WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 5,1t983, PAGE LETTRS TOTHE.EDI-TOR w Union president asks for Attersley's.,appology IEdtor's Note: The followlng ls a copy of a letter sent to Mayor Bob Attersley by Barry Casey, president of OP- SEU Local 332. Dear Sir; I arn writing to you on behaif of the employees and parents of residents of Durham Centre for the Developmentally Handicapped. As you are well aware, 'we staged a demonstration at Iroquois Park on Sept. 7 for the Hon. Frank Drea, to protest the closure of Durham Centre. Reports we received later both from those at- tending the award presentation at Iroquois Park and as .quoted in the newspapers at- tributed you as having called us "irrespon- Are cable companies bleeding the public?0 Dear Editor, My 1981 and 1982 yearly bis for cable service were almost identical except that a $2 discount for paying yearly was dropped in -1982., This obvious neglect to bleed the public no doubt was precipitated by some, devious, ulterior motive to con- vince the C.R.T.C. that this cable coîpany (a monopoly in this area as well as many others) was a responsible cor- porate citizen. Although I am hesitant to surmise some deception, I can only, conclude that something of this al took place at that time to smooth the com- pany's road in- the future. My cynicisni is fuelleci by this year's bill which jumped an incredible 18 Per cent over last year 's. This huge increase seems to put into per- spective the feelings of this company for its customers as well as its respect for our federal government which bas suggested a "6 and 5" restraint for soie and demanded it froî others. G. Robertson Whitby Too many ribbo n cuttings Dear editor, mayor does make news, This 18 certainly the im- I had to laugh when I but it's the news that he pression I have of the read the article from makes that I question. mani. G.A. Cole regarding the Is there anything he After a while it does publicity given to our . does other than pose get a bit tiresome! mayor. while cutting ribbons In a town this size the and shaking hands? V. Bennett SEE HOW PAY TV.BRINGS NHE GOOD LIFE INlO VIEW CURL Up WITH A GOOD MOVI On those cold, rainy autumn evenings, curl up with a good movie. A great way to end the day or make a wonderful weekend last a littie longer! 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One of our attempts to seek clarification of the ministries intentions over closures and the disposition of our resident clients came about at the forum held Iast January in Ajax, which, I might add,. you attended. This ministry is* clearly shirking its responsibility to provide services for the developmentally han- dicapped by elosing small facilities and not putting duplicate ser- vices in the community. The majority of residen- ts in fact, are flot being placed in the coi- munity, but are being sent to larger facilities. The ministry dlaims it is deinstitutionalizing the developmentally handicapped, when in fact, the reverse is true, as it' transfers the majority of residents froni small community based fadiities to major isolated institutions. The fact that you would cail parents and staff, concerned in- dividuals for the plight of the developmentally handicapped, irrespon- sible is inexcusable. This- orderly demon- stration was called for and a normal progression by concer- ned indiX~iduals when a goverrnment is morally wrong in its judgeîent and continues to avoid any reasonable discussions or negotiations over this issue. In closing, Mr. Mayor, I sincerely hope that you will retract your remarks publicly and realize that any reasonable protest to protect the rights 0f the developmentally han- dicapped and a five million dollar local in- dustry, is called for. Barry Casey. President, O.P.S.E.U. Local 332 ý Al