PAGE 8. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS w COMING EVENTS CALENDAR ART BREAK The Whitby Arts Station Gallery will hold a Children's Art Spring Break from March 13 to 16 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. This workshop is designed for fun and in- struction in drawing and painting. Students will work on a mural as a group project during one session and during the other sessions will explore drawing and painting using a variety of materials. The workshop is recommended for RAISED PRI NTING a BUSINESS CARDS LETTERHEADS * ENVELOPES -PII.RS C BOWS& 00 l 1(ist Pri s 218 HARVVOOD AVE, S . AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA TEL EPHOdNE 683 1968 DURHAM children aged 7 to 12 and materials are provided. The cost is $18 for gallery members and $22 for non-members. For more information call the gallery at 668- 4185. APPRECIATION NIGHT An Appreciation Night Dinner will be held for John Kunetsky, the retiring ad- ministrator of the Dr. J.O. Ruddy General Hospital' in the Regal Room of the Whitby Centennial Building, 416 Centre St. S. on March 1 at 6:30 p.m. For tickets or more information call the hospital's nursing office at 668-6831, extension 321 between 7:30 and 3:30 p.m. a.m. SUPPORT GROUP The Cesarean Section Support Group will hold its next meeting on Feb. 13 at 8 p.m. at 711 Cen- tral Park Blvd. N., Oshawa. The topic for discussion will be: "Vaginal Birth After Cesarean." The support group has been established to meet the needs of women who have had, or are planning to have, babies by cesarean sec- tion. For more information call Penny Kobrynovich at 571-0265. ADVISORY MEETING The Parent Advisory Committee of St. John the Evangelist School will hold a general meeting on Feb. 8 at 7-:30 p.m. in the school's gym. The guest speakers will be Peter Robinson and Tom Fitzsimmons of Denis O'Connor High School. They willFspeak on the school's new Ajax facility as well as about the new Ontario Secon- dary School Diploma that will replace grade 13. For more information call Mary Reilly at 666- 1550. NEWCOMERS The February general meeting of the Oshawa- Whitby Newcomers Club will be held on Feb. 14 at 8 p.m. at Westmin- ster Church, Manning Rd., Whitby. The guest speaker will be P.C. John Bell, community services branch, Durham Regional Police Force. His topic will be home security. For more information call 728-6233. MASTECTOMY PROGRAM The Oshawa General Hospital, in conjuction with the Canadian Can- cer Society, will host a seminar program open to all women who have had a mastectomy operation. REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT, R.S.O., 1980 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND IN THE MATTER OF an application by THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM for approval to expropriate land being part of Lots 1 and 2 in Block "A" on the west side of Brock Street, the whole of Lot 4 in Block "A" on the west side of Brock Street and the whole of Lot number 6 together with a right of way over part of Lot 5 in Block "A" on the west side of Brock Street according to the Municipal Plan of the Town of Whitby, being Plan number H-50047, ail in the'Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly in the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario) for the purpose of reconstructing the Brock Street (Regional Road 46) overpass over the Canadian National Railway right of way in Whitby. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Application has been made for ap- proval to expropriate the lands described as follows: In the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly in the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario) and being composed of: FIRSTLY: Lot number Six (6) in Block "A" on the West side of Brock Street according to the Municipal Plan of the Town of Whitby and being Plan Number H-50047; TOGETHER WITH RIGHT-OF-WAY as hereinafter described; ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being In the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly the County of On- tarlo) and being composed of the Part of Lot 5, Block "A", on the West side of Brock Street, according to the Municipal Plan of the Town of Whitby, being Plan number H-50047, described as follows: COMMENCING at the North-east angle of said Lot 5; THENCE Westerly along the North limit of said Lot 5 being also the South limit of said Lot 6, a distance of 9 feet to the point; THENCE Southerly a distance of 74 feet 8 inches to a point on the South limit of said.Lot 5 distant 5 feet Westerly therealong from the South-east angle of said Lot. 5; THENCE Easterly along the South limit a distance of 5 feet to the South-east angle of said.Lot 5; THENCE Northerly along the East limit of said Lot 5 a distance of 74 feet 7 inches to the Point of Commencement. SECONDLY: the whole of Lot Number 4 on the West side of Brock Street in Block "A" according to the Municipal Plan of the Town of Whitby, and being Plan Number H-50047; THIRDLY: Parts of Lots 1 and 2 in Block "A" on the west side of Brock Street according to the Municipal Plan of the Town of Whitby, and being Plan Number H-50047, more particularly described at follows: COMMENCING at the intersection of the easterly limit of said Lot 1 with a post and wire fence marking the existing southerly limit of Lot1; THENCE Northerly in and along