PAGE 2Z, WEDNESDAY JULV 6. 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whitby's Most WUdeIy Read C ASS IID ADS9 nRVRICESCES S ST:ZN8 RUG CLEANING HaeSPECIAL, H ve our Living'Room, Dlning.Room And HaIiway 0f Any Size Cleaned For $40.00. Bedrooma Are $10.00 Extra. Ail Work la Guarantesd. For [Appolntment Ciii: 668-1465 SCUGOG COTTAGE RAISINQ »8W0. Free estimîtes. Ail work guaranteed. GIARAGE, or similîr, for fîxture atorige. 787.7W8. A 4 'PHOTOCOPYING " Top Quallty " Fast Service "8½/xll" or 8½/x14' CainOn Np 154 OR LESS MIIB.M. PUBLISHING 131 Brock Street North WhiIby 668-6111 SERVICES UGRAMMAR for people who hate grammar" la the Ideal pocket reference book for, business people. $3.95 per copy and avail- abis et Dlckaon Prlntlng & Office Supplies ln the Aax Plaza. Dealer enquiries invited 683-1968. FREE: Drop Imb the Dickson Printlng & Office Suppiy stère ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a free copy of their 1983 Metrlc Caien. dar. Printed ln two colours, it makes for handy reference. 683. 1968. ~UNCMENTS BURTON Relatives and friends are invIted to attend an 8th blrthday celebration for Eric Burton on July 10 2. 4 and 7-9 aflnraon ARTICLS FOORE.R1ENT TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakes and models, by the weekend, week or month. Discounts avil- abis. Dickson Printing & Office Supplies In the Aax Plaza. Cai us for business machine repaira 6n'.1968. VISIT our used fumiture ware- house by appolntment. Big savings on desks, chairs, flllng cabinets, etc. Cali Dlckson Prînt- lng & Office Supplies to arrange an appolntment to view. 683- 1968. CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcomMng marriage. Please vlew our samples of engraved wedding Invitations at your loi- sure ln our Ajax Plaza store. Dlck- son Prlnting& Office Supplies 683-1968. OIANTEI WE BUY and SELL USED APPLIAN CES WE RECONDITION AND GUARANTEE Ww VACATION RENTAIS Irish's home on Corona- FL RIDA tion Road South In CîearwatIlr - Three bedroom BrooklIn. Best wishes mobile homes. Pools, tennis, only. close to beachesanmd major attractions, children we- ________________ come. $225.00 U.S. weekly £ ~ BoAtis&l oeathan motel room). E3 SPPLIES 1 83-553 PROP antd akea r@an ant ser THE WORLD IS YOURS ... IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Wherever you move the Wei- comne Wagon hostess la the rlght person 10 heip you find a place In your nsw community. Call 668-8943 HE0% RECLASSIFIED WANED ,,cileFR A L ESTAT EÃJ LIVE-IN bonne keener com. FAMILY ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKEND CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN AUCTION SALE Fr1. July 8 at 6: 30 3miles east Little Britain or 7 miles W. of Lindsay on Lindsy/Lit- tde Britain Road. Upright piano, antique setter and two matching chairs, metal fillng cabinet, greeni cold spot refridgerator & Ken- more stove, Viking color TV, chest of drawers, wicker fern stand, Giv- son 14 cu. ft. freezer, Inglis 2 door refridgerator, 12 ft. alumninum boat, 7% h.p. mercury motor, parler table, maple dinette suite, imaple secretarial, antique dressers, 2 wheel box trailer, quantity of tools, china &glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1, Little Britain 705-786-2183 Saturday, JuIy 9 SATURDAY, JULY 9 6 P.M. Pearce Auction Centre on Shirley Rd. 4 miles S. of Port Perry. Going out of business Auction for Arcade Pools Prince Albert with swim quip parts, pumpe, equip- ment and hoses, chemicals for pools, spas and hot tubs, test kits, winterizing Giz- zmos, skimmers, gages, fittings, trowels, some Jacuzzi pumps, also hydraulic ram MeLauglilin cutter, buggy on rubber, buggy shafts, pine pieces and end tables, wheel barrow, furniture, an- tiques and the usually wild assortment of items. SJohn & Tlm Pearce Auctioners, we take Visa & Master Card. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 1- 9 "SEOAO apulmt r omil Port Whitby bulding. Aduits oly. $310 per mbonth ln- cludes fnidge. steve, hy*ro «d parking. Cible TV end Iaundry facilîte. avaliabie. Phone o U 6372 between 9-30 a.m end 5 P.m. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, 1%V bath, finlahed rec room, large bickyard, ipplances, references requlred. Caii 576-337. FOR SALE 3 bedroom condo facing weSt. P"o, sauna, tennis, squash. Many extras. Vilage Gardons ln Plclcelng. Cualler t«4 P.m. 683-466. ponion for woman, country home, non amoker, drivei-p licence requfred. phone M.85%& 0r655-459. WANTED: Reliable part lime help to work In Pickering ares, ail day Mondays and also Tueaday even. Inga. Must be able to lift furni- ture. Ideal for'hsalthy, retlred or semi-retlred person. Cail even. Ings - 416-985-8161. MATURE PERSON requlred to provîde day care for 9-month, pro. ferably ln our home. Rfrences required. Phone 668-8797. COMPUTER SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES INC. offers computér pro- grammlng for aduits and child- ren'a day camps, days and even- Inga, ln Pickering. 683-7767. WANTED Mature lady to cars for 5 yr. & 5 mth. old. 4 days a wk. Mon. thru Thurs. In our home. Live ln or oui. Startlng Septem- ber. Caii 668&2162. ADVERTISING SALESPERSON DVI REQUIRED Chaiienging, exciting work and friendiy atmosphere. Experience flot necessary but transportation Is. Smaii local Company lth good reputation. lnterested parties cali Andy at 668-6111l for f urther detalis. The difference " between you and a person who's fit 's that anything you con do he can do better. mavamefifoepsnaond e0 ta1 .-verme LEASE 0F TENDER Tenders are Invited for the lease of a two bedroom f ram house, iocated at 1998 Lane Two, Squires Beach, Pickering, Ontario. Occupanoy Sept. 1, 1983. Proceed south on Brook Road from Hlghway 401 East. Turn east at second stop iight to McKay Road and foilow road to Intersection of McKay Road and Montgomery Park Road. Turn rlght at this Intersection to Susan Drive, and proceed south. "Open House" signs wiIl be posted. The property 18 accessible to the Pickering "GO" Train, and servIced by Dil-A-Bus and a sohool bus. This property may be vIewed from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Thursday, Juiy 14, 1983, when a represen- tatIve of the MIistry of Government Services will be ln attendance. Tender documents may be obtained from the representatîve on this date, or from: Min lstry of Government Services Public Tenders Off ice Room M1-43A, Macdonald Block Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1N3 Telephone: (416> 965-1152 A certIfied cheque or money order for the f Irst month's rent must be submItted wlth the tender documents, and wlil be promptiy returned to un- successfuî bidders. Sealed tenders wIIi be received untIl 3:00 p.m., Frlday, