Whitby'3 Most Widely Rsaci SIFII2D GARAGE&#NOTICE YARD ALES 0F INTENTION YARD ALES TO DISSOLVE YARD SALE, JuIy 30,9:00 &m. to 5 p.m. 37 Outhrlo Cmoent ln Ot. ter C1". OFFICE SPACE FOR RENI -WHITIY- Three-room WhItby office suite with pri- vate washroom. Has over 750 square feet of fully broadioomed and air-conditioned spaciousness. Main office about 32 feet, long. Could be divid-, ed Into smaiier offlo-> es. For further Infor- mation cali 668-6372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. U FRIEU MARKE EV 'YSATR. Ajx PLASTICS PLATING COMPANY LTD. NOTICE' lB HEREBY GIVEN that PLASTICS PLATING COMPANY LIMITED Intends to dissolve pursuant to The Business Corporations Act. DATED at Whltby, On- tario, this 30th day of March, 1983. E. Veselinovic Secretary ~~~UNEI ADS ~WTT4EWOLE FAMILY ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKEND CORNEIL AUCTION BARN FRIDAY JULY 29 6:30 PM 3 mlles eout of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsay/lttie Britain Road. Round oak pedstai table (3 beaves excellent con- dition) oak side board, 4 cameo press back chairs, mahogany china cabinet, Victor player' piano, oak bed, maple bunk beds, oak hutch, Chip & DaIe, secretary desk, organ stool, wainut gate leg table, oak dressers, pine bianket box, refridgerators, 2 piece wainut bedroorn suite, handmade qulîts, 19 foot cedar strip boat, Ash air-tlght stove, 14 foot aiuminum boat, 20 h.p. Mercury motor, quantity of tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE IRITAIN 705-78&2183 PEARCE AUCTION BAT. JULY 30,1983 6:00 PM At Pearce Auction Cen- tre on Shirley Road 4 miles South of Port Perry. 1976 Chev haif-ton with heavy duty suspen- sion, 350 Honda motor bike, 3 h.p. roto tiller, super vldeotronic proiso- tor, Kenmore washer and dryer, 5 ton f loor Jack, air-conditioner, chain- saws, antique dressers, pine table, press back chairs, fanitity dresser, sig-sag sewing machine, new pine plank panellng, 250 foot elec- trlc wire, toaster oven, barrai pump, garden sprayer, stereo with large speakers, good crib, eiectrlc motors, Gaivanized palis, range hood and much more. We take Visa and Master Card. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 You Are Invlted to as. Our wlde selec- dion of wedding sa- tionsry end accessor- les. CIRCULATION MANAGER NEEDED. Mature, reliable person with good driving record. Must be bondable and able to work weII with chlldren. Varlety of duties, Salary to commen- surate with experience. Appîy In person 131 Brock St. Ne Whltby, Ont. Councl Column DY REGIONAL COUNCILLOR TOM EDWARDS May I take this belated opportunity of thanklng s0 many of you for your messages of encouragement and support over the past few weeks, on my attem- pts to retain the status of Whitby as a town. On occasion, ln oItier to support some point of view or other, members of Couneil are given to vague referenees to mysterious taxpayers who are in support of some pet project whlch la in some cif- ficulty. There was nothig vague about my position on July 18 lust, and the taxpayers I was refferlng to, were either present i the Coundil Chambers, had from page 5 From ail directions when the wlnd la right, from the east where somnething la being done i Oshawa past the Whitby l*undarY' Une. From the new cloverleaf, heavy machinery with ail IS asorted sounds lncluding the "beep, beep", The trains we love to hear and this generaily hap- pens before a ram Stormn when there is such a clear- ness, i the air. Imiss the old whistle and that lovely black smoke biilowing ito- the air and the white steam and with them both that wonderful smeil of a train.q When the nort~h wind bringsa the sounds of High- way 40 down our way, we soon forget it until we hear the screech of tires which does not happen too often. The very worst of ail are the draggers who ride back and forth on a quiet street to the north. This can go on for hours and hours, sometimes until dawn. How they stand'the noise of their machine is beyond me. How can they afford new tires? The temperature of the lakte durmng this heat speil 18 appalling, again the wind is the cuiprit. Sorne time ago it was lovely but the drop cornes when the wind direction changes, often a drop of twenty degrees. We are purnping water in for the garden which. is alrnost a disaster area. We share an excellent well but with so much sun and'no rain, one'doesn't over- do it. One day last week I fell into the laké, sudden shock and surprise but very refreshing with the temperature of the air at 100 degrees. Subrnitted bY mernbers, of WIIiTtY TOWN ('XlNCi GUARANTEED AUTO BODY 486A Waterloo St., Oshawa edoillialon and-Rust Repaire *Custom~ spray paýntlng *Sandblasting @Classic end Antique Car Restoration oVlnyi roof repaire -eRechrome Bumpers *Replacement Body Panels Complote car Paint Job Inçudes a1l matela ed preperatioo9 (body wortc extra.) 