Between Yo u and, Me By RUTHI COLES You are fre. and that Ie wby yen are lest. SFran: Kaika Away this week into the wild blue yonder but by car, no plane. The clearnes of the air and the bluenese of the eky ful of white, beautiful, cumulus cloude makes for great travelling weather. From one season to another, each one se very different this makes cur country a wônderful place to live. In latter years they have told us rain determines the colour of the foliage more io than frost. Lots of rali promotes coJlour s0 this year the leaves may brown off rather than turnlng i i vivd orange, red and yeilow. As it stands now this le how it seeme hi, bu. However,' thie week ramn has fallen. twice and lots For the past three montha we have only hadt a couple of sprinkles; the ramn clouds move hi the north and the south, leavlng us dry and desolute. For over a hundred miles we drove througb sheets of pouring ramn and welcomed every drop even te walking i the' ram. What a cool refreshing feeling it was. Today more rain and this must mean we can do wlthout the pump, al the hose with which we watered day after day. At one point we- drove through a village without water. We did not have time te question anyone and ask how they managed. No doubt they had it tru cked inat great ceet. Enough about the Lada car. No matter how upset people are lets use some commonsense and restramnt. International affaire are net resolved by such stupid acts of vandalism. Smashing a car to bits with hammers and other "such things does nothing for anyone other than allowing them to give vent'te anger. Destruction le destruction and neyer very laudable. Petty and foelish, it certainly sets a poor example for young people. As for breaking off our business relations, breaking wheat contracte with the Russians le only adrip, net a drop, in the bucket, more damaging to us, our wheat farmere, than to the ethers. 1We have many experts on international affaire, let them make the judgements on such thinge. Few of us are privy te information gathered on a daily basis around the wôrld. To astmK.lIstress Club holds first meeting' BY GERMAINE BAR Whltby Toastmlistress Club "Preventative Measures" was the theme for the firet regular meeting of the Whitby Toastmistress Club. The aim was te "expand our knowledge in parliamentary procedure". The hot summer still persisting made it a raLlier elterlingeting foraiwho ttnddhoevri IThe business session, althougli lengthy, went ithout tee many glitches, considering a very full agenda. Toastmistress, Germaine Barr, introduced the speakers fer the evenmng as follows: Dorothy Hart with a prepared speech entitled I'Rescued from the brink" and Paulie Torresan with an oral reading entitled "Well, chop the beam" written by Harry Bruce Evaluating the speakers were Audrey Beard and Barbara Blair respectively. General evaluator was Althea Darwen. Timer and grammarian was Lee Hewitt. A demonstration meeting le aIse scheduled for October il at the Whitby Public Library beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Prcgram room. Please mark your calendars. 1Fur further information please oeil Shirley Mac- danald at 668-4817 or Gernmaine ar at 668-2092. Every August since the last war, international af- faire have heated up ln many places i the world. By the time October cornes, everything quietens down somewhat. WiII It be so this year? The greater our country becomes le our best resistance to the Ruselan governmene,. Just as a family holda and stands together the lees outeide in- fluences can batter and destroy.- The same with a country, pull together and make it strong. It's toc bad the average person cannot know just what undermines a country from wlthout. How many forelgn agents abound in this land and to the south of us in the States? How many activiste are there, a whlsper here and another one there? Whlepers can grow into a mlghty roar. Some people are incllned to say, "oh you muet see a Commie under every bed?" Nonsense, this le a ccp cut. Let the Commies have their own way i their own country. Not countries they walk Into and try te, take over, but thefr own terrltcry. Their suc- cees le not always top grade and we don't want to emulate them. Undermlning cf a country is sophisticated and of- ten very subtle, much too subtie to understand. Sendlng the Moscow Circus home was a great idea and keeplng their planes off cur land for a whlle, a long while, may tel tbem something. We hope they Iearn that shooting, down planes and, killing people will bu very detrimental to their well being. The more we keep our cook the harder it Winl bu on them. We miglit bu weil advised to forget the Ladas and the wheat deals, let the knowledgable ones who know the ropes deal* with the Russians, or rather their goverment. There can bu many a slip butween the cup and the lip. The world le on a percarious tip as manyinter- national people who are informed know. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNF:SDAY SEPTEMBER 21. 1983, PAGE 6 HUMANE SOCIETY The Ontario Hurnane TAA Society, Whitby branch, DNU E H RP reports a busy month of Auguet. In a report submitted C I I to Town Council, the 1 udsS.E 13SceS1t Society llsted the num- htyOhw ber of doge impounded as 20; doge destroyèd, 66-79 7985 three; cats sheltered, 23; cats destroyed, 17; O * O* and maiscellaneous yApite Ol animais sheltered, 86. TVESIETTJNG ON ýTHE PREMISES, I COMPUTERIZED &PHTN IF YOU DON T REMEMBER YOU MY NE VER FORGET There are s'omne very good reasons to stop) for stationary school buses. Such as the penalties for i oit stopping, which could include six demerit points, fines of up to $1,000 and ex'en iml)risoflmellt. But the irost in-)portant reason of ail is simplv ttiîs: Your nmistake coLld cost a clilcis lîfe. And that kind of inistake is neyer forgotten. So rernember, drivers ,going in both directions mnust stop for a school bus flashing iights. And drivers approachirig from behind must stop at lcast 20 metres (about 4 car lengthis) behind the bus. And this year, there's sornething new to watch'for. Every school bus in Ontario is now equipped wi\th a STOP SIGN ARM that is auto- rnaticaily raised when' childreri are getting on or off a school bus. So keé*p an eye out this fail for flashing lights and stop signs on school buses. Flease, don't take a chance with the life of a child. CAN YOU AFFORD 10 FORGET? Ministry of Transportation and Communications, c5)Ontario James Snow, Minister Wililam DaVis, Premier