WHITBYFR EE PRESS, WEDNESDAY DE-CEMBER 7, 1983, PAGE 15 ENTERTA INMENT w Making it a Special Christmas The cast of Anne Of Green ables reherses th e. scene "Gossip at Wark in Avonlea". Anne of GreenGables Cornes to Whitby shy Matthew Marilla, plus young and Director Peggy Larkin Brown, who also designed the costumes, along with musical director Garvin Far, Youth Co-ordinator, in- vites ail senior citizens, free admnission on Dec., 14 at7:30 p.m. The play will be held at the Centennial Building, 416 Centre St. S., Whitby from Dec. 15 to 18. Show times are at 7:30 p.m., with matinees at 1:30 Saturday and Sunday, only. Tickets are $3. For more infor- mation caîl 668-9915. THE PRINCE R~ESTAURANT AND -DINING LOUNGE 1009 DUNDAS ST EAST WHITBY 666-2811 HAVE WE GOT A MEAL FOR YOU. Steak & Shrimp 119.25 Steak & Rlbs $9.25 Jr. Fillet Mignon $7.99 1/4 580 Chlcken $4.80 1/2 1310 Chlcken $6.25 ¼/4Chlckon & RIbs $8.26 Include:-,Salad Bar Or Soup, Potatoes, Vegetables, Roll & Butter Or Garlic Bread. ANDGETSECOND AT 1½ PRICE A CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Presented By ~"THE PUPPET *i f PEOPLE" Sunday Decemberl1lth/83 9:30 AM, 10:30 AM and 6:30 PM *WHITBY SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL GARDEN ST., WHITBY AN INSPIRING PRESENTA TION 0F MUSIC, DRAMA AND PUPPETR Y FOR THE ENTIRE FA MIL Y. -à EVERYONE WELCOME Christnmas is fast ap- is getting into full swing proaching and the Whit- ta, make it a special by Psychiatrie Hospital holiday season. Area Mus icians Brookfield, a group of Whitby area musicians, who are rapidly clim- bing the ladder of suc- cess, fame and probably fortune, are playing a return concert at the Whitby Arts Station Gallery Dec. 9 to 10 at 9 p.m. Tickets are $4 and are available at the Gallery. Refreshments will be served. The band comprised of Fred and Joy Brooks, Jeff Brackett, and Malcolm Kay recently campeted and won an opportunity ta play on CBC's new talent show "Look Out World Here, We Came" ta be aired Dec. 26 at 7:30 p.m. This follows on the heels of their. first recording, 'an album of 13 original sangs ta be released on their own Eastbourne label. A single has been pressed DINING GUIDE GOLDEN GATE 107 Broçk St. S. <Whltby, 668-8321 This popular Chînese Restaurant is introducing the SZECHUAN CUISINE for ail of you gour- mets who Ilke spicy hot dishes. The Golden Gate alsa offers a wlde selection of Canadian dishes from roast beef to veal çutlets and pork chops. The Bo-Bo platter and the deliciaus chicken fingers are two dishes worth tryingl! Perfect for lunch or dînnerl Open until 2 a.m. dally.' Friday 'and Saturday untîl 3 a.m. Sunday il a.m. ta il p.m. Fully licensed and f ast home delivery. and the A-side tune, "Prisoners", is now receiving attention from radia stations in Kingston and London, Ontario. However, the sang has alsa been heard in Poland and is grawing in popularity there. The folk, blues, jazz and pop group have previously performed at Cedrick's Dining Lounge and Harbour- front. With the preparations involved, with Christ- mas, some tend to over look that many others will spend the festive season in a psychiatrie hospital or rehabiitative centre such as an approved home- or home for special care. -A gift from a caring individual in the community brings with it not only the joy of Christmas, but a sense of promise for the New Year. New items or cash donations are always appreciated. Unwrap- ped gifts are greatly ap- preciated, as each patient receives several packages carefuily selected by nursing staff familiar with the patient's preferences. In selecting a. gift, small items, such as books, games, ýor per- sonal items are a few preferences that a man or woman would enjoy. Gifts can be left at the Administration Build- ing, 'Switchboard or Volunteer Services Of- fice at Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital. For more information eall the Volunteers Ser- vices. Office at 668-588. Domo on clow.. j 33 Slmcoe St. S. JOIN US FOR Reserve Your Tickets 571-1422« r CEDRJCtb 688K'S- 173 Brock St. North, Whity66-822 presenting. ~CeDIw ALNEW *MENU* Pierogi, Steaks, Fin ger F7oods & Crepes Some Items Include:- Garlic Bread ,& Cheese Escargot» Mushroom Caps Stuffed.-Baked Potato 6 oz. Filet Mignon ............ $3-00 $1.9 Potato & Cheese Pierogi .........$-5 And many more items at reasonable pr/ces ~ Rib Nîght EveryWednesday Rack of Rib, salad0 and choice of Potato . * WITH THIS COUPON a E£XPIRES DECEM BER 14TH, 1983 ALL YOU CI EAT Tuesday is Wing Night*$45 Il E, -. --' --------- - -5 I I THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WH ITBY PRO CLA.MAT ION HUMAN RIGHTS WEEK WHEREAS, December 10, 1983, marks the 35th Anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, when for the f irst time, nations of the world spoke with one voice ta' proclaim fundamental principles of human rights; AND WHEREAS, these principles form an integral part of the preambie to the Ontario Human Rights Code, proclaimed June 15, 1982, ta prohibit discrimnination in employment, accommodation, contracts,.goods, services and facilities; THEREFORE, I hereby proclaim December 5-11,1 1983, as Human RIghts Week in and for the Town of Whitby and urge a Il residents ta assist in en- suring respect for human rights in aur community. DATED at Whitby, Ontario, this7th day of Decem- ber, 1983. R. A. A ttersley Mayor' Ton of Whitby Friday is Fish Fry* *$&40 ýv.1R M*-1T A t Zà , 0 n'IRA ir HAVERLAANNC) dà .- ýé -%ff a