Whitby Free Press, 25 Jan 1984, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1984) WHITBY FREE PRESS Whitby's Most WIdeIy Road, CLASSIFIF ADS ,q ,ýEVfESnE ýVLýCJH OUSECLEANINO étSELEANING CHILO CARE q 3OIE S SEjREVJCESS SERVICES !Î Fuu mREN 0 .1Me1 - RUG CLE NING HvSPECIAL -1 Mo Vour Uving-Room, Dining-Room And Haliway 0f Any Size Cismned For M4.00. Badroomne Are $10.00 Extra. Ail Work le Guaranteeci. For ýAppoIntment Cmii: CARD OR ýPALM READINGS. Privats or party. For appointmsnt cmii 683-5575. DELLARIEVS LAND5CAPING AND QENERAL CONTRACTINt3 Man with truck wii 'ling ta do odd jobs,' landaepng; fertiiizing, garbage romoval and snawplowing. 839-7979. E à M RENOVATI ONS Doors, windows, aiding, handy work. Phone Bob 668-760. LICENSED PLUMBER with yoars of experienco plus weil deveiopsd Mkile ln mil the con- struction trades. Coli John 686-. 1452. NEEDLE CRAFT LESSONS kits and accemsorleo, when you host a Creativo Circis pmrty. Cmii Lînda RENOVATIONSI Fencem, docks, roofIng, busemonts, windows, doors, painting and drywali. Warkmnanship guarmntoed. Cali Scott 666&3340. I DUSTY DOLLIES Quality Cleanin WIth A Difference I Cali 686-3888 ~AATICCLES FOR SALE] CE TALISMEN . ROYAL froezer/fridge. 3-door, black and chrome trlm, 6 montha oid! Original coat $1.450. Asking $750. Hotpoint washing machins, 6 months oid. Asking $30. 655- FOR SALE Hard Maplo WVell Seasoned .15 Months Old * rywood $45 a sîngle cord (705) 454-8260 CHESTERFIELD suites, love- asoats, sectionais, bass than 'h prics. Largesesoectlon. McKeen Fumiture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. BEDROOM FURNITURE head- board, triple. dresser, highboy. Dark wood, good condition, $100. Phonoe66-2139 after 6:30 p.m. VISIT our used furnituro ware- houes by appointment. Big savingo on deeke, chairs, fing cabinets, etc. Caii Dickson Prînt- Ing & Office Supplies to arrange an appointmont ta view. 6831 1968. NATTRESSES and box epringseat hait prias. McKeon Fumnituro, 524 aimoos Street South, Oehawma. 72"-181. NEW12x2% Piush carpat. Hait prico. Phono 668-4624. FIREWOOD 'FOR 8SALE $145 bush cord, pIck up. $155 deiivery. Phono 571-2843. "HEROES of the Bible" colouring book availabie et DIakeon Print- lng & Office Suppiy, AjaLx Plaza, 68-1968. Dernier Inquirles 1In- vitsd. FOR SALE plastic mountsd black Wood bmg piPe, Sinclair. 'Ex. collent condition. 15 yoars old. Asking $700. Phonoe68-9511. GEOTYPE prees-on-iottering now ln stock at Dickson PrInting & Of- fice Supplies ln the Aax Shop- ping Plaza. Large soiection of stylos and sizes. Why pay more for a emmiioer sheet of lettorIng? M.B.M. Publshing 131 Brock St. N. Whltby 668-6111 CHECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES On new chesterfields, bedroom sets, colonial' diniz.g moins, and kitchen suites, beds, etc. EMER'S FURNITURE à253 Bloor St. E. <At Ritson> Oshawa VNHEMMEN TIRES 107A WARREN RD. MId-WlnterW -" CLEARANCE SALE Of Alil Tires In stock NOW ON i NO REASONABILE OFFER REFU5EDI <WHILE QUANTITIES LAST) FREE BALANCING FREE INSTALLATION OVER 500 USED TIRES 12C00 & UP HOURS: WHEN YOU THINK TIRES Mon. ta Sat. ALVNHEMENTRS 8:00 am.-6:00 p.m. CALVNHMETIS NOTE: We aro open Sat. F-or your convenience :666«21 21 FOR SALE NEED A RENTAL? CmiI the Exper- tel We carry houss, tawnhousos, duplexes, u par. tmonts, fiatel Alilarme, szes, prIcesi 579-4500 Homelocators, fee. BABYSITTING provlded ln my' home, chlldrsn any eges, hot lun- chos, play perlode. For more In- formation ocili 6OM48. DAY CARE avallmblo. PrIngie Croek ar«. Phono 666.1708. EXPERT DAY CARE E.C.E. graduato and mother. Full day programe,'hours 6:30 &.m. to 6 p.m. Balanced motis, playground and lots of love and cars. Rossland and Garrmrd. 571-3M3. BUTTERFLY Daycaro Contre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Quallfied Staff Mot Meals Age From 6 Weeks To 6 Years Old 309 Bosch St. Whltby 668-8927 OR 571-0031 1M6 CHRYSLER LE BARON Good condition, cortIflod. $3,500. Phono 663-4041 ovenings. We need S a few good boys and girls! Bocome a carrier taday. Learn ta be a business persan with responsibility -whiiie arning money. Become the outstand- Ing carrier of the month and become a winneri Talk ta aur Circulation Manager. Cal 668-6111 Todayl1 WHITBY ,.FREE PRESS I >OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 8th, lSth, 22nd & 29th January, f rom 1:00 to 4:00 pm at the north-east corner of Rtson and Taunton t.New 3 & 4 Bedroom Townhouses E SORMOND WOODS CO.OP Fsaturlng: Sundeck or French Balcony.Patlo@sWalk..out Basement*Eat-in Kit-, chen and Dlnlng" Room*CableoRange & Frldge*Garage*Laundry Facllltles*Playground and Communlty Centre. IMMEDIATE OCCUPAN- CY $525 to $570 per Inontli plus utilltIos. For In- formation caIl 686-4787 between 9 & 5 Monday to Frlday. 