«WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEIJNESIJAY OCTOBER 26, 1983, PAGE 19 Marigold. Festival Cooins The-Whltby Kiwanls Club recently presented a cheque for $6,5W0 to the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital con- tinuing cmr unit fund. Ian Shaw and Tom -Wilcox, both past presldents of the local Kiwanis chapter Ieresent George Lofthouse (centre), chairman of the building fund unit fund, with the money. The Kiwanis'made the money at the Spltfire Band concert earller this year and have promised a further $3,5o0 donation. Free Press Staff Photo 369-XMAIS Hotline- The campalgn to recover the $10,Ooo debt lncurred by the Marlgold Festival Is well underway. Approximately 9,000 souvenir coins were dlstrlbuted last -week throughout the town and are available for one dollar each. .Proceeds fromn this token souvenir flot only go towards the- redue- tion of the debt, but also allow free admission to Cullen Gardens. This of- fer is courtesy of Len Cullen andis valid to, al coin , holders until November il. So far the campaign bas taken on a positive note; for example the 5o coins given in-advance to Dominion Hardware have already been sold. "This is certainly a favorable' response to the, wbole campaign as we haven't even begun to promote it yet, " said Don. Frise, vice president of the Cham- ber of Commerce. IlWe just hope that the people of Whitby will ap- preicate and support'the Marigold Festival' enough to want to have it again next year."1 The town bas promised to purchase the remainlng coins at 7cents each. Coins are now available at ail major banks and trust com- panies in. Whitby, Wesley's World, of Travel, wbo are also glving one free coin wlth every package tour booked, the Nearly New Shope, Dominion Har- dware, Oshawa Shop- ping Centre, Davidson & Smith, Senior Citizens ,Activity Centre and the Chamber of Commerce. Businesses are stiil being contacted to par- ticipate. 7 TORONTO - Canada Post Corporation's York Dvisionbas introduced Di a new beit ve ois office" customers information on, Christmas mailing. By dialing 369-XMAS customers, can get an- swers to, questions like: "'When's the deadline for mailing Christmnas, cards to Hong Kong?", Wha.t's, the difference, in, cost if 1mail byair or surface?", and "'To wbich countrie.s may I .mail Christmas greetinýgs in unsealed ASTHMA ,INFO- Does someone mn your family have asthma?, if the answer is -"Iyes, then' Durham, Region Lung Association may be able'to help. Begin-, nlg on Tuesday, November 22, the. local Christmas <Seà l organization will run a four session Asthma In- formation Series at the Whitby Public lib.rary,, 405 Dundas -Street, West. This evenmng series wiil be held -on con- secutive Tuesday and Wednesday mights (con- cluding Nov. 30) from-7 to 8:30 p.m. Registration is $6 (in- dividual or family) and will include 'one copy of the Lung Association's "Breathe Free" book and record package (suitable for five to nine years olds). Topies discussed will cover the causes of asthma, the importance of medication, the correct use of inhalers, allergens in the en- vironment and varlous coping techniques. This program. will be of in- terest both te parents of asthmatic children and te, adult asthmatics who would like to be better informed. For more details on Uiis Christmas Seaà ser- vice, cail Durham Reglon Lung AasOcationat72-3151- envelopes?" Complete information on rates anddeadlines for Christmas mail ta any destination in the world (includïng Canada)**is now as close as your telephone, says Patrick.« . McCann, mnger of customer uervice for the York Division of Canada Pust Corporation. >"We've introducled0 this new service concept t p hepour custmr get their parcels and greetings., to their destinations in time for Christmas" says Me- Cann. "The hotline will also cut down delays 'at post Offices by reducing the need for information at the point of sale.. "While Christmas rates and deadlines are posted te al Our facilities, there are variances for different destinations. The prime need. is to impress on customers the impor- tance of maiing in good time - we, think, this hotline will help, them plan. their Chistmas mailings in a mi'ore ef- ficient manner."* Durham residents may cail the number colleet for information. The, hotline will be open, Monday through Frlday, 8:30 a.m.' to 4:30 p.m. from now un- tii Christmas. ýMcCahnn- suggests callers state the specific destin ation 0. f »their Christmas mail and say whether they wish to send) parcels. and/orl greeting 'cards and by what means: air orsur- face.> He also urges that ahl persons,' at- ail times, when ,sending mail, in- clude' the addressee's full address and postal code, ýplus the return addressof the, senderý with postal code. Fsterprntwnted: Being a foster parent is a tough job. Itsfuli-t'me. Twenty-four 'hours a day. Often f rustrating, and alWays demanding oôf your patience, energy and love. Yet despiteit demands, or m aybe because of them, thousands of people take foster childre noterhmsec year. Some are children, somne are teenagers. Some have special physical or emotional needs. But ail have one thing in common. They need a sense of place and securîty to help-them through a difficult period in their lives, .0 and to prepare them for reuniting with their familles. There's a very bas*cjoy in sharing with a child or young perosmef ~ .i therichness that fife has gîven-you. As part of a'team of social workers and other prof eýsionals, you'll be helping foster children and their parents when they need help most And helping yourself at the same tîme, to mature and grow as an indivîdual. If you'd like to learn more about becoming a foster parent, contact your local Children's Aid Society or FamilyMiitrofCm uiy and Children's Services. istyo- mmny lt's notan easytask. Few jobs and Social Services deînandc more of a person. r But f ewer still give more in return. n a io Nmwm u %IF 3q6%no 58 mf Frank Drea. Minister William Davis, Premier 3. DURHAM REGION FAMILY YMCA Thîrd Annual' GALA ARTAUCTION.A November 4,1983 Holiday Inn, - Oshawa For Tickets, 0811: 668-868 (WVhltby) 985i2824 (0P'orty Perr) 4331-1463 (Oshawa) A ) CHRISTMAS GIFT, INDTAT' GOOD TASTE -7 =7