PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY NO VEMB ER 30, 1983, WH ITBY FR EE PRESS Whitby's Most WideIy Read SEVCS E.IESSRI ARTICLES AUTOMOBILES WNE ATR TO 1FOR SALE FOR SALE "TO BUY "BUYRENT' MOBILE STLAM CLEA1 Larry Bureau PresId.nt IMPROVEMENTS, Additions, Repaira, - Fr0. estimates, guaranteed workmanship. 579- 4860 ErdcHamer. RABUIT WANTS WOAK dolng mage for birthday parties and ail Occasionu. Have my own magliein. Cali Emie 668-4932. 723>1033 RUG CLEANIN G 1SPECIAL Have Your Living-Room, DInIng-Room And Hailway Of, Any Sirei aCieaned For $40.00. Bedroomu Are $10.00 Extra. Ail 'Work la Guaranteed. For Appointment Oeil: 668-1465 -J MING SYSTEM FREE ESTIMA TES Osha wa TWO RELIABLE LADIES wlsh,10 do houaework, own transpor- tation. Refarencea. Pickering- Ajax-Whitby-Oshawa aras. 683- 6106 or 725-3418. YOURWAY IANiTORIAL, the of- fice cleaning upecialiata, il years exp. 579-5221. - ~- ARTICLES £r"5EDCAIONLIARTICLES FOR SALE U "SERICESTiCES LlQSO FOR SALE U F7 ,.GCRAMMAR -for people who hete PRINTINO PRESS Muiti 1250, grammar" le the ideal pocket VISIT our usad fur niture ware- single lever, with chain delivery reference book for business hous by appointment. Big and spray unit and NuArc Fiip top people. $395 per copy and aveul- savinga on dauka, chairs, filing pietemnaker. Best reasonable of- able et Dickson Printing & Office cabinets, etc. Oelil ickuon Print- fer. Cali lMke et 668-0372 deyu. Supplies ln 1he Ajax Piaza. Dealer Ing & Office Supples to arrange enquIries lnvited 683-1968. an eappoiniment to view. 683- M ..- WANOIEMETS LUSTED Ron and Janet are proud to announce the birth, of their daughter, 'Meghan Amy. Born November 18 et, 11:15 p.m. Weighed 9fbs S oz. Excited brothars and sistara are Surie, Jake, Courtney and Luke. Proud grsndiparenf s are Mr. & Mrs. Rex Bibb, Oshawa and Mr. & Mrs. John Lusted, Pickering and great grandmother, Viola Barrett. Specil thanka to Dr. D. Mlntosh and also the 5th and 4th floor nurses. NNOUNCENTS CONGRATULAI IONS on your forthcoming merriage. Please view our samples of engraved weddlng Invitations et your lai- sure ln our Azx Plaza store. Dick- son Prlnting & Office Supplies 683-968. FREE. Drop into the Dickson Printing & Office Suppiy store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a f ree copy of thair 1983 Mtric Calan- dar. Printed In two colours, it mekea for handy reference. 683- ARILES FORR RRI~ENT TYPEWRITER rentai, manymaxes and modela, by the weekend, week or month. Discounts aveul- able. Dlçýson Printing & Office Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Cali us for business machina' repairs 683-1968. 1968. FIREWOOD Top QualIty HARDWOOD, MAPLE AND BEECIl Seauoned, Ready To Bum, Cut & Split Delivery Avalabia 16 cord (4'x8x16') 60 One ord 8 165 985-8284 or 985-8036 Port Perry OAK CINAfltMcabi.rîuiaa rnds and doors, $425. Oak buffett with mirror, $285. Also antique rocking chair, $165. Phone 655- 8077. LOVESEAT one year oid. Good condition. Beige. colour. 668- 4399. PIANO KEYBOARD Vamaha. Ex- cellant starter piano. New con- dition, $275. 83457. CHECK OUR 10W EVERYDAY PRICES On new chesterfielda. bedroom sels, colonial dining rooms, and kitchen suites, be<ls. etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E. (At Rtson) Oshawa VAN HEMMEN & SALES 1-416-666 -2121 107A WA RREN, RD. WHITBY THINK 0F SNOWS NOW! BRIDGESTONE IMI15 smoAL DUNLOP KLYSFR 190 MICHEI.IN KLLôFARI1190 UNIROYAI. K LL SFAI 13.0 KELL SAFRI $390 F ,IRESTONE 33 xlé50Oxi5 KEI.I.Y-SPRINC-iFiEL-D jKÇLLY SAFARI $15700 OVER 50 USED WHEN YOU THINK TIRES TIRES &2" UP (-AL .'AN HEMMEN TIRES 666-2121 STEAMCLEANING SPECIAL GEOTYPE pross-on iettoring now n stock et Dickson Printing & of- fice Supplies ln the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large selection of styles and sires. Why psy more for a emalier shoot of iettering? 683-1968. JEWELLERY, engagement rings, GM rings bought and soid. Ail repaire and wiii trade. 728-0906. SALT COD for sale from Maritimes. inquire at 728-6696. BONTEMPI eiectronic organ. $400. Like new. Phone 668-4407. FOR SALE 1981 Dodge Charger 2.2. Like new, low mileage. $4,700 or bout offer. For qulck Sale. Caii 686-3055 after 5 p.m. AUCTION SALE 25 company vehicies. December 3, 10 a.m. 350 Wentworth East, Unit 5, Oshawa. 1973 ASTRA 4 cylinder, 4 apeed, new brakas, clutch and bettery. Sony AMIFM cassette. Needs minor body work. Muet be sean. $700. Caeil Ron 683-7956. FOUR WHITE SPOKE steel wheeis. 14x51k to fit Datsun, Ford Courier and Mazda trucks, $125 set. 282-8760. NEED A RENTAL? Cali the Expor- tei We carry houssa, townhouseu, duplexes, apar- tments, flatul Ail arasa, sizes, prîceul 579-4500 Homelocators, tee. c"oeMS ORE1smR REKT LARGE TWO BSEDROOM Whltby tri-piex. Broadioomed, baicony, quiet building. Suit matura adulte. f8 monthiy. 