PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY AUGUST,31o 19831 WHITBV FR EE PRESS Whltby's Most WI.deIy Read _,CASSI FIFD ADS__ TO TE* .O ARTICLES ILB CARE CIDCR sEVCS YRENLJ FOR SALE SEVICES SERVICES BIGJ BNG iRU-G CLEANING Have orUiglom Dinîng-Room And Haiiway 0f. Any Size Cleaned For $40.00. Bedroome Are $10.00 Extr.& Aht Work le Guaranteqd. For Appointment Caii: 8666-1465 Do YDU HAVE RUSTY HARD WATER? Ciii Gary Voung Plumb- Iiig and rent a watar softener or iran filter. FREE INSTALLATION. Rentai stays the sîme forever BrookllnO-4936. WHY PAINT OR WALLPAPER> Lot Us. 41nterorlexterior and eavestroughIng. ReasanabIe' rates, quaiity wark, fre sti- mates., 10% discount ta senior citizens. Ciii John: 516-3705 U SS.RVCESCES 11GRAMMAR for peopla wh o hate grimmir"le a.the 1i'deai 'pocket raference book for business- people. $3.95 par copy and avili- able at Diokeon Printlng & Office Supplias ln the Ajax Plaza. Dialer enqulils Invted 683-1968. ~NCMEVO'S FIREWOOD NOTICE The tamliy of tha aita Rudy Raka wauid like ta notify alilof aur custamera thît- the Firewaod Business whIch Rudy hie bulit up ovar tha lest 19 ysars wlil continua. Wa ap- prëclate your support during these times. 7284852 Mns. Roka. CONGRATULATIONS an your forthcoming marriage. Plaise, viaw aur simples of engraved wedding Invitations at your lei- sure In aur Aax Plaza store. Dick- son PrintIng & Office Supplias 663-1968. OPEN HOUSE The famiiy of James end Maria Smyth-would iikW.ta Invite their relatives and frisndî ta an Opmn ous. celebratian an the occasion af their Sth Wsdding- Anniversary on Saturday, Sept. 3 fram 2-4-p.m. et 850 ýGroin St., Whitby. Best wishessaniy. CORREL, CORIELL, CORYE LL EdItar ai FamlIiyNewsietter ln Whitby tempararlly - contact by sending name, mailing address, teIsphane ta General Oelivery, Whitby, Ontaria LUN 5R3 - per- manent address sa N. Burr Cornui P.O. Box 662, Senti Barbara, Cultfornla 3102. WE BUY and SELL USED APPLIANCES WE RECONDîTiON AND GUARANTEE TEXT BOOKS I irst year Business Administration. Durham Caliege. Phone 668-4089. WANTED USED APPLIANCES '%" v Bil ' v SeIl Fref- Pickup (working or not working) Mike's, Resa le Centre 1311 Harwood Ave N. Ajax Eve. 683-8331 Bus. 683-3579 WANTED-old Ontario. postcards. Any quantity. To buyýor trade. Phone 579-9895. CHESTERFIELD suites, love- sosts, sactIcals, lise than t6 prIce. Lige selectian. McKeen Fumiture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. QLTOETDK FOR SALE drassed ta your SPece. Shoep, iamp, goats and pige. Aiea fresh veal. Ciii Neil 655-3430. Have yaur lait bar- becue with a pig tram Neil. FOR SALE corn feed and green laid. Béef $1.50 per lb. Park $1.10 par lb. Fresh chickene 81.50 par lb. Al out and wrîpped. Deiivery discussèd. 263-2634 Dane. oz;uiiD PROP and skeg repaira. Fat ser- vice. Fibergiassanmd îiumlnum boit repaire. Fiberglaîs sup- Piliai. Plastice heats, tubes and roa. Oshawa Gis Fibre,.341 Durhamn Street, Oshawa, 579. 1433. FORRSA.ESALE' LUMBER FOR SALE 1000 ft. dry Spruceanmd Hamîack, $350 par M. 2000 ft dry Pins, 8380par'M. Rough lumber, deîivarad (705) 292-9900 9-10 eveninga. OFFICE DESKS $45 each. New waadan shed Mx $11%). 4x8 pol tabla, Q-rick, etc. $175. Phone 68-410O4. 'HEROES ai the Bible"~ coiouring book available-at Dickson Print- ing & Office Suppiy, Aax Plaza, 683-1968. 