Whitby Free Press, 21 Dec 1983, p. 34

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 21, 1983, WHITBY FRFE PRESS 'E.. PREU.. ARTICLES s% ý ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE ski rock, $15. Phone 668-8429. MOVINO SALE swivel rocker, 385 royal blue vinyl, 10w back, ne skirt. Very goed condition. Skiar swlvel rocker, $175 - bronre geld acrylic veivet, high back. Lika new. Phono 579-8841. KITTENGER WINGBACK down- fl1usd chesterf ld. Walnut carved __ arma and faciaboard, $400. Bell pump organ. Walnut case, neoda some werk, $200. Cal befere 9 p.m. 723-8751. ANTIQUE glngerbread dlock In Ai condition. Original ports. Asking $200. Coui 6554917. INTELLIVISION inciuding four games and loy sticks, $225. Phono 688-8098. 5411 FOUR POST double pîne bed ln good condition, wlth mattresa and roll away catera, $95. Wood steve, one year oid, wiih bi- foiding doors and damper assembiy. Very good condition. WIiI delîver, $1W0. Installation available for extra ceat. Phone 571-3916. ADMIRAL RECORD PLAYER ln 6ft. wide wainut cabinet, $95. 668- 0489. EXCELLENT CONDITION 301, mittresa and box spring on legs, $125.ý Hide-o-bed, $150. Phono 7284885. LONG BROWN leather ceai, ladies, aire 13-14, $75. Aimoat new condition. Men's Lorredo cowboy boots, sire 5, black and sire 6, brewn,, $65 each. 571-0957 alter 5 p.m. SINGER SEWING MACHINE wlîh cabinet. Beth ln excellant con- dition. Asking $150. Phono Oshawa 433-1577. FOR SALE. Bunk bada, usad In cabin, $10. Wood couch with cushiens, gold colour, $35. Twe card stands for store with drawors, $25 each. Leaf shredder, Sears maka, $250. Bathroem sink (with taps), $8. Phone 688-5060. ONYX CHESS SETS, Artec style, aasorted colora, $55 each. Frigidaire automatic cftier $100. Record collection, 500 albums. $1,200. New 8 man tant $160. BaIly racoway plnball machina, needa some work, $350. Phono 985-9258. 7 PIECE VICTORIAN parior set. Approxlmateiy 120 years oid. One love seat, one piatform rocker, one armchair, four occassional chairs. $1,800 or best offer. 668- 5095. QUEEN SIZE bedspread and drapas, $40. Round kitchen table (drop aides) and two chairs, $50. Console stereo, $50. Phone 668- 1258. PIONEER SX.750 receiver and turnitabie. 50 watts. Mach I speakers, $550. Honda Il bass guitar and amp., $225. 68-0067 ask for Rick. LOT à TRAILER on Pigeon Lake. 35ft. trouler with double tipouta, fuily furnishad, plus 31ft. dock. Asking $23,500. Oeil Bill or Aprîl alter 6 p.m. at 68&.2581 or weekends 985-2706. HOMEMADE BOX trailer. Heavy duty. Asking 31,200 or bout offer. Phone Bill or April affer 6 p.m. at 686-2581 or weekends 985-2706. DRESSER, antique 'style, wlmirror, $150. Phono 282-8760. TOYS ideal for Christmas neyer used. TCR total control racing set, $35. Bauer Hugger skates, sire 7, $25. Two etectronlc games, $15 each. Game of Rlsk and Who's It, $8 aach. Telescope, $30. Also pins mates bed, $70. Phone 668-5220. DOUBLE BED mattreas and box sprlng, $50. Five place table set, $250. Calil 688-8528. FOR SALE 2 single beda, $85 for both. Ladies winter coat, fur. iined, sire 12, $50. Mans jacket, blue, sire 48, $15. Girls ctothlng,, sire 516, $10. Ail Items Ilke new condition. Ashburn Rd. Brooklln 655-8784. mM - L=M* KL H - When the advertlsed Item sa sold, disposed of, or unavallable for whatever reason, the Item wili be deemed to have been sold and a commission wIlli be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRiCE as lllustrated beiow, regardesas If prîce la stated wlth "best offer". If the Item la NOT SOLD, or dlspossd of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 will apply payable In advance of publication of the firat ad. Otherwlse a $7.50 charge will ap- ply If bliled which'muet be pald upon recelpt of bill. The above minimum charges wlli be applled to the f inal commission due but ln anyý case the higher amount wlll be charged. Minimum charge. $6.00 pre-paid; 37.50 bilied. Maximum commission:$3100.00. Ailadvertisamsnts muat be paced on anex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atleast one month If not soid. RATES (if article le sold): 5% of advertleed prîce up to 3400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item adverilsed for $120.00. Commission due 38.00 <minimum charge la.