Speaking to YOU BY SCOTT FENNEI M.P. (PC -Ontario) On NOV. 1, 1983, the Provincial Secretary for Justice, the Minister Responsible for Women's Issues,,and the Acting Minister of Community and j Social Services, introduced a series'of initiatives which address the problem of family violence. dThe development of more effective measures, to deal with the problem of family violence, in general, and of wife battering in particular, is a matter 0f the highest priority for the Ontario Government. qThe joint announcement is an indication of the comprehensive, integrated approacb that this government feels is essential to eny long-term solution to wife battering. Family violence is an enormously complex and destructive issue affecting many segments of our society. Wife battering is not a single problem, but rather à composite of many problems. Wife bat- tering is a physical and mental health problem, a le gai problem, an economic problem, and an educational problemn. Indeed, wife battering is also an information and communications problem. As such, it bas been a « closet issue" for so long that few people are really aware of the victim's pliglit. For this reason, vic- tims face an uphui struggle in explaining the bat- tering situation and in recovering from it. The problem demands an approach. which must not only respond to the needs of current victims, but wbich will also serve to prevent a chain of- violence in generations to come. In his statement to the Legisiature, the Provincial Secretary for Justice included a number of initiatives to be undertaken' by the provincial government: November is Diahetes Month More than 100 can-'N v vassers will knock on doorsacross Durham Region durmng the an- nual "lCanvass to Beat Diabetes", in Novem- ber. November is Diabetes Month, the month during wbich - the QI Canadian ' Diabetes Association hopes to "F01 raise more than $2 million across, Canada for ciabetes research 140( and education. This, the annual door- to-door campaign for funds. for diabetes research and education. by the Durham Region ..r r~ Branch of the Canadian Diabetes Association wiI focus public atten- . tion on the need for fun- ds to "Beat" diabetes, among diseases, the third most common killer of Canadians. Although people wîth diabetes can live vir- tually normal, lives, diabetes does have serious complications WE GUARANTEE, affecting the eyes, kid- QUALITY neys and heart. Many PROFESSIONAL thousands of deaths are attibued o 1abee AhN FASTl 1. A special research, information and pilot proJect fund has been established to support projec. ts dealing wlth the cause of wife battering and the most effective means of preventing It. 2. Dedicated personnel, provlding front, une ser- vices to victims of family violence, wll be brougbt face-to-face with policymakers to develop action plans to address speclfic problem areas. An im- plementation group, comprised of representatives of both groups, wiil advise and implement this ac- tion plan. 3. Major. new initiatives announced by the Solicitor General and the Attorney General will be expanded and re-enforced. The Solicitor General has directed the Ontario Police Commission to en- courage ail police forces in the province to lay charges in wife battering incidents, where reasonable and probable grounds exist. The Attor- ney General has directed Ontario's Crown Attor- neys to, vigorously prosecute assailants in domestie violence cases. 4. The Ontario Government's concern with ciurrent Immigration Laws concerning battered vic- tims has been commumicated to the Federal Mimister of Employment and Immigration. Many victims, sponsored immigrant wives, for example, may be dependent for their very right to, stay in this country on a spouse who is-battering them. The initiatives announced in the Legislature last, week and the action already implemented by the various ministries in response to' the Social Development Committee's recommendations, reflect this government's commitment ta respon- ding to, one of the most complex problems facing us today. BRIAN DEEGAN DENITURE THERAPY CL INIC HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH AJAX, ONTARIO0 683-6074 For further infor- 12CLON miation contact Theresa WHITBY 668-283 Noonn at OM2. WHITBY FREE PRESSIWEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 9, 1983, PAGE Il United Way Campaigu The, United Ways Fund ralsing campaign rounded the baîf way mark last week. So far in the first four weeks, the campaign has been successful in raising $800,0o of the $1,595,000 objective. William 1Henry, General Campaign Chairman, notes that the battle is half way over, but says that they stili have to work very liard to reacli the goal. "The last haîf of the campaign is the most important for reaching the 'goal. We must be certain that the 37 agen- cies which will benefit from the United Way, wil receive the needed money to keep them operating in a manner that no citizen will be hurt if the target is not reached, " says Henry. GM - f Canada Ltd. made a contribution last week of $96,O0O to the campaign. The GM em- ployees, 80 far, have raised 68 percent of their target, which is $528,000 of an objective of $778,000. The residential areas of Whitby bave raised $1,370 or the' $3,500 projected, 39 percent of their goal.* Personal gif- PRINTING59 invitations em atches.-serviettes amounted to $6400 of a projected $10,000. Henry Is very en- couraged witb the way the campaign bas been going to date. "lWe are hoping this is to be tbe most successfull cam- paign ii bistory for tbe Whitby area. " The campaign wil terminated at the end of "Head To Toe Beauty" ,miber Special Facial, Perm& Cut ffer Applies to Anne & Lynn - Expires Nov. 30183 îTODA YS NEW LOOK"9 668-4321 C-Dundas St.E. Whitby