Drokl, Vllgeshôppe (FinsLe s' mW.r) COMPUTER SCHOOL Speaking to You By SCOTT FÉNNELL, I.P. (PC -Ontario) It seems that ail we hear about today is the im- pact of high technology in the workplace and the af- fects that it 18 having on both industry and the work force. I have been researching and talking about new technology since the late 70's, and I am very con- cerned that the Government is only now getting around to discussing this new era of technologicaî change in Canada. This week, the -Goverument sponsored the Canada Tomorrow Conference in Ottawa, where the aim was to consider the ways whicb technology is altering our society; the relatiônships- between technology and new job opportunities; and to determine a* form of joining both national and regional interests. I was able to attend the Conference,' and I found that the Government was holding'ý workshops on numerous acreas of concern on the affects of technology, but I was also very concerned as I felt that they were not addressing the real and most serions problem. The principal topic of discussion was the social problems that technology creates and how it is af- fecting our society. There is no doubt that this is a very important issue which should be considered, but I feel that right now we should be addressing the institution of technology in our industries. We should be developlug. policies or arriving at solutions to enhance our position lu the international market by bringing technology luto our established. industries, otherwise Canada wil be left behlnd and the country wi.i be facing harder times than those we bave seen the last few years. SThis is -not an issue that we will be able to flud a simple solution in a sh ort period of time. It wiil be a continual process of up-grading our industries and retraining employees. The Governent is finally initiating discussions, let us hope that they wiil con- tinue and get on the right track. The Churcli Spea-ks.', Sponsored by the WIIITBY MINISTEII ASSOCIATION by REV. RON FISHER "And Abram believed the Lord; and God reckoned it to him as righteousness. " Genesis 15:6 The coming of Christ divided the Jewish nation in- to two groups. Part of the children of Abraham ac- cepted Jesus as the promised Messiah. But another part rejected Hlm. An argument raged between these two groups. The issue was: Who were thereal children of Abraham?, Paul,. who was originally one of the Christ- rejectors but later became one of the Christ- confessors, was fond of quoting Genesis 15:6 as proof that those who accepted Christ were the real' children of Abraham. You see, Paul used to say, the good news of Christ requires ail people to believe - only believe. The gospel is not a reward for what you have done; it is a report.of what God bas done. You must believe this message. Then you wilI be right with God. God ac- cepts you not because you are so good, but because He is so good. You are not right with Hlm because you have accomplished something; you are righteous because Christ b as accomplished everything. Only belieVe!1 And as for Abraham, Paul' pointed to Genesis 15:6: '"Righteousness is reckoned to Abraham" in the same way it is "reckoned" to us, namely, by faith. "So you ses that is it men of faith who are the sons of Abraham" (Galatians 3:7 & Romans 4). Now the children of Abrah~am have become as numerous as the stars in the sky. Thus Abraham's hope bas been fulfilled. Through Christ we share in Abraham's blessings. Today over 460 years after the hammer of Martin Luther began .the reformation in 1517 we stifi proclaim "by faith alone 1' Yes, belief in the gospel la stiil the only gate through which one is admitted to God's people. That people is made up of ail who walk by faith inGod unithe last promise of bas been fulfilled 1 The new Computer Sehool, CS, bas become such a success that three additional offices wii be openlng in Toronto, Kingston and Saskatchewan. The computer program is a versatile program which ailows people to participate ln classes at the students convenience. The logo CS, also standing for come and start, conveys exactly what the name implies. The students can set their own schedule ac- cording to the time available to them. The program is set up in such a way that people working shifts can come lu and work accor- dingly. This program provides a one-to-one basis with qualified teachers and one can work at their own pace. An emphasis is made on practical experience, ailowing students to work mainly on the computer. "This feature enables those leaving the program to find jobs almost lmedlately,"y comments . Sandy Mackln, Administrative Director of the, Com- puter School. The program also works with the latest of micro computer equip- ment. "This, we found, 18 a real advantage to the student as new small businesses are getting the Most current equipment on the market and the old business are updating theirs, " says Mackin. To date the program has received high recommendations, with many employers looking to the computer RAISEaD PRII1 " LE' pickering Village. MTING HOLD CAI Ail OTHER Dres 20%f 0f fer expires November 30183. 57 Baldwin 655.3474 Thurs., Fr1. 10-8, Sat. 10-5 Street, Brooklln, Ont. OPEN: Mon.-Wed. 10.6 YOUR IHIsle If yoùir chimnev is detèctive, vour house may be tèelingjust like you do rigbt now Because beating systems take in oxygen and release carbon dioxidejust like you do. But when a furnace can't get enougb oxygen, or carbon dioxide can't escape, your bouse can't "brat&'Carbon monoxide can be created and that is a dangerous situation for you and your family A clean and clear chimnev is necessary to vent your furnace properlv. PCHING ON school for placement. The program Is also set up in such a way that those wantlng to com- plete the program qulckly can do so. The school is open Monday to, Thursday fromn 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., evenings from 6:45 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. and on Saturdays from, 10 a.m. to 1 p. m. CS offers various programs on computer program and word processing to suit ail needs, with cer- tificate progranis also evailabIe. The com- puter sehool is Iocated on 68 Kingston Rd. W. in 1 deterioratioQ: Ln loosel'mortar and bricks E wbite powder or water stains on cb.imnev above roof' nii water stains at the chimney's clean-out door. Y(0)U MAY NE1El11-) A CHJ11ýv1N EY 1,I1N 1E-R To 'RVNT ERoSION 0F--THEI[i NASONRY For your safetv and for you eceomnd, have your beating systemn and chimney inspected and cleaned annukally by a qualified contractor. You and vour bouse wiII botb breathe a sigb of relief. Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations ()Ontario Robert Elgie M.D., Minister .William Davis, Premier WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 16,1983, PAGE 9 THE DRESS *Two ClassIa styles *100% Cotton Corci (Feather Wae> :Fully llned *Assort.d Colours $8000 Also avallable 100% Wool Tartan Dresses $12500 liere are*so mýe wýai-niný:,r signs of'chimnev