Whitby Free Press, 25 Jan 1984, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS B3rek1 in Byines by BETTY-JEAN BLYTH CaII US-379 with Items for thi. column. It is.with regret that I must announce the depar- ture from Brooklin of Valerie and, Mel Hundert. Both have been active with Brooklin Spring Fair Association. Val also. served on Meadowcrest Parents Ad- visory Board and the Business Association. She was instrumental in the formation of Group 74, a past president of the Horticultural Society, conducted the Junior Garden Club and ran a business of ber own as well. Her many activities for, this com- munlty over the years are too numerous to mention here in any detail but her unstinting devotion will long. be remembered and she will be missed. She will be missed even more thougb for ber unfailing hospitality. Her door was always open and the cof- fee pot was always on. Tbe good news is that she basn't gone too far away so we hope that she will continue to give us the benefit of ber warm, personality and considerable experience as she bas in the past. She assures me that she will be deligbted to entertain ber old friends in ber new borne on Cochrane Street in Wbitby. I'm sure we ail wish them botb well. GUILD MEETING In honor of Heart Month, Burns Kirk Guild will hold a special program at its next meeting on Feb. 7 at 8 p.m. Shirley Wonnacott, bead of Durham Region Heart Foundation will be presenting a film called "Live a Full Life".* Since men are statistically more prone to beart attacks than women, tbey are urged to attend this important HON DA AUTO REPAI-R SERVICE. Operated by WOL-KARINC., DOCTOR H 40 RUSSETT AVE.' UNIT NO. 2'E OSHAWA 728,7268 "Wetmeister" idian World sales 2conomy championi ipion ;Mhj» ,sI e ,, 1425 DUNDAS ST. E. WHIT BY, 658-9383 0 WASCO VGLKSWAGEN L10. Toronto Lins. i3 61*128 fude cham r Pe ab I. Bridge The following are the results of the Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club whicb meets each week in the Regal Roorn of the Centennial Community Centre. North and South: Dr. and Mrs. Richard Ket- chell, 771/p; Mr. and TYPE STiV E S-ET N ON THE PREMISES, ' COMPUTERIZ.ED &PHOTO\J -> SPECIALS Mondays Perms ½/2P rice Wednesdays Cuts ½/ Price (These offers apply to Susan onIy.) <~J Cail now for your appolntment 668-9262 r LA CONTESSA HAIR SALON 119 Green St., Whltby resuits Mrs. Lee Evans, 76; Mr. Bert VanNoord and Mr. Henk Hellendoorn, 58; Louise Peltenburg and Grace Swan, 661/2. East and West: Mrs. Jacoba Schram and Mrs. Henk Hellendoorn, 75; Mrs. P. N. Spratt and Mrs. Donald Wislon, 731/2; Mrs. Betty Harlander and Mrs. Trudi Ruest, 73%; Mr. and Mrs. George Ganslin, 66. The club welcomes any new members. Those interested can cail 668-3605. The results Of duplicate bridge are presented regularly in the Free Press. meeting. It wlll be held in Burns church hall and refreshments will be served. HORTICULTURAL MEETING If you're fed up witb these grey winter days, add a ittle color to your 111e by attending the Brooklin Horticulture meeting tonight in the United Church hall at 8 p.m. There will be a cheerful film presen- tation wbicb deals witb many different aspects. of gardening and "Fun With Flora", a brain-teasing game to get you tbinking spring in spite 0f the weatber. NEW LOCATION The Slim and Trim program I mentioned a few weeks ago bas moved to a new location in the Discount Sports Centre across from the bakery. It bas the advantage of being brigbt, warm, carpeted and easily accessable from anywhere in town. Be sure to get out and join in the fun every Monday and Thursday mornings. The strenuous program begins at 9:15 and the more leisurely one at 10:30. The Tuesday eveming classes are definitely. on for those who can't get out during the day. Cail Anme 655-3903 to enroîl. