PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS Applause, applause forWTs "A rtichoke By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff A bearty round of ap- plause gaes out ta the Whitby Theatre Cam- pany's production of "Artichoke." My wlfe and I bad the opportunity ta view the W.T.C.'ýs entry into the ACT-CO Festival on its opening night iast Thur- sday and were most toucbed by it. "Artichoke"' is the stary of a woman wbo gets that appartumity ta find out what wouid have bappenied if she had married ber first lave. And as it turns, the experiénce was nat as gratifymng as she had haped, wisbed or thought. The eternal lave triangle is' a great tbeme in literature and for tbis Saskatchewan farm family it provided the cataiyst ta reunion. Leading the produc- tion wbere strang per- formances by Doreen Smyth wba portrayed Margaret, tbe ioneiy lady who finds love in the one place wbere its always been. .Bert Kirkbam also turned in a fine perfor- mance as Walter, the estranged husband who finds bimself banisbed ta the smokebouse after producing a daughter THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN0F WHITBY, IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1980,0c.337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F INTENT TO DESIGNATE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whîtby intènds to designate the property, lncîudlng lands and buildings at the foîiowîng municipal address as property of ar- chItectural value or interest under Part 4 of the Ontario Hertage Act, R.S.O. 1980,0c.337. 202 Byron Street North Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESUGNATION 0F 202 BYRON STREET NORTH Hiorical 202 Byron Street North was bulilît aroundf 1856 by Mr. John Michael. A signifîcant owner of the house was Mr. George Hogarth, Principal of Whit- by Coliegiate Institute from 1900 to 1910. Architecturel Originaily a f rame structure, the house was bricked over ln the late l9th Century. The house displays many features from different architec- tural styles Indicating its evolutionary develop- ment over time. Any person may, before March 16, 1984, send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Whitby notice of his or her objection to the proposed desîgnation together with a statement of reasons for the objection and ail relevant tacts. If such notice 0f objection Is received, the Cauncl of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby shahl refer the matter to the Conservation Review Board for a hearing. DATED at the Town of VWhitby* this l5th day of February, 1984. Donald G. McKay Town Cîerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontarlo during a brief encounter with a prairie 1 water- witch. " Kirkbam con- vinces us that the ,strongest pride can be broken down, in the name of love. The only major criticism of Kirkham this writer can find is the displays of higb etincalled for by "Artichoke" writer Joanna M. Glass were often forced and were not seen as a natural progression of bis inter- nai canfliet. We know, by the story, that the one thing in life he wants is the love of bis wife, but sometimes the emotion needed to re-inforce the matter cames across as over acted. Part of the blame for this must rest with directar D'Arcy Smyth. Wbiie the over-ali presentation of the play was sound, indeed, he was nat as successful as he could have been in forcing bis actors to become the characters of the play. His work with the ligbting and background music was excellent. Higbiy cammendable was the set wbich provided a most ap- propriate backdrop for the play. Another criticism of Smyth that must be painted out is that when it was necessary for bis characters ta toucb one another it, tao, was for- ced. When tbey touched bands, bugged or kissed is seemed ta me that they, were gaing througb the motians and tbey, were not convinced that it sbouid have been the right thing ta do. The -supporting cast also did an excellent job. Paul Spencer« and Jack Diamane were A-i as Jake and Arebie, the aging farmers who Mondays Porms ½V2 Price favorite pastime was sitting around the table, drinking tea, reading the newspaper and gossiping about' their neigbbours. Everytime tbey ap- Dennis Empsan, DJoreen Smyth and Bert Kirkbam are seen here in a scene, from the Wbitby Theatre Company's production of "Artichoke" wbich continues ýtbis week at the Wbitby Centennial Building. The Free Press' staff critic bas given -it a healthy round of applause. Curtain time is 8 p.m. tanigbt througb Saturday and avid theatre goers may be ilucky enougb to get ickets at the door. Free Press Staff Photo Wednesdays Cuts ½/ Price (These of fers apply to Susan on ly.) Cali now for your appointment 668-9262 LA CONTESSA. HAIR SALON 119 Green St., Whltby -f * BUY * LEASE " RENT peared on stage raie as the e iaughter rippled on, I alwa throughout the house. feeling that Sofia Kirkham, Bert's comfortablî daugbter, also gets good He dld a g grades for her W.T.C. convincing1 debut as iy Agnes the of bis cha iilegitimate daughter of security anc Walter and the water-' fidence - witcb who is raised and Klrkham,r loved by Margaret. She actions wer shows good potentiai.- didn't flow r .John Francom's ef- But. he s forts as Gramps, making us1 Margaret's live-in making us father, were aiso with a ma praiseworthy. He added condemned admirable ta the life of Ioneli proceedings witbout These cri overshadowing the not as ma. main characters. A fine sound for *~ effort in support. is considert Fra'nkly, I was con- tirety it iç cerned about Dennis averagee Empson's portrayal 'of tichoke", Gibson, the lost boy who through this returns home in the the theatre hope of renewing bis by Centenns love for Margaret. The curtair While he grew into the p.m. Ro lier-thon hugh succei The Rouler-thon for Multiple Scierosis held at Wheeiies Famuly Roller Centre on Feb. 5 was a buge success raising between $14,000 and $15,000. 1 TÈhe MS Society is grateful ta aill who par- ticipated, either» by sponsoring, a skater or by actualiyskating and a speciai word of thanks goes out. to al their sponsors; witbout whose support the event would nat have been as- successful. The officiai collection day is Feb. 26 at Wheelles Family Rouler Centre when volunteers wili be an hand to receive the skaters' pledges. Collections wili be taken from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., i p.m. to 4 p.m. and 5p.m. to7 p.m. To be eligibie for the prizes, wbich wiII be given away at the evening went ýys had the tt bie was not le in the raie. grand job of the audience aracter's in- id lack of con- but, like many of bis re forced and naturally. succeeded in laugh and in ssympathize in who bas 1 himseif to a liess. riticisms are ajor as they qhen the play red in its en- is an above effort. "Ar- continues i Saturday in Sof the Whit- Mal Building. in rises .at 8 a ss skaters' party an Mar. 4, participants must band in their money on Feb. 26., If for some major reason collections can- plot be handed in on Feb. 26, phane the MS office 579-7727 ta arrange for pickup or delivery. No pledges collected after Feb. 29 wiii be eligibie for the major prizes. APPRECIATION NIGHT An, . Appreciation Nigbt Dinner will-be held for John Kunetsky, the retiring , ad- ministrator, of the,.Dr. J.0O. Ruddy -Generai Hospital in the Regai Roam. of the Wbitby Centenmial Building, -416 Centre St. S. on March 1 at 6:30 p.m. For tickets or more information cali the hospital's nursing office at 668-6831, là , PEACOCK LUMBER LTD.,, I N-STOCK Over 1,000,000 feet of Uin dried Hardwoods Softwoods. Dry Kilns Dressing Facilities WHOLESALE - RETAIL 328 Ritson Rd. N. 7544 Oshawa724 4 bL. SPECIALSi Evergreen Farmers Flea Market SATU RDAYS & SUN DAVS, 9 a.m-.-5 p.m. Hwy. No. 2 at Harwood Ave., Ajax r-mThis Weekend's Speclals IFresh slced brsad 3 O I Whlte or Brownfo I :w r ch m n 3 9 lb. wrappe marg.Limit 2 pe eustome.I WE ARE NOW REA TED SMOP IR COMFORY 1VEN DORS WANTED