PAGE l#, WEDNESDAV JULY 20, 19831 WHITBV FREE PRESS Whltby's Most WIdeIy Read ~CLASS1FIFD AL CAMU7 1 CAMSfAOMOBIES q3 RICES - RESORtS RESGRTS FOR SALE RUG CLEANING- SPECIAL' Have Vour Lvng.Room, Dining-Room And Hsllway 0f Any Size Cisaned For $40.00. Bedrooma Are $10.00 Extra. Ail Work la Guarantsed. For Appolntment Clli: 668-1465 SERVICES "1GRAMMAR for people who hate g1rammar le the Ideal pocket referene book for business people, $3.95 par copy and avail- able at DIokson Prlnting & Off ice Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Dealer enquIrles Invlted 68-1968. ~3FRZE FREE Drop Into the Diokeon PrIntlng & Office Supply store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a free copy of their 1983 Mtrlc Cean- der., Printed In two colours, It makes for handy. reference. 683- 1968. AgENCMT NOTICE The Whitby Realtors Community Assoc. Draw date on Lottery Ticket chan ged to September 9, 1983. Please hold- your tickets. Proceeds to go to J.O. Ruddy Hospital and Whitby Arts. CONGRATULATIONS- on your forthcomlng marria'ge. Piesea view our samples of sngrsvsd -weddlng Invitations et your lei- sure In our Ajax Plaza store. Dick- son Printlng & Office Supplies FOR SALE 1978 Bulck Skyhawk 3,000 csrtified, Brown, 6 cylin- ders, 4 speed. Cali Dawn 623- 6491 after 6 p.m. 1978 250 KAWASKI, ENDURO bike for sale. Excellent Con- dition. Perfect for a 14-16 yesr oid. Asklng $850 or best ofler. Cal 725-3043 durlng the day or 655-3855 after 8 p.m. and on weeksnds. 1970 VOLSWAGEN, Bestia, 20,000 miles on re-built engins, In excellent condition. Asklng $2,500 or, best offer. Cali 668- 8366. INTERLOCKING7« BRICK W ALK-WAYS Drawlng Provlded RED ROSE LANDSCAPING 579-8285 855-4749 L OAT- ] 1 P'RSALS HL)-NECI'OCR qt SUPPLIES L.WIUC1LCRE HLDAE SERVICES zSERVICES PRPand sk,,n rennlrs.Fast sar- q vice. Fbergiase and sluminum boat repaire. Fiberglus sup- plies. Plastic sheets, tubes and rode. Oshawa Glss Fibre, 341 Durham Street, Oshawa, 579- 1433. HOLISTIC GROUP DYNAMICS Smail Study groupa worklng towards ballanclng the whole pereon; BODY - dist and exercles, MIND.- attitudes and emotlons, SPIRIT.- dreameanmd meditation. No Fee Charged. Phono Freda Jepson, 668-2313. AARTICLES FOR RENT EFR"AE TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakes, end modela, by the weekend, week or month. Discounts avail- able. Dlckson Printing & Office Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Cmli us for business machine repaire 683-1968. W E B U Y and SEL L USED APPLIANCES WE RECONDITION AND GUARANTEE WU VACATION W3-19FLORIDA close to beaches and major Y O U attractions, chlldren wei- come. $225.W0 U.S. weekly (lesa than motel roum). Dave Matthews formeriy * 635 of Matthews Sunoco woubd like to, take this opportunity to thank his past customers for their patronage over the iast 10 years. We look for- ward to contlnuing'our service when we re- locate. Dave Matthews 053-4411 43 swion s'. 4 1 BEDROOM CONDO, unfur- nished, St. Petersburg Fia. ig. sw imming < pool, tennis, clubhouse, fishing, appliances, 6 mths or yesriy rentai. Calil86&8 sit8atr 5 p.m. DO YOU HAVE RUSTY HARD, WATER? Cali Gary Young Piurpb- ing and rent a water softener or Iron fliter. FREE INSTALLATION. Rentai stays the same forever. Brookiin 655-4936. WANTED: Relable part time heip to work In Pickering area, ali day Mondays and aiso Tuesday even- ings. Muet be able to Ilft furni- ture. Ideai for heaithy, retired or semi-retired person. Cali even- Inga - 416-985-161. CHESTERFIELD suites, love- seats, sectionais, lesthan ½i price.-Large selection. McKeen Furniture. 524 Slmncoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. "HEROES of the Bble"' colouring book avalabîs at Dlckson Print- lng & Office Suppiy, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer Inquiries in- vted VISIT our used furniture wsre- houas by sppolntment. Blg savinga on desks, chairs, filing cabinets, etc. Cl Dickson Print- ing & Office Supplies to arrange an appointmant to vlew. 683- 1968. FOR SALE IngIls Citation washing machine and stove and antiques. Best 'Price. Cali' Ron MacDougail at 291-9171. MATYRESSES and box springs at haif price. McKeen Furnture, 524 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. FOR SALE Plnball machine, 4 player, Elton John. Phone 668& 3839. GEOTYPE press-on letterIng now in stock at Dlckson Prlntlng & Of- fice,,Supplies iln the Ajax Shop- ping' Plaza. Large selection of styles and sizes. Why psy more for a smaller sheet of letterIng? 