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Brooklin Women's Institute held a resolution meeting on Jan. 18, bostessed by Mrs. Allie Lee and Mrs. Hilda Stanley. The convenor was Mrs. Marion Hall. The motto for this meeting was "Neyer to Say I Can't But Always to Say VII, Try". Roil cali was answered with a resolution that one could bd reasonably certain of keeping. One 0f these was to continue to work faitbfull for the organization. The meeting opened witb the Ode. and "Mary Stuart Colleet" followed by a report on resolutions passes and now in effect by public relations officer Eileen Young. She attended the Offîcer's Conferen- ce a t Kitchener-Waterloo University in May of 1983 whlcb deait with resolutions. Mrs. Camre Arksey presented the current events whicb sparked a, lively discussion and resulted in a proposai, put forward to recomimend that aircraft fadiities be put in at J.O. Ruddy Hospital to ac- comodate emergency cases. Tbe only one in the area at present is at Pickering Ajax Hospital. Also brougbt forward were 40 and 1 ideas on how to celebrate Ontario's Bi-Centennial. -advanced parliamen- tary procedure -protocol to polisb your meeting presen-. tation -spice up your speeches -may I present.. Madam Toastmistress -writing for publication. Registration is at. 9 a.m. and prograrn will conclude .at 'ap- proximately 3: 30 p. m. Everyone i18'welcome. For further infor- mation please cal Shirley Macdonald at 668-4 817 or Germaine Barr 668-2092. t, ., . "t,,,, j THAPAR, DENTURETHERAPY . ý CLINIC 214 Dundas St E 194 Ki'ng St V\/hi"ýby - Oshawa 668-77-97 579-8752' Qpen VVeekdays Includinq SUNDAYý' me n The next meeting will be held on Feb. 15 in the Community Centre at 1:30 p.rn. The new motto is "The World 18 My Country and Ail Mankind is My Friend". Roll caîl is to be answered with clippings of the Royal family or other notables which will be used for the Tweedsrnuir History Book. This book is in the library and was origlnally begun by Mrs. Frank Batty. Convenor will be Eileen Young and bostesses are Mrs. Bessie Cosway and Mrs. Laurel Harner. AT THE LIBRARY The speaker for the Tuesday Afternoon program on Jan. 31 will be Anne Helmkerk of Durham Mental Healtb Association. She will give a slide presen- - tation and lead a discussion about medication (both prescription and over-the-counter drugs). Corne and meet your neigbbours over 11coffee and enlightening conversation. The preschoolers storybour is held simultaneously in the junior library from 12:30 to 1:30. 1LIBRARY HIGHLIGHTS 0F /83 -Drama program for lst graders. -Art display from St. Leos during Education week - -Open House during Fair Week -Ornarnental vegetable arrangements of Junior Garden Club. There were 95 class visits whicb brougb in- 2,373 cbildren as well as 21 music progranîs involving 385, 28 movies for 667, 22 park visits which reacbed 520 witb 803 boo ks lent out, 73 special programs to wbich 1,769 attended. Tbe copier received 113 per cent more usage than in '82. Circulation 15 up 2.1 per cent and membership is up 4.4 per cent during the same period. Our library is a going concern!1 Please note that there is now a 16 mm projector available for boan. It was bought througb Wintario grant and tbrougb contributions of Group 74. LAST CHANCE If there is anyone who still wisbes to donate to the Fran Schell Memorial Fund, the bank b as made provision for you. Just go in and tell any teller what you wish to do and sbe wil present you with a deposit slip and a book to record your name. The amount is confidential. Please do it now 80 that this account can be closed out and handed over to the family. REMINDERS Tonigbt is the eucbre party at the Legion, a night of good fun and fellowship for only $2. Saturday nigbt the dance at Thunderbird will be in full swing. Be sure to get your tickets and avoid being lef t out. y Raf fie winner The Auxiliar of the Dr. J.O. Ruddy General Hospital bas announced tbe winners of the raffle beld foilowing the Santa Claus parade on Dec. 3. Winner of the first prize was Dorothy Hall who received an autumn leaves quilt. The second prize - a band-knit sweater - was won by Nonie Hutchin- son. The auxiliary sends its tbanks to ail those who purcbased raffle tickets, the proceeds 0f whicb will go towards tbe continuing support of their varions projec- ta. Whitby to hosfi Council 2 meetingý The Wbitby Toast- mistressa Club is bostessing the Coundil 2 meeting Sunday, Feb. 5 at the Holiday Inn in Oshawa. Fourteen clubs will be represented by approximately one hun- dred members from various parts 0f On- tario. The luncheon speaker will be Ontario Riding MP Scott Fennell and bis topic "The impor- tance 0f Education in Today's Society'" will be of interest to all. The afternoon workshops will consist of:

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