WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESOAY OCTOBER 26, 1983, PAGE 21 MORE COMING EVENTS CURLING CLUB ANNIVERSARY The Whtby Curling Club wlll hold a 25tb an- nlversary open bouse, Saturday Nov. 12, from 2:30 to5 P.m. Everyone ls welcome. JEAN AND FABRIC SALE The Hadassah Wiz chapter will bold a jean and fabric sale Nov. 1 and 2, between 9 ar. and 5 p.m., at the Beth ZMon Synagogue,. 144 King St. E.,1 Oshawa. There will be'bargain- priced brand name jeans and upholstered fabries, priced at $5. Mlso featured will be a selection of nearly new clothlng. POLKA DOT DÎOOR LIVE The Whltby Jaycettes will be presentlng Po"k Dot Door Live, Sat. Nov. 12, at 11:30 a.m., 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., at'Henry Street Hligh School, Whitby. 1Admission tickets are available at $3.50 each by calllng in Whitby (Lynn) 668-9831, <Nan- cy)ý 725-3140, Ajax & Pickering (Wendy) 68W- 8239 and (Lorraine) 683- Financial planning, Financial planning helps you determine where your money is spent and where yov want it to be spent, says Home and Family.JMan- agement Specialist Maxine Innes- Holbrough of the rur al organizations and. ser- vices branch of the Ont- ario Ministry 0f Agrcul- ture and Food'(OMAF). First,'_'decide ,how much dispos'abl'e ýin- corne you bhave. Dis- posable income 15 the income after taxes bave been deducted. In other words, it's spendable money., Now1 look- at last year' iues. How much did you spend on each group such as food and clothing? Then con- aider wbat other' Canadians - spend. Statistics- Canada sur- veys family spending patterns. 'The figures, available at local lii,- rarles,- are only a general guide as to what percentage of dis- posable income other Canadians spend on each group. The survey, based on the 1978 expenditures of Ontario families of two or more, shows 30 per< cent of disposable in- corne was spent on shel- ter, 20 per cent on food, 15 per. cent on trans- 3.portation, eight per cent i on clothing, eight per icent on miscellaneous, seven per cent on recre- ation and. education,* three per cent on gifts and contributions, tbree per cent.on medical and healtb, aend two per cent, on personal. Every family bas its own lifestyle, goals and priorities. For instance, a family may be saving for a b ouse and only, spending 10 per cent'0f disposable income on shelter, not the average 30 per cent.- Next , make a casb flow statenient by esti- mating this year's ex- penses and, income for eacb month. It belps to examine last year's totals' for eacb group of expenses and income. Make your own guide- lines as to what percent- age of your disposable income should be spent on, ,food, shelter, clotb- ing,. etc. At the end of eqach.lmontb compare -ypur ~actual 'expenses and,.Ancome 'to the estimated figures., By setting up a finan- cial plan you'Ill have greater control over your spending habits. 4897. Tickets are also available in Whltby at Mlddleton's Stationers, Peacock Family Sports and The Whitby Mal Florists and in Ajax at Pine Ridge Insurance and Dickson Printlng. Polk a Dot Door Live is an extension of the televiion series that has provided many educational and en- joyable experiences for thousands of children since 1971., This is an opportunity for your children to meet their friends the Toys. (Humpty, Dum- The Dr. J.O. Rùddy Hospital continuing care unit fund bas reached over $253,Ooo.