PAGE Z. WEDNESDAYJULY 13, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS RAISID> PRINTINO B BUSINESS CARDS m LETTERHIADS 3 ENVELOPES 1\ R M l ýÃ"fC ~~~~~oi ( (mii MARK AUTOMOTIVE &INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY DuPont Paint, Domestlc & Foreign Autobody Supplies Brake drum & rotar turnlng avalilable. Hou,,: #onday .- Frldey 8 &.m.-5:30 p.m. Saturday8Sa.m..12 p.m.1 220 Ash St. Whitby 686«6806 INCftEASE BLOOMS Annuala wlll bloom more abundantly If spent blooms are removed. CHARGE AHEAD A revolving charge account gives you more than one month to pay bills. There Is a monthly minimum payment and credit charges are add- ed to the balance owing. rellance. Rebuilding a life shattered by criminal violence isn't easy The experience can be long and painful for both vicflms and their families. in the event of such a personal tragedy the Criminal injuries Compensation Board is there ta help. With financial assistance to lessen the economic and emotional burden of personal physical injury. Should criminal violence strike, cali us. The process of application is simple and informai. The help may be invaluable. Because people don't alwaysjust bounce night back. For more information, contact: The Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, 439 University Avenue, l7th Floor, Toronto M5G 1Y8, (416) 965-4755. THE CRIMINAL INJLJPJES COMPENSATION BOARD Ministry of the Attorney General e~Ontario Roy MeMurtry, Minster William Devis, Premier by Thomas A. Baker Special to the Free Press Are provincial plans for placing close to 1,000 people with developmental handicape in the com- munlty coming undone? A lack of locally based ser- vices for developmentally handlcapped ià dividuals la trlggerlng opposition to the govertnent program. Frank Drea has a five-year plan to shut six residential facilities for the developmentaily han-. dlcapped, lncludlng the Durham Centre. His Minlstry of Community and Social Services wlf aldo cut back clients at another. 1ALTERNATIVES Last October Mir. Droa's-Minlstry sald municipal alternatives for provincial devolopmontally han- dlcapped centres would be pursuod. The MUnisto's course of action, whlch means municipalities have new cominmnents for health and social services, ln caliod "de-institutionlizatioup". Advocates of de-Institutional belleve that nelgh bourhood options to facfity-tyle governmont agon- clos holp clients dovolop botter social skllls. In theory, amali scale coxnmunlty care l supposed te aid individual plannng needs and promote self- Gîve... THE HEART FUNO In the event, Queen's Park bas been accused of ,fallng te ensure that alternative local services receive the necessary provincial assistance. Displacement of developmentally handlcapped residents has been highlighted as an example of On- tarils poor support by some observers. Recent statements by the President of the Metropolitan Toronto Association for the Mentally Retarded lend credibility to this concern. "It would be foolhardy", she wrltes i the most recent president's report, "Ito pretend that we are adequately meeting the needs of the many familles i Metro." "Our waltlng Biat for residential serices stands at over 350, *lth many familles i criais situations," the 1902/83 report continues. At the June 7 Annual General Meeting for the Metropolitan, Toronto Association for the M.entally RETARDED President Shedden also complined of #"fisca problems" "We must recognize, that like polltics, fundlng. la an art 0f the possible," Shedden told thne MTAMR de--gtes. She blamned the "sotrain upon us"t on the "present oconomlc and social climate."I Frank Drea, keynote speaker for the MTAMR meeting, trled te dispel doubtas srondnhis at- tempt at deinstitutionalization by referrlng te finances. Programa for the developmentally han- dlcappod would require "'no cutbacka"l Drea promised. "The money la on the.way,"IIho sald. Not everyone was conviced by the Mlnlsterts presentation though. Certainly there la room, te* question whether MTAMR had spent $291,917 more than it tookin for the year. It was sobering to hear MTAMR Treasurer Lawrence A. Ward announce that "if the level of deficit continues we wil exhaust our capital funda i six years. " FIVE YEAR PLAN During an afternoon presentation titled "De- institutionalization: The Five Year Plan," several parjents affected by the residential closures voiced reservations about Drea's initiative. Parents do not feel they are consulted properly. Spectators at the seminar were bld that the province had designated "implementation commit- tees" te assist the five year plan. At Pine Ridge cen- tre in Aurora this committee bas two tasks. It wll close the centre and move the 146. residents. Ade uate alternative services wlll also concern the comtittee. A number. of residents at Pine Ridge are now living in portables. A government spokesperson ex- plained that this helps the residents to adjust to a community living environment. Some parents do not want their children moved or fadilities closed. Another parent said the five year plan would benefit from a long extension since there are "no services in the community". This par- ticular woman had ber child at home for 13½ mon- ths without any program or community resources available! Ministry official Agnes Samier dismissed par- ticipant complamnts about facility closures claixning client is moved without parental consn.I any case, Samler was "not sure we can afford to tie ip $5 million for the needs of a coupld of residents" . During the MTAMR meeting Frank Drea also in- formed MTAMR representatives there la a need te, hold down the costs of de-institutionalization. 'Streamline" is the byword he used to deribe his vlinistry's attempt to meet economic restraints. )rea and bis staff "had to tighten our belt over the lst 7 years,"I he admitted. In related developments it appears Frank Drea la esponding te pressure- from fadilty employees. >rea said that the Ministry of Community and ;ocial Services will promote a new "1spectrun of Provincial plans to close Durham Centre undone?