'Dealer Inquiries In- vited. FOR SALE four sets siiding win- dows and frimas. Size; 763A wide x 39. Sutîbie for hausa or cot- tage. $150 for complets set. Phone 666-1503. ICENMORE STOVE, Goad con- dition. $180. Older tridge. Goad for cottage or bar, $45. Phono 668-1206. MATIRESSES and box epringe et haif price.'McKean FurnItura, 524 Simcoe Street -South, Oshawa. 725-5181. GEOTYPE prose-on ittaring now ln stock at Dickson Printing & Of- f ici Supplies ln the Aax Shop- ping Plaza. Large soiectian ot styles and sizes. Why pay more for a smiller eheet of iettering? 683-968. FOR SALE iota & chair. French Provincial. $200. Good condition. Phone 668-2108. VISIT our usad furniture wire- house by îppointment. Big savinge on deeke, chairs, f iing cabinats, etc. Ciii Diokson Print- Ing & Office Supplies ta arrange an appointment to view. 683- 1968. BEDROOM SUITE wainut wood, Includes two night tables, haad- board, trame, man's dresser, ladias nine drawer drosser with mirrar. Excellent condition. $800. Phono 66e7824. CLEANING HELP requIred for West Lynde home. Ciii 668-1145. CAMERA MEN WOMEN, part- time, tuli-time. W.111 train. Persans with awn portabla home videa equipment preferred. John 1-787- 1001. WANTED: Reliable part time heip ta wark ln Pickering irai, iii day Mandayand aiea Tueedîy even- Inge. Muet be able ta lift furni- ture. Ideai for healthy, retired or semi-ratired persan. Ciii even- Ings - 416-985-8161. BABYSITTER NEEDED for twa school age chiidran. Manday ta FrIday. Stirting September. Close ta Wastlynde Public Schoai. Phone 66686206 after 6 p.m. EXPERIENCED watresa for nlghte. Explorer Restaurant. 666- 0316. EXPERIENCED DISHWASHER male or female. fla,*ime. Ex- ENGLISH BULL TERRIERS for sale. CKC rogistar. Miles and famaies. Seven weeks oid. Phona .725-0841. FREE four manth aid famale puppy. Vaccinated. Needs good home. Labradon foaturas, Ger- min Shaphard coiauring. Phone 655-3700. <CARE CENTRE *Inants-6 years eGovernment Llcensed *Early Education Program *Hot Balanced Lunches *Indlvldual Attention & Instruction Oshawa -Whitby 571-0031 668m8927 332 Elgin W. 309 Bosch St. .= Contre St. à Kent St.0 EXPERIENCE DAYCARE avalîabie ln my home. Any age. Fuil-time or part-time. In 'the MannIng Road and Brook Streets DAVOARE AVAILABLE my home. Pre-achool chiidren. Apprax. houri 7:30 a.m. ta 6:00 p.m. Phono 668-9915. RELIABLE BABYSITTINC ln my home. Hot meals, nutrItiaus snacks, large piîying ira; Indoor and autdaor. Two yeare and aider preferred. 668-0249. 1975 FORD and 1972 Mavarick. $500 each or affer. Phonae668- Typ rwmh In renai 8, ,I011 iIMeS and models, by tha 'weakend, week or month. Discounts avili- able. Diokeon Printing & Office Supplies ln the Aax Plaza. Cii us for business machine repaira 683-1968. FOUND O DELIVERY A CARTAGE LOST gaid bracelet on Thursday, Auguat 11. Whitby ira. Reward. Phone Rosie 668-1878. NOW 5 DAYS A WEEK' MONDAY ELECTRONIO Lic. No. 366745 TUESDAY Jayaess& Pckrig N G Minor aebl WEDNESDAY Wonderers Rugby $ AO CASH &pimlit $ JVV 0MUST GO THURIDAY P.H.A. FRID AY $ 110000 OJACKPOT JAYCEES MUST GO Lic. No. 366743 LIGHTNING ROUND 7:00 P.M. REGULAR GAMES 7:30 P.M. - PAV 1900,11 ea. TRY OUR NEW MINI 1BINGO MACHINES PLAY STARIS AT 6:00 P.M. ci 01 WY. SILVER DOLLAR BINGO IBAYLYIZ [j 0SIER LLAR PICKERING BINGO HALL 831-*2421 (PAMENTS71 Vi RETALSCONDOS FOR RENT ~ ~ * OSHAWA 1100 Codir St. $525. RLL IDA Ubedraam. Phono Toronto, 5S3 4 Claarwitar - Thrae beclroom 1679 or Oshawa, 579-1448. C homos. Pools, tennis, ' ~ ~ ~ ~ c a m a . $22500 S weeki O A E close ta beachas and major attractions, children weî- ARTRISLES le s than m tai room).R A E A E ANI) MORIE... FREE: Drap into the Dickson Prlniing & Office Sup'piy store ln CMOAI the Aax Piazi m pcknp( re - dar. Printed ln two colours, tl YOUNG GENTLEMAN hie twa L'SFIDiD mîkes for hîndy refarence. 683- eronPnhos prmn 19W. ~ta ahîra with raspoasbia, EOTIU - warking lamais, 20-30 yoare aid. 4 .4 GARDEN $225. Phone 666-1719.f SEE PAGE 19 - PRflflhII~F I PALLOCK ORCHARDS- WHITBY NOW OPEN Featuring new crop, ap- pies, pears, cider, honey, tomatoos. Every day lowj prices. First entrance j north of Rossiand on Hlghway 12 east side. A, Specializing In ivoving VMKMUIMINU " Offices *ApartmontsN Pianos *Appilancasà 728-71 58 SUPPLIES Anytime INTERLOCKING Ij..V PPOETUNITIDI BRICK WALK-WAYS Dnîwing Provided FAST FOOD RESTAUIIANT & dali for silo or lasse. Fuiiy oquip- IRD ROSE ped. Excellent location and op- LANOSCAPINO partunity. Cali 655-4936. 579-8285 655-4749, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Qýllliv E À%k a -- REQU EST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 83-RFP-73 SNOW AND ICE CONTROL VARIOUS GO STATIONS GO Transit invites proposais for snow and ice control for varlous GO stations in the GO Transit operating area. ',Proposai documents may be obtalned from GO Transit's Purchasing Section, 555 Wilson Avenue, Downsview, Ontarlo M3H 5Y6, or by telephone at 630-5220. Sealed proposais wiIi be received until 2 p.m., Thursday, September 8, 1983, at the above offices. The iowest or any proposai wilii not necessariiy be accpeted., ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTUSERS Please check your advertisement for errors, on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiliI fot be liable for failure to publishan ad, or for typographic errors ln publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum COst of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear ln the paper one day before they can be Changed or Canceiied. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 1 le each addition- ai word If pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when callilng. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irsi 100 words; 12e each additional word'. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F TH-ANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12e each additionai word. AUCTION SALES - 34c per line. (No word ads ailowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additionai charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wili make every en- uuavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no liability regarding ioss or damnage aileged to arise through failure or deiay in forwarding such replies. We wiii flot be responsibie for box number replies flot called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to Insert or cancel Ciassified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads.- CALL 668-6111 -100u 0113V ia lie c Ulm. piorer Restaurant 668-0316. ______________ -IARTICES S P.W5P~Ts&I LFORRENTI l SIiPPI.IES rantE ia--.. --9% 1 Ad 1