725-02611 LA CONTESSA HAI R Aie; SALONÎ SUPER SPECIALS Mondays Perms - 1/2 Price Wed nesdays 1/2 Price on every other service (except Perms) (This offer applies to Susan oniy) Cal for your appointment now. 668-9262 CLAA W.G.A.A. SCORES SQUIRTS JULY 18 Bailey Pharrnacy .... .14 Pizza Delight ....... 21 JULY 20 Peacock Sports ..22 Pizza Delight ....... 18 Jon's Auto ........ 29 Ti st Lynn G.A ......9 Midway Datsun... 9 Bailey Pharmacy .... 21 NOVICE JULY 19 _Kinsmen........... 5 Cheyne's.......... 36 Brooklin L.A....... 14 M&. Rent-Al ....... 12 BANTAM No scores reported JUVENILE No scores reported rOà DVERTISING SALESPERSON 1~REQUIRED Chailenging, exciting, work and friendiy atmnosphere. Experience flot necessary but transportation Is. Sma!. local company with good reputation. Interested parties ýcafliAndy at 668-61 il for further detalis. MURMIN a - 78Y FR EE PRESS, WEDNESDAYJULY 27, 1983, PAGE 19 written, or had slgned a petionwlth their names ln Irrefutable and irreversible diaplay. Naturaily 1 am very proud to, have been 50 ac- curate about how this unnecessary and tinie wasting sllly notion would be recelved by you the Whitby taxpayers. Wlth a few laolated commenta to the contrary, there was an almost unanirnous respons that the idea should be trated with the disdain it deserved. I was very proud also, despite the provocation, of how the large audience condlcted themselves on the night of July 18. Many of you felt so strongly about the matter, that It would not have been surprlsig if feelings had run a little hlgh at the meeting. It speaks weil fo the muturity 0f thought, and the In- sistance on an orderly process, that enabled the meeting to proceed wlth such hlgh regard for the dignity of the sessions. 1 must admit it aiso helps to know you have won. There -are stifi some unanswered questions. One Councllor took pride i the fact that he and others had remained silent on the Issue. Only four weeks previously the Council bad voted six to one to apply for City Status effective Jan. 1, 1984, depending on the public rffsponie te the matter. And we should remain silent in that kid 0f situation. Another Councillor took comfort because the exercise produced 50 much positive comment about the kid 0f community we live in. Weil we ail know that. As much as 1Ilike tohbear what a good job the Coundil la doing, I do not want It at the kind 0f threat to our future that thia notion evoked. What realiy concerned me durlng this whole sorry period was the distresa caused to some public- spirited people who love our community, and work hard to improve it. There were ladies no longer young and hi some cases despite severe handicap, knocking on doors, -and experiencig hard, effort, that coul have resulted hi physical harmn. .The one beneficial aspect of the whole. thing was the joy at seeing the entire commwemty corne together to protect its weil being. There were people from. ai over the. comrnunity hIcluding the rural areas. It was great to see people from Brooklin, and Ashburn, and Myrtle, as weil as those who have lived in the old Town of Whitby for over 70 years. .There were young children, and people who have not been here for more than a few months, ail driven by the sarne purpose to hold on to, what we have and to enjoy it for a few more years yet, Weil done ail of you. You made me feel very proud. It was-my privilege to represent the Council at the inaugaration of the Pringle Creek Neighbourhood Watch Orgamization. This la a gathering of neigh- bours who volunteer with some police training to watch out for their neighbours' homes during ai> scenes. This is a first not just for Whitby, but for the Durham Region. As our population grows, the problems of Ur- banization grows with it, and only by this kind of co- operation can we hold them ini check. We would do well to cover the entire com munity in the same way. The lSth twinning exercies has passed into history. We made special attempts to enable our !riends from Longuiel to see more of our Com- rnunity and to learn some of the history of Upper Canada. The Provincial Government responded to, our request for assistance and for the first time to my knowledge, both our Provincial Representative Mr. A.she, and the Federal Member Mr. Fenneil, were present at the sessions. I hasten to add in fairness that Mr. Broadbent vhen his Riding covered Whitby, took a very active part in our twinning activities. Since the visit ended I have received numerous nessages of thanks for your hospitality and assurances from our francaphone visitors that they eturne"D home ithreneweddetrmiatin&t