_________________________________WH ITBY FR EE PRESS, WEIJNESDAY DECEMB ER 28, 1983, PAGE 9 "83 IN RE-VIE. Durham water contamination High water con- tamination levels have spread to Durham Region with the closing last week of two local beaches. Warning signs have been posted at Frenchi- ment s Bay at the foot of Liverpool Road in Pickering and Rotary Park in Ajax at the moutb of Duffin's Creek. According to Brian Devitt, director of en- vironmef.ntal health for Durham Region, the warrà ngs bhave been POSted beèause the water contains too much fécal coliforîn. This coliform or bac- teria are indicators of raw sewage con- tamination. The healtb uniut bas been sampling local beaches on a weekly basis and say the lpvà els. in Whitby and Oshawa beaches are flot really in danger. It is largely because of the blistering heat of this summer the bac- teria levels bave in- creased.. "The warm wa ter has affected the ability of the, bacteria to survive ini the water," said Devitt. Tesafe limit is 100 fecal coliform per 10 milograma of water. The readings taken at the two beaches range- between just over 100 coliforms to just under 200. Devitt stresses the readings are accurate because tbey are based on at least five samples taken over the week. period. Devitt' is confident Durham will not suffer the problems currently, besetting Metro Tor-"to beaches. "The readings here are nowhere near what they are in Toronto," he said. He -also warns tbat people swimming at the contaminateda beaches could Potentially get eye, ear, nose and throat infections. He adds vomiting and diarbhea are also, remote possibilities. Local health inspec- tors wilà continue to monitor between 40 and. 50 beaches along.tAke Ontario in the Durham Region. High water con- tamnination levels have foçced the closlng of another beach. in the Durham Region but a local health unit of- ficiai says this should be the end to the closings. Brian Devitt, -director of environmentaj health for Durham Reglon, t.old the Free Press the Port Perry beach con- tamination level rose significantIy last week, forcing warning signs to be posted. "We don't expect ad- ditional closings but then again we didn't ex- Pect Port Perry to reach the level it did," said Devitt. A beach in Pickering and one at Rotary Park in Ajax remain closed due to levels of fecal colifofm (bacteria) above the acceptable limit ýof 100 per 10 x1hiograms of water., and Whitby are flot really in, danger. People swinuning at the contaminated beaches could poten- tially get eye, ear, nose an-1 throat infections. Vomiting and diarbhea are also remote possbWlties Local- heà lth inspec- tors wili continue to monitor between 40 and 50 beaches along Lake Ontario in the Durham Region. Devitt noted that it was bard to narrow down the cause of the unacceptable levels, saying many factors were possible. "44It may bave to do witb currents, water temperature or even agricultural runoff," be said. The health unit bas been sampling local beaches on a weekly basis and still maintain the beaches in Oshawa A s of yesterday, the ~cost of sending a stand- ard first class letter went from 30t to 32C for destinations in Canada. The 6.6 per cent in- crease marks the first rate-hike since Canada Post Corp'2ration came into existence 13 months ago. Wben the crown corporation took over operation of the postal service, a whopping 76.4 per- cent increase was imposed. Businesses should be warned tha t mail stamped by a postage meter will cost 37t to send if there is no postal code on the envelope. It will also cost 37e to send "non-standard" mail that is bigger tban 15 centimeters by 25 centi- meters (approximately 6 by 10Oinches). Increases in overseas mail and letters going to the United States be- came effective Jan. 15, 1983. It now costs 37t (up from 35t) to send standard first class mail to the United States, and overseas mail bas gone up from 60< to 64«. Individuals or busi-. nesses with questions should caîl their local post office. O' Here's to a good start and a happy endîng. Hope the comîng year brings you health & prosperity. 1220 Dundas St En Whitby 668« 1065 Higher postage rates We're making noise about wIiat greot customers you are. gAC- CAlULEY 1umniIur., & RpptUoncb 1618 Dundas St. E. Whltby 725-1133 Have a splendid New Vear filled wîth galet y. And, remember us, the next time you need the finest in service. QUALI. PRINT, 151 Brook St. N. Whltby 6689631 roN 9