683-1968. WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE, bedroom furnIture, 2 chesterfield suites. Oeil 668-9559. AS8ORTED furniture, toys, games, ciothing, hardwarq, stereo and TV parts, sandbo framne, storm windows, tmbieware, linens, books, etc. Moving sale at the Rectory. 200 Bryon Street North, Whltby. Saturday July 23 or watch for rain date. FOR SALE aorea street rmaps, Whitby, Pckcerng, Ajax, Oshawa and West Hill. Dlckson Printing & Office Supplies Store, Aax Shopping Plaza, 68-1968. Dealier Inquiries Invted. DAY CARE> CENTRE, , eInfants-6 years eGovernment Llcenued *»Early Education Program *Hot Beanced Lunches *bndividual Attention & instruction ,»German Lessons Oshawa 571 -0031 332 Elgin W. i£ Contre St.là 1 - Whitby 668-8927 309 Beech St. B3rook St. Kant St. h - 4 .4 k imam mmm mu----------a- à ,-am NEED a babysitter for Brock St. S. ares. If Interested pleae cou 668-06M4. L BC. DELIVERY R CRTAGE Speciabizing in Moving: " Off ices *Apartments " Pianos *ApplIances 728-7158 Anytime ~TBA(ET FAESH GARDEN PEAS A speclai varlety of young pesa. Sheiled, washed, blanched and In- dlvidually flash frozen In 101b boxes'for $7.75 or 501b baga at $36.75. Avalabie now. MacMllian Orchard, Whitb5y SUPPLIES PHOTOCOPYI MG a Top Quality *Fast Service * 8½/xllV'or 8½/x14" 1311 OR LESS M.B.M. PUBLISHING Brock Street North Whitby 668-6111 LAKE ROUSSEAU LakesideLog MUSKOKA e 3 excellent meals daily e Entertain ment * Cottages - Firepiaces e Tennis, canoes, fishing a Child supervision a Try our 2, 3, 4, 5 day specials For, Reservation Calil: Bob & Caroline Burns Box WH, Minett, Ontario POB 1iGO 705-765-3380 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVE*WTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wibi not be Hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the f irst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear ln the paper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. CLASSI FI ED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 1 lit each addition- al word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to your Chargex or Visa aCCount. Please have your Visa Card, ready when caling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irsi 100 wmords; 12c each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 50 words; 12s each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 34c: per ine. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additionab charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every en- deavour to forward repuies-to box numbers, however, we ao- cept no liability regarding loss or damage aileged to arise through failure'or deiay in forwarding such replies. We will not be responsible for box number replies not caiied for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 1.-.. 4. , FOR RENT ý 0UeT LEASE 0F TENDER Tenders are invited for the lease of a three bedroom bungalow Iocated at 892 Susan Drive, Squlred Beach, Plckering, Ontario. Occupancy September 1, 1983. Proceed south on Brook Road from Highway 401 East. Turn eaest at second stop iight to McKay Road and foliow road fVo Intersection of McKay Road and Montgomery-Park Road. Turn rlght at this Intersection to Susan Drive, and 'proceed south to last house at the lakefront. "Open House" signe wIi be posted". . The property la accessible to the Pickering "GO' Train, and serviced by Diali-A-Bus and a school bus. This property may be vlewed f rom 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Thursday, Auguat 4, 1983, when a represen- tative of the Mlnlstry of Government Services wili be In attendance. Tender documents mnay be obtained f rom the representative on this date, or f rom: Ministry of Government Services Public Tenders Off ice Room M1-43A, Macdonadald Block Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1 N3 Telephone: (416) 965-1.152 A certlfled cheque or money order for the f irst month's rent m ust be submitted with the tender* documents, and willi be promptiy returned to, un- successful bidders. Sealed tenders wili be received 'until 3:00 p.m., FÊlday, August 12, 1983 at which time -they wiIl be opened ln public. Tenders wII1t be opend ln Toron- to. NOTE: For further Information, please con tact Rajah Gurudevan, Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Toronto, Ontarlo, Teiephone (416> 965-2040. Pleae quote File No.: M767-44. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.* Services Ontario 3 BEDROOM HOUSE or apt. for CLASSIFIED ADS Christian Binais parent with two CONTINUE ON teen daughters and4one son, to rent Auguat let, lsthbr 30th, Cali PAG E 19 ___________ OF THIS EDITION ADVERTISING SALESPERSON DV -REQUIRED 1 Ad 1 Y