$6.00). Private advertising onlyl Please notify the WhItby Free PreasImmediateiy when Item la soid Bo that we may delete It from the foliowing Issue. Ail ada not fittIng t he Emporium guidelines wili be treated and charged per week as regular ciasaified ada on a pre-paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, clothing, reai estate, and personai message type ada, or ada not quoting price or quanllty. Private classifled ada may appear In the Emporium section under appropriate headinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: PREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, Li N 5S1 If ln doubi oeil: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whliby, Ont. THE EADINEFOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. FOR SLE ARTICLES ARTICLES FRSAEFOR SALE- FOR SALE CHILD'S ELLAN skies, polos and Nordica boots. Sire 9, $180. Boys Micron skates. Sire 8, 330. An- tique oak buffet,* $100 Bird cage on stand, $15. Phone 728-8850. FOR SALE woodsiove, $200. Heavy duty box tralier, $400. Coul after 5 p.m. 668-9548. FOR SALE four 08k chairs, needa some work, $20 each. Rectangler oak table, needa work, $175. End tables, $10 each and step ladder, $15. Phono 663-6838. OLD BUTLERS secretary desk, china cabinet on top. unusuai place. Good condition, $495. 728- 4849. ANTIQUE STYLE dresser with three drawers. Approximataiy 30" wide x 38" high with large wood framed mirror. Needa reflnlahing. $125. Phone 282-8760. CUSTOM.MADE bedapread and headboard, King sire, with mat- ching drapes 100x45, $200. Al Items In very good condition. Ashburn Rd., Brookiin 655-8764. ONE 4'x8' POOL TABLE One set cf elght bail. One set of anooker. Made ln Beligum. Oua rack. Asklng $350. Telaphone table, $10. Eiectrio fan, $15. Phone 728- 7927. SKIS, POLES, BOOTS for soie. Ski iength, 170cm. Boot sire 8 or 10. Price $75. Cail 683-638. SWAY BARS and mirrors for trouler, $95. Two new Kirsch drapery tracks, extendi. from 80' to 150", $10 each. Phone 655- 8000. INTELLEVISION lnciuding 9 games. Asking $275. Phono 579- 9029. MANS FULL LENGTH long haired beaver coat, aize 40. $850. Ladies muskrat and raccoon and ieather fur coat, sire 14. $400. Phone 579-9029. SKI PACKAGE one Rosignol 170cm. Salomon blndinga, poies. Dynafit boots, sire 7, $250. Also Nordica, sire 7 and Nordice com- putera, aire 8, $50. 7238167. SEWING MACHINE with cabinet. Excellent condition, $85. Under- wood iypewrIter, manuel, good condition, $45. Phono 683-638. FOR SALE two 68" Electromode deluxe series electrlc base board heaters. $50 each. Firepiace In- sert heater with turbo fan, $350. Bicycle 22" rlm, $35. Phono 655- 4040. ANTIQUE qulît, $80. Sunbeam snowblower, $85. Boekamp Radiant heater, $45. China mink fur jacket, large, beautiful, $85. Brown suede full length coat, fur trIm, sire 12, $75. Ladies teather jacket, brewn, sire 16, $25. Judo suit, M, $20. Hockey skates, aire 7, "Jelinek", $15. Hardhat, $5. Solid front door, 34x84, $50. Bathroom sink, white, $5. 2'x4' arborîte sheet, $5. Allilitems ike naw. Cali 668-7404. EHOOUSHOLWI FOR SALE Hoover spin waaher/dryer. Regular $430. Asking $385. Oniy 4 montha*oid. Ueed -twlce. Phone 683-4104. O LVEcKJK TB QUARTER MORSE MARE Chestnut 16h. 8 years Reg. Odn. Hunier, gentie novices, $2,500. TB Galding by Tamarack, 16'3h. Bay. 7 yeara, 4 whie socks, provan Hunier, $4,000. Hunter approved Foal 1 V2 years. Bay by Tamarack, 33,000. Phono 655- 3536. E m o i m A s w11 n y b c e t di.j c ' h ol o i g c n ii n. AUTOMOBIES IFRSALE FOR SALE 1978 BUICK CENTURY 2-door, 6 cyhînder, automatic, power steering, power brakea, 60,000 miles. Excellent condition. 