PAG E 10, WED NESDAY JU LY 20,i 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS Iteaders have thefr @MW Humane Society answers culumnI*st's allegati@ons usar SIr In a reent coiumn ln the Free Press (lOth June 1983),p the author. R., Reveler, the Humane. and made of very -CLIPZ SAVIE- $50 Of'f Dining Room Suîtes wl th thS ad Recievers Sale Open Datly 10ý30 to 9 pým until Sai 23rd 'July 83 From Sat 23rd - Wed !h's cout)(v) WIIj r)p Cedr1cý% Banquet Hall out new tocalloi N 11 Dunlop St. W. THAPAR DENTURE TKERAI CLINIC '214 Dundas St. E. 163 Simýoe VVh ýi t by Oshawa 668-7797 579-8752 Hours: Mondaly to Saturday & Even By Appointmerit Only RAISIED ýPR ý'NT a musin 0 crIticized Ontarlo Society a number serlous ailegations.' To summarize her coiumn, she cilmed that a proximateiy four months oid was hit be a car on the highway (Baldwin Street) ln Brooklin". The animal was ln j6pretty bad shape and bieedlng prof usely"'. The animai owner was d Juy 2 fl ot known. Mrs. ýI Reveler then called the 1"humane Wib society.o Thicksen Read". It was believed te be about '7 p.m. and she got through to, *y - an answerIng ser- vice. According te, the article, the lady st . on the teiephone (le. the answering service) abruptly advIsed Mrs. e Reveler that the Society. "did net go -into Brooklin".-' Mrs. Reveler, In her- coiumn,. then went on te assume that' the Ontarlo Humane Society had refused te respond to- a cali1 for, an Injured animai and criticlzed the Society for lack of I service. She finished her coiumn, by asking the rhètorIcal *question "'What are Humane Soc dolng for residents Brooklin and w do we go for hi they won!t c here?' Finaily Reveler "Maybe somi has the answi would be giai print It". Welil Reveler, 1 hava answer and i t you should prli In fairness to Society and to generai public, only, of Broo but of Whitby, and Pickering, three municipal for whomi the tarlo Society Regional prevIdes controi vices. .The Humane Durham Branch Hunf Due Bre anl and Oni Soc Regil Open f rom the s -hi owned by the Tg of Whitby Thlckson Ri Whitby, provIdes-service ail ti' munIcIpallties required bythe iaw. One of those vices le te respi at any timne et day or night to NOW IN WH ITBY Ziebart Proven Rust Protection on a Uts wodd.u * niue rsleflng« " FaClerY trakwe veaudc» Ziebart Paint Protection a*MV-, - Mon - finih. by expe po ca<( expefls. *Se*mIn flt fou ar * Ouds to peint W *Nouaxino. Ziebart interlor Protection 0 PrakUmmua - pW m *- * marem ie Locatd Et: 440 Hopklns St. Whltby mai ian mediateiy stituted. enquiries led' believe perhaps Reveler's mation w'ae correct. Ir telephone c sation w1th Lang, -the vîsor of the V4 Sheiter, Reveler cc remember whi Incident oc exactiy and th that the persei had answerec telephone cal replied with words &&TC Humand 'Niety) emergency the which Ii of amongst ohere clefinitions, Olp If jured anime .%Orne vlousiy Ift jured animal Mrs. owner, thei said owner las Bofe lOsbie, flot or. i morally but1 ci to for making ei his animal la Mrs. immedlately the veterînarian :hlnk nece ssary Int ht treatment. the If the owfle the problem wil flot animal, theE 'klin, ls there to Ajax assistance. the example, a1 Ities might flot ha On- transportatioi nane working .hi Pam couid. be a% rnch the night shl imai the wife cot ser- home withei sportation tc tarlo, an injureclani ,.