PAd-IGE 89 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS, cuWt SPRINTING9f invitations o-matches.- serviettes j'Durham Centre needs more volunteers By RHONDA VANEK Co-ordinator Durham Centre in Whitby, providing care, treatment and training for developmentally bandicapped adolescen- ts and adults, is, depen- dent on community un- derstanding and par- ticipation to accomplisb lts goals. Regardless of the season, the centre's volunteers play a vital role. They are part of the team that adds to the quality of life for al the residents at the cen- tre and clients in the communi.ty. Challenging oppor- tumities for personal growtb are available for those men, women and teens who may wish to become a volunteer' working either directly with the residents or on their bebaif. Volunteers have the option of choosing from a wide range of programs fheld either at Durham Cen- tre itself, or at various locations within the community. At the present time, severai positions are available to volunteers who may wish to become swimming teachers or workshop and life-skill instruc- tors. In addition, many of the adolescents and aduits could benefit from having a "special frlend" , a volunteer who througb bis friendship and concern would be a very positive influence. As the major qualification is a desire to help and a continuing commltment, prospec- tive volunteers witbout special skllls or previous excperlence are also able to make an important contribution. Orientation and ongoing training Between You and Me By RUTH COLES To solve a problem It le neceusary te, think. It le necessary to thlnk even to decide what facte Wo colleet. Robert Maynard Huchins. Whitby is a town growing by leaps and bounds, a but surely to grow ini time to become a city even though hopefully we will retain the name town. Because of our proximity to a large city we may fail prey to some of thier problems wbich differ in many ways from those of a town. We wil have to be prepared for any contingencies which may arise and should be deait wlth before it gets out of band. Prostitutes have rights? And what might their rights be and for what reason? Everyone bas cer- tain rights in this country of ours but do theirs go beyond reason? These people are getting a lot of media attention these days so they are in the forefront it seems from Coast W ,Coast. Commissions, hearings and sucb things are very lucrative for many and often a great waste of covering ail aspects of mental retardation Is provided. The amount of time spent as a volun- teer depends on each person's interests and availability. For further infor- mation and to arrange a personal interview, please cail the co- ordinator of volunteer services at 668-7745, Ext. 435 Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. Wo 4:30 P.m. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WH ITBY Let us stop ail the talk and put the thing in the proper perspective. Why dilly around wbile young people's lives, are being ruined. As long as we bave youngsters of a tender age seling their bodies Wo the firet taker we are responsible especially when con- tracts are made on the streets of our cities. Let the law protect them agait themeelves. * i~' Id <f Sqf4*ês, *~a,ê4 malt. ê.<.~~É~*4î.~1>l J~ ...... t....... 1984 MUNICIPAL TAX NOTICE The flrst Installment of taxes for 1984 Is due and payable February- 24,. 1984. If payment Is flot receîved by the due date, penalty wili be added on the f irst day of default and the f Irstday of each calen- dar month s0 long as non-payment con- tinues, at the rate of 11/4% per month or part thereof. Taxes may be paid at any Whitby bank wîthout bank collection charges or' at the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland~ Road East, Whltby, Ontario. 1 Deborah A. Smart, Tax Collector, TOWN 0F WHITBY.1 ,money for the taxpayers. Legalize this type of business, coilect taxes, thousands of dollars to add Wo the coffers. Wby should they escape wben others includlng moet of the population pay through the nose? We hear prostitutes talking about their rlghts but bow often do we bear the other side? Harrassment for both men and womèn as they walk or drive on certain streets i the city. There bave been some streets in the city wbere no self respectlng citizen ever walked but these days things bave cbanged and many people live I downtown apartments or rejuvenated homes.- This problem can be dealt wltb in a proper way by the authorities backed by the population at large if only proper steps are taken. Now that we bear of ail the youngsters, both boys and girls, who are participating in this actlvity. It le time to cail a haît. Broken lives and heurts and what does the futre bold for these kide? Some countries in other parts of the world bave found solutions and it seems to work. When we were I Holland we were told we muet drive down the famous street i Amsterdam known the world over, the name of wbich bas escaped me. Stay in the car and keep cameras out of sight, a taek wbich le not always easy if you want to take pictures. We took the drive, once at migbt and agai the foilowing morning. The same sigbta and'the same people were i evidence both times!1 A wide street downtown, large sometimes lovely, old houses, ail with large picture windows, often red lights and always mirrors on each side of the win- dows outside. This allows the insidere Wo see wbo le walking down the street so they can prepare Wo en- tice them in. Strangely enough on both occasions we only saw wmndow shoppers, mostiy tourists it seemed, looking but neyer venturing as far as the door.1 I guess we were weil advised to go because it was as they say today a learning experience and one neyer Wo be repeated again. Large picture windows generaily square with clear shinig glass as you alwaye see in Hoiland. Their glass le cleaner and more brillant than any I have seen anywhere i the world. On a chair or a stool sat the women, young and many not 80 young. Dressed to the bilt, poised to lure the customers in. Off the streets and not causing any probleme for the citizens of the city. There was a young women sitting on a etool behind a large glass window "estrutting ber staff" a crude way Wo put it or in other words hopig tW seil ber body to any takers. I tried to bide my camera but she muet bave seen it. As I started to click ebe threw herself backwards, bead over be'els and landed on the floor in a very un- dignified posture. Did she tbink she needed to protect herself from someone's wife or someone's lawyer? We wil neyer know but it was tbe most amazing thing I* ever saw and the mnost surprisig. I bave the picture somewhere in with bundreds. of others ail stasbed away in a box. They no doubt feel they bave rights and certainly the rigbt to privacy. I agree there, everyone bas the right to privacy under most circumstances.' So bere is the solution. Licence them, check them out medically and let them locate in certain places only, neyer in residential districts. Maybe in- dustrial areas would be best away from the main- stream. If this was so, many people would avoid being seen entering or leaving whicb migbt be a good thing. Tax them wbich could be done under these circumstanees. Why should they escape taxes wbich could be- quite lucrative wben other souls such as bard workig men and women neyer escape? Walking around these, people downtown le not a very pleasant experience for tourists let alone residents of a city. -I hear the "bigh class cail girls"