Whitby Free Press, 13 Jul 1983, p. 15

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Report frorn. Q ueen 'sPark ly Th e 1Ion. G~eorge Ashe, Ni PP (PC'- Durhamn West) Mîiter of Governent Services On Wednesday, July 6,1903, I became the. Minister of Go'vernment Services, and i would 1k. te take this opportunlty te provide and explanation ,of the. role of my new minlatry. Although the. Mlistry of Government Services la not mentioned frequently la the. media, it la on. of the. moot Impor- tant ministries in the.'Ontario government. Government Services la tue.provider for every other Ontario government 'mlnlatry. It la this mlnistry's job te keep the. heat golag In wlnter, the. alr-condltionlag in summer, build new offices, paint and refurblsii old onus, provide a central gover- nment information service te. the public - among tiiuunds of otiier responsiblitiies.. Mi.G.S. bas often been referred te as "fthe provin- oe's blggest developer, landiord and property nmnger, ail rolled lato one". Many services are provided to otiier min'stries, 50 they can better sér- ve aIl Ontarlans.' 1 Generally, the* Mlalstry of Government Services in divid.d inte two broad sections: accommodation and service. Accommodation looks after about 9,100 buildings owned by the government and many others tiiat are leased or lease-purciiased. Tii. ser- Vics end of thingisl concerned wltii deliverlng uystems like data procslagi orcentralzed switch- board services to otiier m'nistis Choose service' station with c'are By PAUL JACOT Syndlcated Columnlst You choose a doctor wuth great care, because you know he or she could save your life. But hw many people same care? Merail, your iiealtb and safety can depend on hum as well. With this in mmnd tiien, iiow do ypu' cioose a good service station denier to look after your car? Jim Worgan, a Siiel dealer with over 30 years' exparience, sug- gests the following: Look for a station that la tidy, with well- stocked oùl and tire dis- plays, .dcean wash- rooms, and a generally well-organized appear- ance. Worgan believes that first impressions tell you a lot about the. station. Buy some gas - do tiie attendants offer -to chieck under the. iood and wash tue windows without belag asked? Ask around thç.jeigb- bonbood. Do your neigb- bors speak welof the station you are consi- dering? If ahi tuis checks out, latroduce yourself to the denier and ask to meet bis mnecbanic. Ask your- self if tuey are tue peo- ple you want to trust your car to and look for a licensed mecbanic's certificat.. Once you -have decid- ed on the denier, Wor- gan suggests that you stay wituh m, so that he and bis meciianics wih get to know your car. Make an. appoint- ment. Dealers, like doc- tors, wii always try to iielp out in an emer- gency. But for tiiose regular - ciieck-ups, phione first. Deniers do tueir best job for you wiien you can describe wiiats happening to your car. Unless you are an ex- pert, don't try to expiain tue cause of the prob- lem, but describe -the "4symptoms", as best you can. Expiain when the probiem occurs (wben starting, or wiien raining, for example), and describe, any un- usual noises - such as ping, tiiump or grate. Get your car serviced every three months. It's tue cbenpest way to pro- teot .tue large invest- ment la your car, and to protect yourself and your family safety. Botb of tiiese areas work aroung two key words: Service and Savings and tiiere la a contlnuous effort to provide the. but possible produet at the lowest possible coot. The accommodation section la responsible for the. planning, d.slgnlng and construction, leasing, operation and maintenance of government proper- ty. Wben you consider how much work goes Into maintalning your own property,'you can realize the enormlty of the task. Even ln the. face of lacreased energy coes the Mlnistry of Government Services bas managed te reduce energy consumption . i government buildings by 25 per cent ln just six y.ars!1 In dollars that lsa asavings of almost $27 million dollars. That la truly Impressive. 1 And more than just en.rgy bas been managed ef- ficiently. New systems bave been introuced te in- crease eafflciency la the Inventory and operation of the buildings as well. An excellent e.ample of that state-of-tiie-art efficiency la right next door at thie 'Revenue building la Oshawa. At that building, the. projected cost savings resulting 'from various en.rgy efficient design fMatures la about $300,000 a year, based on today's electrlclty prices. The. other side of Government Services', operation, the, services side, provides the. agencies and equlpm.nt needed by -all Ontario governmént employees to carry out tii.fr responslbilities te their minlatries and te tth. public. For example, tbey are responsîble for the. blu. pages la the tel.pbonè book that provide a much needed accuss for the. public to the. government. Tiie Computer and Telecommunications Servies Division bas recently Installed an audio telecon- ferenclng system wici will- bring people togetiier by telephone la up te 14 locations outside Metro Toronto. Tuis will not only save long distance chiarges, it wlll also make business transactions more efficient. Tiie minlatry la aise ffrmly commltted te a 'buy Canadian' policy and tbat policy la flrmly entren- ciied in Its purchasing activities. AUl of ti.'-1, 100 Items stocked by the Minlatry of Government Ser- vices, from paper clips te word processors, are pur- cbased ii Canada; 95 per cent are manufactured la thus country. This mlnlatry la very aware that Canadian goods means Canadian jobs. This mistry clearly, bas been keeping an eye on tie-present* and is talting a critical look at the future. i arn proud to b. given the. opportunity to lead tuis progressive ministry lato tomorrow. Tii. Ministry of Government Services ia one of the. oldest ministries la tii. Ontario government. It bas bad the. misfortune 0f long ago belag termed thie 'mop and'pail' ministry. I can assure you it is flot. Tii. standard of excellence it bas achieved in recent years places it among the most efficient of gover- nment ministries. But it bas to be. Tuis ministry bas an enormous responsibiity of providing other ministries'and the public witb the bust possible service at the lowest possible cost. W. will continue t otatdy tomorrow, and in the future. WHITBV FREE PRESÉS, WEDNESDAV JU LV 13, 1983, PAGE 15 Summer tutoring, Cindy Agnew, one 0f the teachers la tue YMCA's summer tutoring programn, la seen ginginstruction te 12-y.ar-old Cynthia Watts. Tii. program la being W-ý fered lIally at Henry Street H*1g School and Brookllnts Meadowcrest Public Sciiool. Regstration for the second summer session, b.ginning July 25, la currently being 'acc.pited at local YMCA's. ii. cot stl $28 par subjeot for the irst child and $25 Par subject for' each additional child. For more inormation _______Free Press'Staff Photo ________FI_______ e.,. f@ lr esut ed re, Ist ilyI a Sale Leader for June LILIAN NORTH Peopie like LILIAN NORTH have heiped the CENTURY 210 system become the Number 1 real estate sales organization ln North America. In 1980 alone,- the CEN- TURY 21 system help- ed generate over $25 billion in real estate transactions. Whe- ther yQu're buying, seiling, moving or in- vestlng, it's -People like LILIAN NORTH who can help you with ail your real estate needs. CaILus, today. GOLO JACKET U'Yl 1668-6221 s24 1s111R=ST. W. WunIY 'RIght AcrSe Froot T Curlilng RInk." 225 Brock St. N., FflMfl Whitby 668«6171 RON MERV Leading Agent Achiever JAchee C Iee Achiever Achiever The management and staff of W. Frank Real Estate, 225 Brook St. N., Whitby, congratulate RON JORDAN as leadlng agent of the Whitby Of- fice for the month of June and Merv Parchment, Jack Fudge, Mike Povinsky, Marlene Kerr and Louis Pouwels for their achievements for the month of June. They would welcome yo ur caîl for their conscientîous, professional assistance in your Real Estat. needs. ïm 1

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