Lynde House Museum WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEIJNESDAY JULY 20, 1983, PAGE 7 retains local ih BY TIM BAINES Communlty Editor Whitby's Lynde House Museum is a sight that remains prominent in the heritage, of Whitby; yet many local people bave'not taken advan- tage of the opportunity to learn a littie more iabout the early days in tis community. <The museum's curator Nancy Currie admits she would like to see more local folks coming to take in the sights. "We've had people in who've llved in Whitby ail their lives and had not provlously been here," said Currie. hw resurprised at hwmuch they can see and learn. We'd like to see more people from the town corne out and see wbat they've been missing." The museum, which opened for the season in May, bas added a gift shoppe, apicket fence and surrounding gar- dens to its attractions this year. *e hopes that ber-- bsfom one of the gar- dens can be used for a harveot supper planned for fanl. ,phe gift sboppe, features locally made crafts and prints of local Points of interest, drawn by Ken Lennox. Currie is also new to the museumn. After finishing sebool at Peterborougb's 'Trent university with a Bachelor of Arts degree and obtaining , a Teacher's Certificate at Queen's University in Kingston, she travelled to Edmonton, where she taught sehool for two years. Af ter moving to Ajax, where she became a supply teacher, she was selected as the curator. "I've always been in- terested in this sort of tbing and I'd* worked in museums in Napanee in the past, " she said. She currently has 'a staff of about 30 volun- teers but would like to see more ares people get involved. She says the volun- teers help out because "they're interested in the house itself and in whitby." Visitors to the museum range widely in age and some corne from far-away places, such as Texas and Nova Scotia. Nutrition. in park's Three local students have been employed for a ,summer program cailed 'nutrition in the parks'.. Debbie -Parson' and Grace 'rKalabis, both from 'Oshawa, and Laurel Price, from Port Pgerr, will visit playgrounds in -Whitby, Ajax, .Pickeringi, Ux- bridge and Scugog Townships and libraries tbroughout the Durbam Region as part of the program, funded, by Summer Canada and. adzninistered by the Employment Develop- ment Branch,- Em- ployment and Im- migrationCanada. The tbree students, ahl currently studying Nutrition at the Univer- sity of Guelph,, will be supervised by Rita Galinauskas,, ,Public, Health Nutritionist for Durham Region. The two hour nutrition in the parks program will feature, games, songs and, learning ac- tivities for eilîdren. The star of the show is Nif, a small dog puppet. The puppet play, "ýNil goes to Sesame'Street,"' wil be the highligbt of the program. The aim is to stress that good snacks are fun snacks and bealthy food is important.. Bridg e 1resùl.ts -ý The following are. the results 0f duplicate bridge play at the Whlt- by Curling Club. North and South: Ed and AI Leslie, 82%; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilson, 71. Eust and West: Mrs,. Art Conrad and Mrs. Harold Smuck, 78%k; June Thompson and Bill Fraser, 65%; Mr. and Mrs Ken Cuniffe, 65; Mr. and Mrs. Jim WMarrie, 64%. The results of duplicate bridge play are reported each week in the Free Press. .-5y4' OISKETTES N97803'. Preformated for AES Plus & Alpha Plus 5.65 ea. N97575 - for Apple il1 & Radio Shack TRS80 ILevels 1 & 3 4.70 ea. x4 N97875 - for Wangwriter ~ 6.50 ea. 8" DISCETTES N97525 - for IBM Svssem 32 4.85 a.- N97523 - for Wang System N9 25 & 30 5.85 aa.-' N197593 - for Xerox 850 & 860 5.95 ea. N97840 - for AES go 100 6.95 ea. 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Second prize in the October 10 draw is an antique neo- classical pendulam dcock. Tickets, at one dollar each, are available at the museumn. WÈ' R WHêING!' Hw.401 to LN*%e Sale"y has final ly found abhomne at-ý 111 DunlUap St. West Whltby . Hwyý 12 9 blocks north to Dunlop St. R Corne visit us Sa'turday 23rd at our ne'w I)0147 IMiss iiIE.sle Ns location. ..But untîl thon you can stili flnd ue at, Cedrlcks Banquet l. P TI 173 Brook Stý. N., Whltby SA I ETS $ ý*9 $299.wq5 * $499*9 $549NO5 1%% oi BOXSPRINGS' &MATTRESSES These are made by '5,'I*CESleepwell M4IG E$ANUFAC TUERS F OBTIIOPEIC ArNBg Sold Ok& 6.900Spinal support laeseentlal ta your health Glas ,TopChos@ your meep unit with cmr Glas TopWs une th. lineaI materlalsend workmanshlp Oak ets-Our mattresses sw sngin..r.d for correct body support FINE Sîngles"$124. l' ENGLISH CHINA Duls$ 9 9 Prcs slo s. b RdewyDob8s1 911111 OPEN DA.ILY 10:30 A.M'. to 9:00 P.M. 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