Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1983, p. 18

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PtAG 18 eINESDAY NOV M ERAJ~983, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whltby's Most WideIy Readl ADSQ MAKATRTAGE NEDWNTDTO.BUY RUG CLEANIN HIGHEST ,f HaeSPECIAL DT" auWe*m ~AN DlningRoom And Halway Of PaId for Gold and S$I. DELIVERY ACARTAGE DEISNSASPRO A ny Size C eaned For U 0 oo ve 5 _ î u s p cî î z n v o î g 668-1465 011 paintîngs and seal. 7818atopee Eprnenoieesr ers. 2 8 s d A Rv erI c oAn s , W O Rr isdo in gk i97 8o Asi forbrthay artIes andoai l o72cAkti, ut raspotaior15, aliloal om an Have myOowfwcth gooareputatioasInteresed partie magic frbha pa rties6 and &Il . ~ - c il A d t ion R .RI I nm , .a'll loc a o p "DO)G GROOMING"' Poodles A Speclalty MARJORIE B] 683-0255 Q3ON'LS PSYCHIC EVENING wlth Lloyd Harriman, spiritualiet medlum, Clairvoyance, Nov. 15, 1983. 7:30 p.m. Whtby Public Lbrary. Ad- mission $3. MWU II ~ Soit'. ARTICLESI ýýOM"ULU FOR SALE VISIT our ueed furniture ware- house by appointment. Big savinge, on deake, chali, fiiing cabinets, etc. Cali Dickson Prînt. ing & Office Supplies to arrange an appointment to view. 683. PRINTINO PRESS Muitil 1250, single, lever, with chain dellvery end spray unit and NuArc Flip top platemaker. Best roesonable of- fer. Caii Mike at 668-8372 days. MATTRESSES and box epringe et hall price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181.* FOR SALE storm windows, wood £r"~DUC TI0ALI frame. Phone 6eS8621. "IGRAMMAR for people who hate grammar", la the ideai pocicet DE KOKER eference book for business people. $3.95 per copy and avaii. 17 ' M EAT able at Dicison Printing & Office A K R LTj Suppiies ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer rM .\ SLD inquirles lnvited 683-1968. SI DES 0F B EEF $1 .551b. CUT, WRAP & FROZEN AENNUCEMENTS Oshawa 725-4245 or Q> -- 11-705-277-2324 CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcoming marriage. Please view our sampies of engraved weddlng Invitations et your'lel. sure ln our Ajax Plaza store. Dick- - son Prlnting & Office Supplies 683.1968. BURCH - Jane and Mark are Pleased to announce the birth of their son Rob.rt Simon bomn 23rd of October, 1963. Proud gran- dparants, John and Jean Burch and great grandmother, Mrs. Bet- ty Lambert 0f, Oahawa. FREE. Drop into the Dickson PrIntIng & Office Supply store In the Ajax Plaza and pick up a f ree copy of their 1983 MstrIc Caien- dar. Printed ln two Ic oours, It makes for handy reference. 683- 1968. ARTICLES FOR RENT TYPEWRIT ER rentai, many makes and modela,' by the weekend, week or monthi. Discounts avail- able. Dlckson Printing & Office Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Caii us, for business machine repaira 683-1968. "HEROES 0f the Bible" coiouring book avallabie et Dickson PrInt- lng & Office Supply, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer inquiries In- vted. DRY FIARE WOOD BEECH, MAPLE, WHITE BI RCH* $45 face cord ROUND BLOCKS 1611 LONG $30 face cord Delver Anywhere RODERICK MacLEAN ,(705) 454-8260 GEOTYPE press-on iettering now In stock et Dickson Printing & of- fice Supplies ln the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large selection 'of styles and sîzes. Why psy more for a amaller sheet of iettering? ALTRALIGHT AIRCRAFTS the ultîmate ail season recreation et reasonabie coste. Sales, service, training and rentais. Why settle for lees. Lîtef lite Inc. (416) 852- 3932. Onc concession West of Leaskdaie. CHESTERFIELD suites, love. seats, sectionals, lese than ½h pries. Large selection. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 72".181., ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS,» REAL ESTATE AND MORE... CHECK OUR L0W EVERYDAY PRICES On new chouterfielda, bedroom sets, colonial 'dnngroa and kitchen suites, beds, etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE >2e Bloor St. E. (At Riteon) Oshawa & SALES * 1-416-6M6-2121 107A WARREN RD. WHITBY THINK 0F SNOWS NOW!