666m3361 200 Dundas St. W, Whltby AUVOTIVE AUVOTVE EAR/PATS REAR/PARTS Ajax Transmission Service ýWINTER SPECIAL TRANSMISSION CHECK ONLY $23.50 MOST SAM.E DAY SERVICE JOBS We Change Transmission FIuid & Check Bands 751 McKay Rd., Unit 5, Plickerlng, Ont. FREE TOWING 6301 REBUILT TRANSMISSIONS, MOst madeis, $185.001 Cmii Bob 683-0811. WHITBY FREE PRESS081f FREE. Drap Inta the DIckson Printlng & Office Supply stars In the Ajax Plaza and pick Up a fros copy 0f their 1963 Metric Cmien. dar. Prlntsd ln two calours, It makes for handy reforence. 683. 1968. "GRAMMAR for people who hate grammar"' le the ideal pocket reference book for business People. $395 Per copy and avaîl- able atDlckson Prlnting & Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer enquirios Invited 683-1968. OFICE SPACE ~~ENT ENLJ TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakos and models, by 'the wseksnd, wsek or month. Dscounte avail- able. Dickson Printing & Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Cmii us for business machine repaire 683-1968. WHîTBY OFFICE SPACE for rent on.profossionai floor. Wo uid b. suitablo for iawyer, accountant, etc. Rent Includes ail utilities and la neotiable for an appropriate tenant. For further Information Cali 68-6372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday ta Friday. !NNUCEMENTS sVsflD OMN NTI1 CONGRATULATIONS on your ( farthcoming marriago. Plamses view aur ampies of engraved wedding Invitations at yaur loi- sure In aur Ajax Plaza store. Dick- son Printîng & Office Supplies 683-19U8. CHILDREN SHOP with now and cansIgnment linos. Established location In downtown Whitby. Reasonabiy priaod. CmII 666-1 133, Monday ta Saturday, 10-5. LOST brawn toal box with quan. tity of carpenter tools. Vicinity of RossIand and Brock. Phon9 1- 800-2684162, Ext. 268. SEPAGE 19J FOR RENT comfortabie 3 bedraom detmchod. First and ast. $5W0 per month. In Pickering 839-1268. FOR RENT - AJAX.- Brand nsw house. February 1let. Three bedroomeanmd garage. $750 mon- thiy plus utilitios. Firet, iast and securlty deposit. Rofrences roquIred. Cmii Gabe 688-2118 or 431-1750. ATTENTION: Landlords, Loass Holdors Or Roai Estato Agents We are local franchise holders for Mar-y Browns Frîed Chicken. We are looking for a prominent location ln downtown Whitby preferably on Brock or Dundas Streets. We require 1500 to 1800 square feet with ample easy accesa parking. We offer a long termn lease f rom a triple A tenant or we wIll purchase existing location. Ploaso Cali R.W. Bllsky At 725-2744. SIMPLE IaJ The simple solution to cleanlng storage problems ln the attic and garage is a Classifiled Ad. rWH1ITBY FREE PRESS............... 668-111 Al Please checK your advertisement for errorson the'first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will ot be hlable for failure to pubilsh an ad, or for typographic errors ln publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the f irat Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or rejeot ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear in the paper one day before they can be Changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words;1 lit each addition- aI word If pre-paid. You may charge your Cîassified Ad to ,TTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the firsi 100 words; 12o each additîonai word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 120eeach additional word. AUCTION SALES - 34s per line. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whîtby Free Press will make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we a(>, cept no liabiiity regarding loss or damage alleged to arise through failure or deîay in forwarding such replies. We will not be responsible for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLIN ES: Monday noon'prior to'publication to Insert or cancel Classified Ads._ Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Erçporium Ads. CALL 668*6111 Il j] I: - ~-,'.,., JACK Re CAYNE, M.B.A *ACCOUNTING *BOOKKEEPING SI NCOME TAX 9 Myors Lans North, Vort Ontario, M2H 1 P7 493-1975 or 655-4859 Less Than -Plus smail P3jjONAL PENAL PERSON TO PERSON The distinctive service "of the 80's forthe discerninq aduit. Let us make that perfect introduction. i1«922«1036 EUCATIONAL ~ZEE!I SERVICES CMRCIAL CMECA I I i i ~~~PHOPERTYIROET CLASSIFIED ADSg \ FOR SALEM~ ENTFO 1 5. à - 1

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