is $42,0o. was going to promote the Neighbourhood Watch program in its semi-annual bulletin, but she saw no mention of it in its last edition. The purpose of the program is to keep area residents informed about the break and en- ter, and vandalism situation in their area, Also each street has a representative that keeps a record of such incidents. Residents also. keep an eye out for suspicious activity and when they find it, they report it to police. Neighbours also watch out for each others' homes when they are away on vacation. MIDWAY CARPET MANNINGTO N NEVER WAX VINYL FLOOR REG. 19.95 SQ. YD. * Bs YORSELF SELF STICK TILE * * REG. $1.09 EACH 089 EACH The Pringle Creek group was the first full- fledged Neighbourhood Watch program to be established in Durham Rýegion. Tibbo said that 'the group bas 257 members or 95 per cent of ail the homes in Phase 1 of the Pringle Creek sub- division. It is funded tbrough membership dues. Although ber relation- ship with the Durham Regional Police Force is a good one, Tibbo said that botb sides are stili trying -to find thier way around each other. "IThey were not really prepared for tis were we firât brought it up, " Tibbo said, "We still bave aways to go. ". "It's new to me, it's new to tbem and we're stili trying to find ways to communicate," she added. Since Neighbourhood Watch was establisbed Tibbo said that crimes sucb as vandalism and break and enter have been substantially reduced but, unfor- tunately, they have flot been eliminated. On the night of Jan. 25 and 26, eight, possibly, 10 cars were vandalized. The searcb is stili on for the perpetrators. Tibbo is also fully supportive of expanding the Neighbourhood Watcb program tbrough the rest of the town and she is wiffing to, do what Council can only do so much. "We're fully suppor- tive of it, " the mayor continued, "but there is only so mucb we can do as -a council. The main thrust must corne fromn tbe neighbourhood. 1 "It only works as wel as the people involved."' Speaking as Durbarn's top cop At- tersley said that the for- ce will make available to any group or organization wanting belp members of its Comrnunity Service Branch. These police of- ficers wiil provide 'ex- pert advise' on both neighbqurhood and in- dividual home security. Ail anyone has to do, Attersley said, is ask. Well, it seems that Carol Tibbo and many others like ber are asking. she can to help. In fact, she wilI be speaking at an organizing meeting of Neigbbourhood Wa eclh in Otter Creek on Mar. 5. However, if this ex- pansionis going to be successful, Tibbo would like to see the town more fuily involved. "If the 'town could promote it, then maybe we could reacb some of the people," she said. "But I cannot go knocking on doors al over town. " Wbile Mayor Bob At- tersley was reluctant to criticize Tibbo's stand, he did feel that clarification of is position is needed. "It's moving much faster than she realizes," Attersley, who is also chairman of the Durham Regional Police Commission, said. The municipality,, he added, will put up ail the necessary signs and everything else it can to make the program work. "We'lI bend over backwards," Attersley said adding, "The only thing that wiil make Neighbourhood Watch work is the neigh- bours." But Whitby Town M M Classie Ekegance for the Discrimina ting Taste We don't want you to tbink of us as just another ladies' wear store. To begin with, we're flot just a place to buy clothing. We carry new and different fashions, created for today's women in mies ranging from 3 to 1S, 4 to 16 and petites. When you corne to us, it's-because you think of your- self and you want your clothing to show that you're an individual. We want your clothes to suit YOU and we'l help you co-ordinate your clothing and build a useful So, why not find out what we're ail about and how we can help you feel special evèry day. Choose from a large selection of casual wear, evening wear, day wear, lingerie, swim wear and al those accessories in-e cluding sboes, that will make you look extra special. ~1/ d~té~fl6M 143 Brock Street South ______ I Downtown Whitby 668- ________________________________ f HOURS Mon.-Wed. 9-6 a9Thurs & Fr1. 9-9 <Set. 9-5 1305 Harwood Ave N., Ajax 683-6126, Aime 2 " STOP DON'T BUY A CAR UNTIL YQUDRIVE A SUBARU LOOK AT WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER LISTEN TO WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING A'BOUT US WE'LL SURPR ISE YOU STARTING AT 18295 RATED NO. 1 IN OWNER SATISFACTION C& C MOTOR SALES 155 KING ST. W. ' OSHAWA 579-6224 .1266 nk».ý JL JL cý7 ý