* A contribution of $6,500 from the Whitby Kiwanis Club, raised through a Spitfire Band concert, was the most re> concert, was. the, most recent, signigicant con- THE GOLDEN GATE, 107 Brock Street South, Whltby,I668-8321. This popular Chinese Restaurant has been ln Whltby -ýfor 30 yrs. The Bo-Bo platter recently ln- troduced has gone over well. The Golden Gate also offer'a wlde selection of Canadian dishes from roast beef to veal'cutiets and pork chops. Falrly, new to thé menu ls julcy deliclous chioken f Ingers served wlth home. made plurn sauce'. Per- fect for lunch or dinner. -Open untli 2 a.m. dally. Fr1. and Sat. until 3 a.m. Sunday il a.m. - il p.m. Fully llcensed and fast home'dellvery. pty, Marigold & Bear), the various hosta, the Polkaroo; and to- par- ticipate in mime, song, language and dance. XMAS SHOPPING Christmas is only nine weeks away, and the children are asking now for toys. The -Durham Reglon Family YMCA is running a bus trip to Young. Canada Toys- Wholesale Outlet, where you will be- able to pur- chase some toys at discount prices, with a further,10 percent off some specially1 marked tribution to be added. The Kiwanis Club 'is promising an additional $3,500 80 it can meet its commitment of $10,000. "lIt looks, like we're getting close, to 'our initial goal 0f .$350,000 sadDon Frise, cam- paign publicity director. "This, puts us. in the' 2II~3~ items. Groups and organizatons will be allowed a special card enabling an extra 10 percent off items. The general public is ex- cluded from this special rate and no ebldren are allowed. After shopping at Young Canada, a visit to Scarborough Town Cen- tre, which bas over 100 'stores, bas been plan- ne%. The bus will leave the Centennial Centre at 9:30 a.m., and will -return at about 5 p.m. The deatline for home stretch. 1 Frise noted that 83- foundations .,were inlitiaily conitacted for funding and while four bave afready made con- tributions totalling $11,000, six others have" said they are'.stil con- sidering a donation and 30have not yet replied. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERy.LTD. ANTIQUES -Round oak tables," sets of oak chairs, tea wag 1ons, hanglng Iamps, walI what-not sheif, large assortmenît of antiques.' 413 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-5481, Monday night Tuesday night Wednesday night registration is 'Wed., Nov. 16, at 5p. M. Costs are $8 for senior adults and $10 for adults. For further in- formation, contact the "Y" office at 668-6868. NEWCOMERS CLUB The Novemberý general meeting of the Oshawa-Witby New-' Ladies night ½ 2price Wing'night 1½ price Comedy night wlth Special guests & comics corners Club wll be held on Tuesday Nov. 8 at 8 p.m., at Westnsnter, Church, Manning Rd. Whltby. Speakers wll hoMr. & Mrs. Knight of Kay's Place ln Oshawa. Their talk and film wll h on the' firat edition and coilector plates,. 1For further Infor- mation cail Information SEASONED HARDWOOD WITH BIRCH 2 FACE CORD- $100 (Free Dol): 25% OFF ALL NURSERY STOCK.- LANDSCAPING & INTERLOCKING WALKWAYS ASTIN GARDEN CENTRE' TAUNTON.THORNTON 578-2239 668.0571 N cE PRI1NC RESýTAUR'ANT' AND DIN1NG LOUNGEý 1009 DUNDAS ST EAST 'WHITBY 666-2811 B U YI SOU VLAKI OR VEAL CUTLET GETI1 JUNIOR FILLET $637 MIGNON WITH FREE SALAD BAR -v Door Prizes - Best Costume Prizes - Best Monster Dance YOU TRICK- DIXIES WILL TREAT' FuIaughter & excitemnent ail happens FunMonday October.31183 Up CQMING EVENTS Look for GREY CUP PARTY CHRISTMAS & NEW YEARS EVE PARTIES plus SUPER BOWL SPECIAL "Not just a great place ta eat buti a greai place to meet! Brlng a friand & join the gang. ar LLBO Pienty of Parl Careý Unit Funds Flourish omoe oOKTACjuL*W Featuring Carretto Ià verq,li BIG COSTUME NIGHT Saturday 29th October 83 (Prize for best costume) FINE ITALIAN -CUISINE and ATMOSPHERE VaChicken, Steak & Seafood Live Entertainment Dining 'and Dancing on Friday and Saturdtay Nights rafed by tMe Majorcredkt Star AAA cm& s cceped 1250 Dining by anllght in an elegant cave-like setting for reservagions: Phone.- 686-1542 668-3277 601 Dundas Street W. Whî:by Weekly Eventsi 1