PAGE 6, WEDNESDAYJULY 6, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS Durham Famifly YMCA has French Immersion Camp This summer the Dur- ham Reglon Family YMCA is offering a new French Immersion Camp for pre-sehoolers, ages three to five. Pour Les Petites Camp wlll offer children an opportunlty to learn French without organized play, games, creative crafts and acti- vities, stories and songs. A snack is also pro- vided. These camps of two week sessions during July and August wil commence on Tuesday, July 5. Theco * o...plceyurbes Ohe w we ts wMlAiiel-m "Pour Les Petits" Camp in Oshawa will be held at 'S.J. Phillps Sehool Monday to Thursday from 9:30 to 11: 30 a.m. The "Pour Les Petits" Camp In Whitby will be held at Florence M. Heard School on Gar- den Street from 1: 15 to 3:15 p.m. from Monday to Thursday, also. The 'Y', is also, offer- ing Playcamp for pre- schoolers ages two-and- a-half to five years in both Whitby and Oshawa from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. for two-week sessions starting Tues- day, July 5. This camp offers children a variety of play activities including painting, pasting, crea- tive crafts, play with toys, puzzles and play- dough. Playcamp also offers children the op- portunity to socialize with others their own age and to make new friends. Stories, songs, _games and a snack are also included in these busy mornings for the preschooler. Aduit drama- Playcamp in Whitby cou s fe d wil be held at Florence u s f e e M. Heard School on Gar- Strigan ry18 muty ebrscne den Street. trigJnay18 uiymmesc b In shaa, ue am there will be an aduit found. er saw a, b tegamp- ama course at Henry From 9 to 10: 15 a.m. eswi the idre ro Street High School with every weekday students Maplewoods at Cris a single credit value at will work on short and Church on Mary Stree. the g rade 12 level if suf- longer plays for high ficient interested com- school community audiences. Experience wilI be provided in most aspec- ts of live theatre produc- tion (make-up, set design, acting and directing) as well, trips to attend other live theatre productions will be organized. Added to the theatre exposure, theatre games, concentration exercises, and relaxation activities will help the student develop self-confidence, voice control, creativity and an understanding of group dynamics. The course would be an asset to adults wishing to polish up inter-per- sonal'skills before re- entering the work force. If you are 21 years of age 'or over and have ben out 0f school at least three years cail bill Howden at 668-2731 to register.. At- least 15 more students, are needed. Hitch your copter, to tr Vhen it cornes to word processing, more people go with WordStar than any other fuil-feature microcom- puterword processing package (over 400,000 already). What's more, in a recent.survey 92% of WordStar's users said they would recornmend it to a friend. What makes WordStar such a star performer? To begin with, WordStar is easy to use. And fast. It displays a complete list of commands. And three separatehelp levels to assist beginners in ail word processîng applications. From typing simple memos to rapidly editing technical manuss As the user grows more sophisticated, WordStar's powe..rful .... .... .... potential grows more apparent. Even the most advanced functions are completely documented. So special effects like emphasized pninting, underlining, and using oversized paper are just a keystroke arway Best of ail, WordStar is just a visit away At your local ComputerLand store. Where you can hitcf1 your Star to the best selection of personal computers on earth. 111 SIMCOE STNORTH M roPr!o: uins "The OId Firehali" OSHAWA 433-0800 Over 400 stores worldwide. WordStar and McroPro are trademnarks of MîcroPro International Corporation PRESENTING THE SUSPENOEO CEILINO if yo'eg1 g e*t u room or buemcat*re rooedehon oeila.ud your mpqend Ce'log *Flexible. LDense. lghtwelght lorganicgiass n brebends milnto place. snaps back flat. jj~~>-Durable. 5-year. no-warp naranty. -Ve5satiie : asy in emove *Attractive. Cornes in thoree rw flnlshes to comiplIment any decor. m ri -V&shable. Easy to clean vi nyl surface, S MWmsifficuj~ Sacitii # £4%4TILE SPECIAL ~4-. $3n85 MITCHELL BROTHERS Cassels & Church St. BROOKLIN 655-4991 Backyard carnival A group of local youngsters held a backyard car nival last Thursday ln an attempt to raise money for the Dr. J. O. Ruddy Building Fund. Plctured here Matthew Osborn, 6, prepares to throw a bean bag through a hoop ln one of the games. Michael Welr, 8, Suzanne Desmoulin, a clown f rom the Durham Balloon Company In Ajax, and Shayne Kennedy, 10, watch on. Other helpers at the carnîval Included Susie and Paul Bennett, Shayne Keddy, Mike Fulton, Michael Creed and David Weir. DROOKLIN HOME BAKENT & DELICA TESSAN M1 BALDWIN-ST., BROOKLIN 655-4951 SPECIAL THIS WEEK: ALL BEEF MEAT PIES5 0ec SAUSAGE ROLLS 25* each Sos Our Many In Store Speclals