%iety a vet. onaei Under ..thet 'ates cumstances elter many others,, own there to respq on provide the se ýoad, s Obvlously and provice many )81 toservices but hres stick with the as raised by by- Reveler. When thei ser- -appeared ln ond newspaper, the enq'ulry- wae A.pair 0f Whltby men -recently turned lottery tickets into instant summerwealth. Colin Edgecombe, of 16 Harper Crt., won $50,000 in the June 26 Super Loto draw. Edgecombe, a 37- year-old scliol teached with the Durham Separate School Board, bas no unmedlate plans to spend the cash. James Andrew, of 1338 Bell Dr., won $10,000 in the July 14 Wlntario draw. Thà e 37-year4od em- ployee wlth the Mlnlstry of Goverment Services wlll bank bis winnig for now but plans ta put some of it towards a cail whatever they do cludes, gay,,. She admitted other she was too upset an In- to remember the al. Ob- exact words. the In- It ls entIrely has an feasibie therefore n the that In her distress, respon- Mrs. Reveler Inad- oniy vertently calIed the by iaw, Toronto Humane ure that Seciety, who wouid a taken certainly reply by to a saying that they do 1If flot 1"go In to for Brooklin." Let's assumne, Br has a however, that Mrs. ,th the -Reveler did caîl the Society Ontario Humane previde Society on1 For Thlckson Road and person that she did reach ive any the answering ser- n. A vice since the cal usband was piaced at ap- vay on proximately 7 p.m.' ift and Our Supervisor has ýud be checked the files of At tran- the answering ser- 0 take vice for the Wed- l1maI to nesday, Thursday and Friday (the ýse cir- puppy was actually and injured on Friday, we are no Wednesday or Sod to Thursday 1 as Brvice. suggested by Mms. .'we Reveier). Ain any- V other case, the rec ordset t iet's the- answering .sr- 3-1ssue, vice have, ,been MrS. checked flor al three days and they article show no esuc oll i the comIng"In1romMrs,. an Reveler. 1 shouid 5 m expiain that aillo*ise In. are logged ada o These ls kept whIch can me to bel examined, for a that period ottime.- Mrs. The Supervisor ,infor- and the Manager of eflot the, answering ser- i -a vice questioned onver- every employee of Mrs. the answerIng ser-' S u pe r- vice. None of them NhItby have any recoilec- Mrs. tion of any such cal îuidn't f rom Mrs.jReveler. on the The animai con- %cured trol officers or war- ought dens that we em- ýn who ploy ,In the area di herrecejiveca sfromn vacation- ln. -North Caro"in. 1He bought is ticket at a lottery booth in the Oshawa Centre. Lottery profitable for pairof Whitby men WHITBY MENPS SLO-PITCH STANDINGS AT JULY 15 TEAM GPW L TPTS Ra~Hwk9 3 2S 23 m u 9 w .tb13 S4 '0 1a TuacClifa 4 8 S 1I 17 Dickam PrkIWb3 S i13 causyamodHj. 3 S3 frodbw'uPu13 I 7 O 12 MccCauIeyFw m il 4 4 1 9 WabsdOop" 12 01n O O-, which show both the time of the Cali, the date, and the nat 'ure of the In- cident. There wus no such record of any such Cali on any of the wardens' work sheets. To show that we do ,indeed patrel Brookiin and respond to, cais In. -Brookiin as we do to every ýpart of Whitby, Ajax and Pickering, Our -rcords indicate that ln the menth of June alone, 23 *mergency cails ln the Village of Broekiin alone were msPonded to by of- Déies of the Society. These calis were ln addition to the regular patrols which are carried. out automaticaliy ln the arpa. Obviousiy some- thl1ng, went wrong somewhee. it wotJid be difficuit to pirove Prie way or te other what ac- tuaiiy happened',at tils stage. But, ln the' meantime, the -general pubiic-- of ,Whltby, ja, n Pick.ring,,c -a rest assumed that the ,Ontaio tluhlane boclety -l dedioated to the ,ani'mais mad _s deePly commltted' ýo, provide the ýbst possible servicete the animais In the area. The men and women whe wor l n the animai shelter and who man the trucks In the area& and who -a ré trained, dedicated people, 'are naturaiiy hurt1 by this type et public criticlsm, par- ticulariy. when it appears tehbeIun- Wl -