33,150 or best offer. Also 1974 chev Impala, 4-door, V8 auiomatlc, certIfled 3 montha ago. $450 or beat offer. 579-9419. 1979 0MEV BLAZER 4 wheei drive, angle plew. Asking $8,500. 1250 Oundas St. 668-1368. 1974 MGB convertible. Ail boots lncluded, 4 speed, 1,800 C Michelin tires, ail around ex- cellent condition. 27,000 original miles. $3,000 f irm. 655-3006. 1973 FORD COUNTRY SOUIRE Wagon. V8, power steerIng, power brakes, powar windows. Runs weii. Wlnterlred. $570 un- certif led. Phone 579-9074. 1989 MONTEGO MX 4 dr., 351 new brakes,' master cylinder, exhaust wires. Needa tires for certif ication. Good winter car. $500. Cail Rusa 655-4416. 19065 CEV IMPALA power steering and brakea, 47,000 original mileage. 3600 or beat of- fer. Phone before 6 p.m. 655-8021 ask for Bud. 1981 HONDA CIYIO fîve speed, AMIFM cassette, tlnted glass. Aaking 35,000. Phone 8111 or April afiter 6 p.m. et 666-2581 or weekends 985-2706. 1981 MONDA SILVERWING GL500, water cooied, shaft drive, piexiglaes fairing, rear carrier, low mileage, excellent condition. Asklng $2000. Phono 668-0265. 198 YAMAHA RD 400 Excellent condition. $1100 firm. Phone 655- 4224. BABNEEDES ONE GENDRON INFANT love seat, $25 and one Gendron chlld love seat, $50. Both ln excellent condition. Cali weekends or after 5 p.m. 655-3575. SNOWMOBLE ~~A.SfENIS/RENTALS SNOWMOBILE, 40OCC0 Aiouetti eiectric atari. $200 or best offer. Phono 686-4884 after 6 p.m. SKI.DOO 440 TNT, wvide track, 1,200 miles, like new, $850. Phone 655-8764. lm MUSICt 1 AUAUTMOTIVEI INSTRUMENTS RE P-RPAaS FOR SALE Mansfelid boas nultar 1977 PLYMOUTH FURY 2-door, mechanica buy, can be fixed te drive. $30. Phono 655-3008. 1973 VW BEETLE PARTS Doors, $50 eoch. Engins Iid, $25. Four speed wlcempiate swing axie, $100. Gas tank, $15 and varleus amail parts. Phone 282-8780. FOUR Ne. A78x13 Good Vear polyester baited tires on Toyota rima. $20 each. 655-3006. FOUR WHITE SPOKE steel wheeis. 14x5½ 2te fit Dataun, Ford Courier and Mazda trucks, $125 set. 282-8760. COBRA, MUSTANG, CAPRI, 79 and up. 3/" H.D. rear anti-sway bar vith hardware and Instruc- tions, $55. Phone 282-8780. and T.N.T. Peavay basa amplifier, 45 watts R.M.S. Boih ln excellent condition, $300. Great for a beginner, Case included. Phono 688-7829. ONE KIMBALL Superstar il organ. Oniy il menthe eid, just as new. Haif the original prie, aaking prIce $1,200. Phono before 8 p.m. 655.8021 aak for Bud. THOMAS ORGAN for sale. Two kayboard, excellent condition. Includes bench, llght and sheet music. AekIng $950 firm. Phono 668-2725. THOMAS ORGAN Two years eid, mint condition, two keyboarda, lit koys, many functions. Bench and sheet music Included. Good Christmas prasani. 31,500 or best of fer. 655-3536. Àdolk. k U m-a - - -mb-ý ý m. Do' ptof CONFUSED? Dont ut ffadvertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- tions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't questions - if not, do eall 668-6111 and we'I1 be pleased to explain the miss out on our 10w advertising rates just because you have ques- Emporium Section to yOU personally. If you: " are a private advertiser; " have an article to seIl; and, e*have a speclfied asklng price for your article thon you can advertise under the Emporium sec- thon (see guidehines above for more details). Your ad whil run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months). A minimum charge apphies to each Emporium ad: $6.00 If paid before the f irst insertion of your ad; $7.50 if you are billed after your ad has appeared once. If your article does NOT sehi within three months, you pay only the minimum charge. 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