668-9655. Any size living room, on99 dining roomn,hall, stairs, onîy 99 & one bedroom cleaned in your home.. -9 TYPEWRITER DESK black metal wlth chrome. Sîze 361"xlB". Lîke new, $75. Large uwlvel rocker. 2. tone beige. Excellent condition, $75. 666-2303. '1HEROES of the Bible"~ colouring book available et ickson Prînt- lng & Off ice Supply, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer Inqurles In- vlted. MATTRESSES and box uprîngu et haîf price. McKeen Furnîture, 524 Slmcoe Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. HOMELITE CHAINSAWS On Sale Alil Star Mower 1015 King St. E. Oshawa, 571-2400 Snowblower S'no Risk Program 50% to 100% rebate if less than 2é% snow fail. ALL STAR MOWER 1Ol5KingSt.E. 571-2400 CHESTERFIELD suites, love- seats, sectionala, loua than 1k price. Large selectlon. McKeen Furnîture. 524 Slmcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. ~F ail SELKIRK insulated chlmney products. Similar discounts on woodstoves and fireplace Inser-ts. Whlle Supplies Lest. 576-2255. ALTRALIGHT AIRCRAFTS the ultimate ail season recreation at reasonable coate. Sales, service, tralnlng.and rentais. Why settie for feus. Lteflite Inc.'(416) 852- 3932. Onc concession West of Leaakdale. FOR SALE dry mixed hardwood. 15". Dellvered. 668-5735. CARPET 10½/x12, belge, new, $75. Phone 668-4624. ANDLJ tUMflAIT BUTTERFLY ACCOMODAIONDaycare Centre No. 2 PRIATEROOS aailbie~IIOpNpÎNII Open 6 a.m. ta 6 p.m. TWO RIVAE ROMS vallbleQualfled Staff in Auhburn. WiIi rant togethar or Hot el singaiy. Share. housa, utilIties vei paid. 655-4035. MANUAL Age From 6 Weeks ACCOUTINGTo 6 Years Old OFFIPCE A309 Bosch St. OR RENTI E Whltby WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent "'over 501Offices 571-0031 on profeasional floor. Wouid be Across Canada" suitabie for iawyar, accountant, - - etc. Rent încluaes ail utilities and le negotiable for an appropriata tenant. For further Information cail 668-6372 betwaan 9:30 ar. and 5 p.m. Monday to FrIday. COMMERCIAL P'PROPERTYI k IOR SALEIRENT WAREHOUSE & STORAGE epece. 1,700 sq. ftl. Vory reesonabte rate. Oelil 449-1685. ~S P.SPPLIES FOR SALE pure breed il weok oid female shepherd. Parants on RENPRODIJCEODUCE L R!!9~I DA MUHROOSofFRESg. CK mobile homes. Heated pools, Darington Muahroom Farm. 983- tannis, cloue f0 baaches and 9364. major attractions, chiidran weicome. $225.00 U.S. weekly (los then 'motel CALL 668-6111 to place your ar- Oom). 683-5503 e ticlo for sale. ASOCJd~iATE OFFICE FRANCHISES wlth GUARANTEED INCOME Available in Ajax, Pickering and Whitby as. EXCITING OPPOR- TUNITY for those with Accountlng Ex- perience! EXCELLENT Ear- nings Potential. FOR INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: TORONTO (416)475-3773 PIZZA à SUBMARINES new growlng business In Oshawa. Good location and lease. Fuily equipped. No experlence necessary. Owner will train. Ter- ms avallabie for Immediate sale. $29,90. Oeli Bruce 571-2113 atter 4 p.m. RELIABLE DAYCARE ln my home. Dublin St. near R.A. Hut- chison Schooi'. Infante and tod- diers weicome. Oeli Mary 666- 3726. MOTHER OF ONE wiii babysit ln her home. Prefer ages two and up. Whitby Mail ares.Caei Norma 725-7087. HANDYMAN iooking for work ln Durham Region. Maintenance, woiding, matai fabricating, truck driving. Familiar with other types aiso. 668-9007. ATTNTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors, on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free.Press will flot be hiable for failure to publsh an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear In the paper one day before they can be changed or cance! led. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 1ilie each addition- ai word if pre-paid. You may charge yomjr Classîfied Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irsi 100 words; 12c each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12o each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 34e per line. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUM BERS: Box numbers are aval lable at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we aé- cept no liability regarding Ioss or damage alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We wili not be responsible for box number replies not caled for within 30 days. DEADLIN ES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 UASAPPLIANCES 135EiorEFOND hawa W E BUY COINS Collections, accumulations, old gold and sterling, paper money, stamps. BEN'S COIN'& STAMP'SHOP McLAUGH LIN SQUARE 50 Richmond St. E, Oshawa 579-26a22 Open Tues.-Sat. 10 a.rn.-6 p.m. I CALL NOW LSTEAKN BUTLERO or newer. 726-2741. SERViICDëAE 1