Mattress f ire at Whitby Psych, The Witby Fire Department responded to an alarm at the Witby Psychiatrie Hospital about 10 p.m. Thursday when a mattress in one of the patients' rooms caugbt fire. -No one suffered Injuries and the building had littie damage. The'cause 0 the -fire is' stili under in- vestigation. Business Feature'ý of the Week. NEW LOCATION' FrePrmess Seven-year-old Fr ank McCuilougb peered into the window of -a Napanee jeweçlry store, saw the owner repairing, watcbes, and dreamed of one,' day owning, bis ownjewelry sbop. As a young man, McCuilougb served witb the RCAF during tbe.sec ond world war. When the war ended, be enroiledý at Ryerson Polytecbnical Institute in Toronto and later became an employee of J.M. Hicks Jewellers in Whitby. He eventually left Hicks establishment, for monetary reasons, and went to Field Aviation, in Oshawa as an instrument tecbnician. Wben he left this position, be did some travelling for a jewelry firm to'learn more about the trade. In 1959, be finally, realized bis, boybood dream and opened McCullougb Jewellers in the Dominion, Plaza, Brock St. S., in Wbitby. He -became interested in gold work and diamond appraîsing and completed courses on these subjects. Hie is now an accomplisbed goldsmitb and diamond appraiser doing work on the premises. Wben the Royal Bank expanded and took over bis location,.be moved the store-to Dun-. das St. E., across from tbe post office.- In 1968, be hired Gord ýJones as watcb- maker. Wben the store moved from the Plaza, Jones-took over the watches and watcb repair department. It is now knownas Gord's Watch Repair. Barry Davis, wbo later became bis son-mn- law, joined him in 1975 as a goldsmatb tramnee. After completing courses at George Brown College in Toronto, and the Gemological In-, stitute of America, Davis became a skilled' goldsmitb and diamond appraiser. <McCullough Jewellers bas recently moved into the new Dundas-Green Square and bopes to serve tbe, community for several more years. f OMMPVol. 13 No., 51 Wednesd-ay, Decembelr 21,,1-98340 Pages Local student designs CNIB poster byROY COOPER the Canadian National Institute for the Blind in the Durham -Region bas a 'poster. girl'. No, she doesn't pose in a swimsuit or >designer- jeans,- in fact, she-doesn't appear on theépoter at alI! Mary 'Lynn Vanmil, 18,. a Grade 13 student at Anderson Collegiate, bas drawn and paînted an, original potert promote White Cane 'Week, Feb. 5 to 11, 1984. >However,, if- the art work is to be adopted by the CNIB, it must first beý approved by the ,Durhamn Region' Ad- visory BSoard Ywhich, meets on Jan. * 9. Mary Perry', Chair- .person 0of ý.the Board,, recently visited Vaumil and ber art director, Rein Reiart,.to vie w-te, poster for the first te., She is very impressed 'with -the, quality 'of the work and hopes it will pass , the Board's. ap- Proval., "I certainly llked it," confessed- Perry, &-tbe painting is very professional."1 The fUil color ilustration bas been executed, in oùu and acrylie paint on a 21" by' 27", sheet 'of Bristol board.ý It depiets a seeing-eye dog, a wbite cane, and a pair of dark glasses witbin a centre. oval.. The announ- cernent of White, Cane Week is lettered in white on a brown background at tbe top and bottom. Witb the support'and encour agement of, ber art director, Vanmil finished -the- poster in. two days. Mary bas -always been self-motivated,"'1 Robert, stated proudly, "and ber1 art is. wortby 0f bigb-class professional work." Vanil learned of the need for a poster'tbree weeks, ago wben bler fatber bad been contac- ted, by -Cesar Gonet, CNIB Wbitby represen- tative on tbe Public Relations, and Publicity Committee,' wbo bad heard of the talented student. Altbougb sbe didnot accept the task to gain puiblic recognition, she bopes it Free Pres Staff .Photo,< will hl realize her, dream.of becoming a professional artist. Next year she plans to pursue a fine arts degree at the_ University of Guelph. Since sbe- originally intended to train as' a- veterinarian, it iAs not surprising to learn. of ber passion for creating scenes witb borses and otber animals using a variety of medium*s. Sbe can also be very innovative. Last spring, she designed and, built a Pac-man costume wbicb was worn in a local parade,' and last year sbe produced -a poster for, the Humnane Society., Her ýsebool, ýwbicb bas policy of recognizing pemrsonal ahivement, this term voted- bler, Student of tbe Week and displayed ber art in a' glass case at the sehool. According . to Perry, the CNIB bas neyer bad a poster to, promote White Canie Week, 50 she bopes tbe poster wil not, only, be approve, for use -in the Durbam Region but be accepted for national exposre "Everyone sbould be award'ofblindness and*> the poster wjll,,belp to convey tbis message," sbe stated. Wbitby artist. -If i t is approved nekt montb, -ýit > wil be necessa ry to reduce the' original size to an 18" by 2"notice. An .initial prlnting 0of 1,00 posters will' cost' $1.10 per copy and arrangments will then be made to post tbem at Sberidan Mal in Pickering, Wbitby Mail,.,Midtown Malin Osbawa, and the Oshawa Centre. SIf tbe enthusiasm of Perry, Reiart and Gonet is -any iniclication, White Cane Week will bave a poster - tbanks to tbose wbo believed in the talent and potential of a -Workers from MéCulloch Movers remove a road slgn from the corner of Dundas St.- E. and Blair Rd. at noon on Dec. 16 In order to transp5ort this old 40 ft. by 80 ft. hydro shop to a-Hopkins St. location., Free Press Staff- Photo J .4 ww ... ...... r, kh i5; -j E Ils, mE P« k- 7'. h t e. t t,:., ;1 1 -f j 0 1, i>"Ie à ; Q, 1 eIý>ý, t 74