- BRIDGESTONE 10R 15 MEcAUS DUNLOP KLYSFR 190 MICHELIN KlL SFARI16.9.5 UNIROYA[.ELYAFR Ci OOD-RICII 3ELxL1S50FAR15$13900 FIRESTONE L5M5 KEL.LY'-SPRINGF IEI.D KELLYSAFARI 1500 Mit5 S E 13 WHEN YOU THINK TIRES TIRS $0 £UPC'A il VAN H EMMEN TIRES MAmRRt 666-2121 WORD PROCESSING & Micro Computer lntroductory courses. Three weelc speclal, $95. Longer courses available with certIi cate and lob Placement. 683-7767. BABYSITTER - HOUSEKEEPER matura, responsibie, flexible lady needed for professlonai's home three days a week to help mother of three month'inf'ant girl and four year boy 9 to 5. Permanent CHILO CAREI tî r B NSC N& RENALSSTAMP SHOP BUTTERFLY W FMcLAUGH LIN 'SQUARE Daycare Centre'No. 2. FO DA.- 50 Richmond St. E., Oshawa Open6 am. t 6 .m. Cearwater - Three bedroomn Quallfîed Staff mobile homes. Heated pools, 579-2622 Hot Meals tennis, close to beaches and O e us-a.1 . 6pm 39B shS.major attractions, children O e u s-a.10am-6PM eco e $22500 U.S. Whitby weekiy (les than motel 668,8927 OR oom). 63-553 * *:. *GRE 571-0031 - PRODUCE., s 0j ___________728__4043 -31Mawo WNTO - * e eù S d v. N eAa W'EBUYCOINS collections, accumulations, olci goici EXPERIENCEO WOMAN wiiiilng to corne Into my home to look af- ter 2 young chiidren. 831-3109. AUTOMBILES FOR SALE FOR SALE 1981 Dodge Charger 2.2. Lice new, low mileage. $4700 or beet offer. For quick Sale. Cail 688-3055»fter 5p.m. 1978 COUGAR XR7 2.door, hard- top, air, tilt, cruise, power win- dows, trunk look,' tinted' glass, wlre wheel covers, 351. New brakes and exhaust. Gotta Sale. FARMA LAND WANT ED TO RENT NHOUSES FOOR1NTENT NEED A RENTAL? Cali the Exper. tsi' We carry houss, townhouses, duplexes, apar- tMents, fiatsi Ail areas, sizes, pricesi '579.4500 Homelocators, f ee. qACý0M IO oà T 1 ASHBURN VILLAGE HOME share house. Own rtoom. Non- amoicers. $210 monthly Includlea utilities. Phone 655-4035. 1971 VOLVO 1428 complote $200 or parts. PrIce and prIces negotiable. 668-7527 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. oiy. CALL 668-6111 to place your ar- ,ticle for sale. Top, -JIes padper acre. uooa Productive farm land for growlng corn and soya beans. Phone 98,5- 7468 Port Perry. WANTED STORAGE SPACE for Stationwagon for the winter. Phone 668-2057. WE, BUY and SELL USED APP'LIANCES WE RECONDITION AND GUARANTEE MUSHROOMS FRESH PICKED $7.50 per box of 2,27 kg. or 5 lb. Darlington Mushroom Farm. 9831 9364. Q IGUBIG NOW 5 DAYS A-WEEK MONDAY ELECTRONIC, KINSMeN. Lic. No. 366745 * * Jaycees & Pickering B * u w Minor Basebali WÉDNESDAY WnoesRugby $3CASH THfURSDAY I P.H.A. FRIDAYI$i110000 JACKPOT~ 1le. No. 3U6743 LIGHTNING ROUND 7:00 P.M. TRY OUR NEW MINI BINGO MACHINES 4OIHY. ~SULVER DOLLAR. BINGO cc 1735 Bayly (at Brock Rd.> WSILVER DOLLAR PICKERING 81INGO HALL83 42 7 SIMPLE J The simple solution to cleaning storage problemrs in the attic and garage îs a Classified Ad. WHITBY FREE PRESS............... 6686111 AI Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot'be hiable for faîlure tu publlsh an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tIon beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up fo a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to cîasslfy or reject al advertise- ments. AdS must appear In the paper one day before they can be changed or canceîîed. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words;1 lis each addition- ai word if pre-pald. You may charge your Classifled Ad to ,TTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12o each additlonal word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 50 words; 12o each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 34c per line. (No word ads aîîowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wilI rnake every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we açà cept no liabiîity regarding loss or damage aîleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We wilI not be responsible for box number repIlies not called for within 30 days. DEADLIN ES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 QreL% go 'l Portable Bath M assage Adaptable to your bathtub WATER THERAPY 1AND - MASSAG E IN YOUR OWN TIME ... IN YOUR OWN HOME FOR INFORMATION 655-3539 985-2676 1 1 OUI IUILIItJF UUXc-illSi- r- 9 1

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