Whitby Free Press, 14 Sep 1983, p. 3

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Jean Farewell (left) and Helen Far ewell unv eil a plaque, which -commtemorated, the opeming 0f a new wlng at Whitby's Fafrview Lodge home for the aged. Frank Drea, Minister of Community and Social Ser- vices looks on. F airview Lod 4ge wing op'en B Y TIM BAINES Comrnunlty Editor A new wing at the Fairvlew Lodge home for the aged was -0f- ficially opened in.,a ceremony Iast Wed- nesday afternoon. The wing, on which" construction began in, November of 1902, was origixially budgeted at *208,00 0 but reports now indicate the cost wIl be substantiaily in mxessa«of $3 millon., 1Reglonal Coundillorý, Tom Edwards, speakingý on behalfof the Town of Wbltby, welcomed the- wing', which will house 59 new beds. "INow that we have filled- physical needs , I wonder if we can f111 the spiritual needs for people, who use the home," he lamented. frank Drea, Minister of Commumity 'and Social Services,.said in. bis, remarks, the Lodge bas changed drasticaily since its opening in 1951, at whlch Urne it was considered one of the moet modem homes in the province. "'Today, senior citizens ',"apartments have taken the place of residentiàl careJn.'ter- nis of the over-65sage group," -he said. «'People corne into the homes when they're frail and sick. It's not a question of economics! and social mores, they, require profesionall care." Drea believes .that, complexes, like 'Fair-' view lodge-will become even more predominant in the future. "We'il see more and more 'of these because they're serving people that have entirely dif- ferent needs, " he said. Hie also. sees con- tinuing improvement in the facilities.' 1"tmos t,ôcf the homes for, the,_Aged in the- provine -are'.*being renovated substantially. They're catering to new needs and doing it better than any other nation in the world." "We bave, to ensure proper service and care for a generation that has' contibuted- to making" this ýprovince what it 'is. The only way we, can> en- sure this is with com- plexes like Fairview Lodge." Other dignitaries on hand at the opening in- cluded MP. Scott Fen- neil, MPP George Ashe, Muriel Coates, ad- ministrator at the Locige, Doug 'Jobns', social . services .C m-" missioner.,a"nd Gary Herrema, chairman of Durham Region. Additional< no parking vetoed, CLASSIFIED Ab for resut SEEHOW PAY' TVBRIINGS THE GOOD LIFE 1NTOV1EV<ý BY TIM BAINES Commninty Editor Whitby's 'operations <committee bas respon- ded to a group. of Michael 'Boulevard residents by deciding flot to institute ad- ditional no parking regulations on the Street,, from Calais Street to Bell Drive. The decision 'was based on a questionaire circulated to 21 residen- ts wbo would be affected by tbe no parking zone. 0f the 13 questionaires retumned, 10 were against the additional restrictions while only three were in favor of them. According to a report from the works depar- tment, those opposed to the restriction said they required parking for their visitors and also the presence of parked carseut down on speeding cars because they had to drive more slowly. Those in favor were concerned about- the safety and said there was too much parking on the street. The report also recommended strict en- forcemnent of the three- bour parking liit on Michael Boulevard. An earlier report recomrnended that ad- litional parking restric- ~ions not be irnposed. it -as also recommended o have police set Up radar on the street to reduce speeding., 1Durham . - Regional Police complied, with this- request ' between June 8 agd 19, during which time 34ý charges were laid with speeds ranging from 59 -to 70 kilometres per hour. The police depar- tmenât recommended that on-street- parking from Calais Street to Jeffery Street be com- pletely'removedý as tbey felt this, would reduce area traffic problems. The town's repor t countered that complete removal of on-street parking may mrate a Brooklinexpan-sio] eliminate some of the traffic problems, but unless it was vigorously enforced, there would always be traffic. problerns. The report continued to say visitors to, the homes would park in the area regardiess of its legality. n 1may be f inaàlly ap proa"hon elt BY TIM BAINES' Expansion in Brooklin could finally be 'ap- proaching reality as a result of reent discussions held recen- tly between the provin- cial govermnent and Whitby Town Council. Pending- approval by theMnistry Of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Regional Couneil, plans caîl for the developmn'ent 0f the First City landaý - the arawest of Thickson Road and south of Win- chester Road - alone rather than the smaller parcels of land 1 ying east of Thickson and north of Winchester. According to Mayor Bob Attersley, Town Council Winl support this developmeént if ap- proved., "This is the biggest step forward yet," said Attersley. "WhaUt we're trying to do la get this whole Brooklin, thing in action." «« The entire projeet bas been on a holding pat- tern because the agriculture ministry bas not agreed to par- cels cf land being changed' from their present, status. When completed, sanitary sewers will be extended to Brooklin and the community will grow from its present 1,600 te 10,000. lTown ' Couneil's change in direction on the plan was agreed to in a private session two weeks ago. *According to Atter- sley, Markborougb bas been informed of Coun- cil's decision. Because Markborough does net have a < similar agreement with the town, Attersley says they may file an obje- tive. C URL UP WITH 'A 6000 MOVI On, those cold, rainy aut um'h evenings, curi up with a good movie. A great way to end the day or make à.wonderful ýweekend llast a ltte longer! Pay TV movies like Redsand Tempest corne to you in Ci nemna-style - unedited, uninterrupted, 24 hou rs a day - for as littie as $15.95* a mont/i. 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