PAGE 12, WEDNESiJAY OCTOBER 26# 1983, WHITBV FREE PRESS CoolantChanging A Must According to the Car Care Council, even permanent-typ e anti- freee can loeIts effec- tiveness If it bas been used more thana year. This le partlcularly true if water bas been added from timfe to time. .Rust inhibitors, generally an ingredient in permanent anti- freeze solutions, tend to "break down," causing an accumulation of rust and scale. Therefore, to insure against permanent engine damage due to overheating, a sprlng flushlng and installation of new coolant 'là recommended. The Council liste other basic services for keeping coollng systemns in top -condition. They include: Cbecking the radiator and hoses for leaks un- der pressure. Hoses also should be examined for cracks and sponginesa. Defective hoses should be replaced. In addition hose connections should be tight. Testlng the ther- mostat to make certain it, opens at the correct temperature. Pressure testing the radiator cap to make certain it holds the recommendedpressure. Inspecting all drive belts for fraying, crack ngor deterioration. Also make sure the tension is proper. Checking the water pumpe for wear. The owner who neglects bis car's cooling system is vuinerable- to car trouble, says Car Care Coundcil. 1A study by a major manufacturer of car coolants involving about 1,200 cars showed more than a third of the tbree- year-old modela checked had products of corrosion in their coolants. The percen- tages were:- one year old: 22 percent; two years old: 32 percent; three years old: 36 per- cent. None of the cars checked .was an "lold" car. Nearly haif the cars checked needed some kind of cooling-systemn service., How's Your Oil? It la a simple matter to check the. level of your car's oil. When the engine ia cold, remove the dipstick. Wipe it f AUTO TRIM Vinyl Tops 0 Windshields *'Body Side Convertible Tops 0 Carpets Mouldings- Custom Seat Covers 0 Sun Roofs* Boat TOPS 725-4914 725-9325 SNAP RADS SERVICE Get ready for winter SPýEýCIAL Expires November 25th L. q Antif reeze 1800Per Gal. 1Instal led Motnew car manufacturers recommend antifreeze be changed every year. Remember an ounce of preventi!on is like a pound of cure. Bring your car in and let us... ePressure- check your collng systom .*Ch eck bo tse H oses eRad Cap *And Ther mostat *POWER FLUSH* Our speclal power flush and'chemical flush can give your coollng system a clean start. SNAP RAD SERVICE- 300 Dundas St. E. WH ITBY 668u9328 McOpTORSISCAmSAVE MONEY ON SEL-SERVE @A T LOE IT RUG NEGLIGENCE. .30% OF ALI DRIVERS SERIOUSLY NEGLECT CAR C0EC= AND MJNTENANCE - FUEL AND IGNITON SYSTEMS SUFFERMWS BOTH AFFECT GAS MILEAGE. dlean, then reinsert it I -- fully. Remove it again, this Urnùe checking the * oùl level. If it is at or below the "ladd"' level, IF VDUJE A more oh l e needed. To, operate safely, your RJMP-IT-YOUR- car's oil level should be SELFER BUT between the "ladd"' and NOT A~ CHECK-IT-I "fuil" levels. ~USLE ACUP < If où la needed, add AT Ti UL SRVIC just enough to bring it to liqPS OCCA IONLY N the "fuil" level; do not RM SOCSOAL N overfill. ASK FOR A CHECK-UP. wil recommend the type of ofl that should be used for your car, as well as how often it should be changed. Gasoline 'Has Corne A Long Way by Paul Jacot There was a time in Canada in the 1850s when oil was used for making candles, lubricating greases, and kerosene. Until the development of- the automobile, gasoline was actually burned off as waste. Strange, but true. Since those days, gasoline has gone through many changes. Companies such as ShelI Canada have devoted a lot of time and money to* the ipoe ment of gasoline. This research continues and it includes extensive con-' IPICKERING -SPRING SERVICE LTD SPRINGS FOR ALL " CARS " TRUCKS " TRAILERS " 4 WHEEL DRIVES " CORVETTE " CAMPERS 1051 BROCK RD s PICKERING " INSTALL " REPAIRS " REARCHING * SHOCKS *U BOLUS ALL SIZES HENDRICKSON BUSIIINGS CK 83M006 683-0438. ~ MIKE - BORIS akA BASELINE COLLISION 10 19 TOY ST. PICKERING 686-2075 *Complete Rusi Refinishing & Collision *IsuaneClaims *FREE: Bodyside molding with complete body job. O shawa Auto Parts Ltd. Used Parts For Al Makes Cars & Trucks 1 725,2162 1175 Nelson St., Oshawa sultation with the automotive industry and governments. As automobiles became more and more popular, and more accessible to, the general public, engines became .more sophisti cated. With the in- crease in the number of automobiles and the itumber of models to choose from, fuel demanids also changed. In. the 1950s and 1960s,' high-performance cars and high-compression engines demanded higher octane gasolines. Adding lead compounds was the most energy-efficient way to boost the octane. And drivers had their choice of regular or high octane premium grade. However, air pollution' developed as g major con- cern in ý the 1970s and automobile exhaust emis- sions were recognized as a significant source of pollution. 50 governments established strict emission standards, for automobile- manufacturers. Since the 1975 mode! year, most cars have been equipped with a'device in the exhaust system that cleans up pollutants. This is called a catalytic con- verter. And since the use of leaded gasolines makes this catalyst ineffective, a "iregular" non-leaded gasoline has become wide- ly available. 'Not only does non- leaded gasoline red.icie pollution, it gives a car, longer spark plug life, cleaner engine parts, im- proved oil performance, and increased muffler life., Gasoline has changed a lot since the 1850s and as the automobile becomes even more sophisticated, 50 will the grades of gasoline, in contifluing to, p rovide Canadians with efficient and improved automotive fuels. Check tire pressure when temperature dips If the Jast time vo u checked your tire pressure was during the warm weather, better check it again, suggests Car Gare Council. Outside air tem- perature directly affects tire pressure whic, in turn affects gas mileage. Tires which already may have been a few. pounds beiow proper pressure toward the end of summer could easily become eight to ten pounds undeninflated %.-. Z on a freezing day. This increases the ire's rolling resistance, reducing gas mileage by as much as five per cent, says tte Couricîl. Further, il can cut tire life by about 25%. Recommended tire pressure is given in thf owner's manual or on ar. information plate posted orn the car. Always check 'the tires cold or when they have been run'no more than a mile or two. Spnagoved 6 the Aut.eedve laduabie, AnOeatMia of Cuadu r ,40 Russet Ave., Oshawa M 1 a -M Ir