PAGE 12,WEDNESDAY JULY 13. 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS' SPOR.TS WEEK al Whitby Dunlops recail miracle*on ice A pair of former Whitby Dunlops hockey stars, Aif Treen and Mayor Bob Attersley (riglit), recail the tliril of winning the 1958 world hockey cliampionshlp. The Dunlope are preparing for a 25tli reumion in Whitby August 27. Free Press Staff Photo hy Tlm Baines Communlty Editor 'The date was Mardi 30, 1958 and Whitby was about to be forever rememibered in the an- nais of hockey history. The Whitby Dunlops performed a "miùracle on ice"l, defegting the Russians 4-2 in the final game, to capture the world hockey cham- pionship. It was a last gasp in Canada's hockey supremacy at the cliampionslups. Aithougli Canadian teams also returned with victories at the 1959 and 1961 champion- ships, the Russians were on the verge of a dynasty. It was "Atta-boy" At- tersley who provided the excitemnent in that final game in 1958. The swift centre, who lias gone on to provide Whitby with leadership as mayor, fired a pair of goals to lead the way past the Russian squad. The Dunlope provided perhaps the biggest till to ever hit Whitby. Af ter romping over Poland 14-1, Norway 12- 0, Flnland 24-0, Sweden 10-2 and Ozechoslovakia 6-O, the Dunlope cap- tured the World Cup and Whltby citizens respon- ded in afrenzy.. People poured out into the streets, screaming, with joy and traffic was at a stand as cars tryed to get to the downtown celebration. The town fixe siren walled and firecrackers went off ail day. When the tea m retur- ned three weeks latex, 'the mayhem returned as 4,000 people turne 'd out to greet the team at a victory parade. Mem- bers of the team, scat- tered around North America froin Van- couver, British Colum- bia to Dallas, Texas, wil return to Whitby- August 27 to recapture the magic moment at a 25tli anniversary, reunion of the Dunmies. Promoters of the reunion are hoping that the Whitby community wiil stand tail and remember these men that put Whitby on the world map i hockey. A parade at' 5 p.m. will begin the festivities as players riding in open cars will be accom- panied by bands and floats. A dinner/dance will be held at Iroquois Park after the parade. Tickets for the din- ner/dance are $18 ad- vance or $20 at the door. Tickets for the dance only, featuring the Carlton Showband, may' be obtained at acost of $6.50 advance or $8 at the door. .Promoters say. they hope that Foster Hewitt W.G.A.A. SCORES'- SQUIRTS JuIy 6 1parade marshail and they hlnted that quite a few hockey luminarles could be i attendance. Some of the names being tossed about in- clude Wayne Gretzky, Gordie Howe and Alan Eagleson. John Rowlands, of Access Promotions whlch tIoliandlig the reunlon, says he liopes the commninty wil rally behing the Dun- nies. "We want the com- munity te take part but we'll have a party hell or higli water," lie said. "We bave to educate thie people as te wlio the Dunlops were." Mayor Bob Attersley recalled the 1958 Dunlope witli fondness and lie compared' its success witli that of the Town of Whitby. "It's not one in- dividual's work, it's the team effort," lie said. "Proof lies within the development of this town." "I always say my two goals against the Russians i 1958 made me the mayor," lie joked. Members of the team will also be, spending, some.of the weekend i luxury at Haliburton' Pinestone Inn. A 48-page bookiet, "The Whitby Dunlops ... A History and a Homecoming" is also being printed. Promoters are also negotiating with television sources to air a lialf hour special docuznentary. A lirnited edition beer stein, featuring the three color reunion logo, wril also be made available for sale. A national press con- eérence te also scheduled for ýhe next In 1958, these gentlemen put Whltby Into hockey hlstory as they captured the world amateur hockey cham- plonehlps by defeating Russia 4-2 ln Oslo, Norway..Back row, from left to rlght are: Ernie Stevens, Sandy Air; Bus Gagnon (coach), Ait Treen, Don McBeth, Charlie, Burns, George Sameiemko and Waily Brabin. Middle, row, from left to rlght: Ron Moore, Gord Myles, Jack Armstrong, Jack Don levy, John Henderson, Fred Etcher, Doug Williams and -Stan Whylett. Front row, from ieft to rlght are: Harry Sinden, Ted O'Connor, Bob Attersley, Wren Blair (manager), Ed Redmond, Tom O'Connor and Frank Bonello. Developers head i*nto P la yoffs< ni ae Whtby Firit City Developers lbt two of tiree gaines lust week as they prepare for the Ontario Lacrosse Association junior playoNf. T'ne Developers con- tlnued a season-bong struggle wlth the Etobicoke Eclipse as they dropped two gaines to the Etobicoke teain. More importantly, Whitby must now con- tend wltli second place Etobicoke ithe finst round of the playoffs. Whitby did manage a Positive note durlng the week as they defeated the Oshzawa, Green Gaels 9-8i overtime Wednesdy nigit. GUl Nieuwendyk flred tiresgoals, icludlng thie wlnne, to lead thie Whitby attack., Todd Tran, Kevin VanSickle, John Fusco, Andy- Perroni, Larr Kernohan and Dais Kernohan ail con- tributedasigle goals. Thie Gaels took an 8-7 lead witli slightly over a minute te play ithes gfaine but Dals Ker- nohan quickly'knotted thie score, sending thie gainhto overtime. Tuesday nght, thie Developers could not break thie speil of Etobicae, Who sein te have Whitbyps number, having won eacli en- counter tuis year, i- cludig this 16-15 trium- Ph. Andy Perroni pulled thie trigger on four goal for Whitby while Kevin VanSicide, wlth thre markers, and Gil NieuenYk, with a pair, led thes Whitby at- tack. Lorne Briscoe, Todd Tran, Bill Callan, Erie Perroni, Tsrry Bullen and BIB Eyre sacli ad- ded single Wbitby goals. Most recsntly, Whitby went down te defeat 15- 12 Sunday niglit at tue haa of thie Eclipse. Scorers for tue gaine wereunavallable. Whitby opens the playoffs In Etobicoke toniglit wlth the second gamin iWhitby Friday. Gane tires te at Etobicoke Sunday witli tRiel fourth gaine Wed- nesday July 20 in iWhlt- by. If the sertes extends te five gines, the neit gaine will be hi Etobicoke July 24 wlth gaine six i Whltby July 26. Gaine seven te ten- tatively scheduled for eitier July 27 or 28i Etobicoke. 1Whitby flnished thie regularseuson hithird place behlnd Etebicoke and a strong Peter- boroughi squad, wliose only loua of tue season caineat theliands of the Developers. ldwhay Dateun ..........2 West LyimG.A............ 2 PeacOck SOÉ8 ........... 27 pim Àw*t ........... NOVICE Mir. RttAHJ..............5 Muoc pItom.......... 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