the easterly limit of said Lot 1 a distance of 50 feet to a point, said point being the Point of Commencement of the lands hereine described; THENCE Westerly and parallel with the southerly limit of said Lot 1 a distance of 146 feet 9 inches to point in the westerly limit of said Lot1; THENCE Northerly In and along the westerly limits of said Lots 1 and 2, a distance of 94.28 feet to a point being the south- westerly angle of the lands described secondly in registered Instrument No. 18298; M THENCE easterly and parallel with the northerly limit of said Lot 2 a distance of 146 feet 9 Inches to a point in the easterly limit of said Lot 2; THENCE southerly in and along the said easterly limit of said Lots 2 and 1, a distance of 94.28 feet to the Point of Commen- cement. Any owner of lands in respect of which notice is given who desires an Inquiry into whether the taking of such land Is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in the achievement of the objectives of the expropriating authority shall so notify the approving authority in writing, (a) In the case of a registered owner, served personally or by registered mail within thirty days after he is served with the notice, or, when he is ser- ved by publication, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice; (b) In the case of an owner who is not a registered owner, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice. THE APPROVING AUTHORITY IS: The Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossland Road East, WHITBY, Ontario. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM LiN 6A3 PER: "C. W. LUNDY" C.W. LUNDY, Regional Clerk Notes: 1. THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT provides that, (a) Where an inquiry is requested, it shall be conducted by an inquiry of- f icer appointed by the Attorney General; (b) the inquiry officer, (i) shall give every party to the inquiry an opportunity to present evidence and argument and to examine and cross-examine witnesses, either personally or by his counsel or agent, and (il) may recommend to the approving authority that a party to the inquiry be paid'a fixed amount for his costs of the inquiry not to exceed $200.00 and the approving authority may in its discretion order the ex- propriating authority to pay such costs forthwith. 2. "Owner" and "registered owner" are defined in the Act as follows: "owner" includes a mortgagee, tenant, execution creditor, a person en- titled to a limited estate or interest in land, a committee of the estate of a mentally incompetent person or of a person incapable of managing his af- fairs, and a quardian, executor, administrator or trustee in whom land is vested; "registered owner" means an owner of land whose interest in the land is defined and whose name is specified in an instrument in the proper land registry, or sheriff's office, and includes a person shown as a tenant of land on the last revised assessment roll. 3. The expropriating authority, each owner who notifies the approvIng authority that he desIres a hearing in respect of the lands intended to be expropriated and any.owner added as a party by the inquiry officer are par- ties to the Inquiry. This notice f irst published on the 18th day of January, 1984. ,12 ~:.i ~ ..~ ~A ~ ~i j '~ ~ -s s e ~ j v The meeting will be held on Feb. 16 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1002 of the hospital. For more information call the Canadian Can- cer Society at 725-1166. HEAD INJURED The next meeting of Head Injured - a family support group for those having relatives with severé head injuries - will hold a meeting on Feb. 7 at 7 p.m. in Gym 2C of the Oshawa General Hospital. The guest speaker will be Mira Ashby, founder of Ashby House, a Toronto facility caring for those with severe head injuries. For more information call Mary Connell at 668- 8188. O.A.C.L.D. MEETING The Oshawa Chapter Of the Ontario Association for Children with Learning Disabili- ties will hold their next meeting on Feb. 2 at 7:30 p.m. The guest speaker will be Jim Kohles, principal of Oshawa's Glenholme School. For more information call chapter president Doris Lane at 571-2208. THEOS The local chapter of THEOS - a self-helpm group for newly widowed people will hold their next meeting on Feb. 5 at 2 p.m. in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Cochrane Street, Whitby. All widowed people are welcome. For more information call 668-2648. NO FRILLS DANCE The Volunteer Association of the Whit- by Psychiatric Hospital will hold their annual dance on Feb. 18 at 8 p.m. at Heydenshore Pavilion. The theme of the dan- ce has been changed from the "Snowflake Ball" to a "No Frills Dance." Dancing will be from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. and a late night cold buffet will be served. Alrafeatured will be a raffle for a weekend for two at the Harbor Castle Hilton, Toronto. Door prizes wiil also be given. Tickets are $8 per person and can be reserved by calling 668- 5881. BRIGHT CHILDREN The next meeting of the Durham Association for Bright Children will be held on Feb. 16 at 7:30 p.m. in the library of the Harwood Secon- dary School, Ajax. On hand will be representatives of the Durham Board of Education who will discuss the board's programs for gifted children. All interested persons are welcome. For more information caîll655-4832. .t .&, io-> j, m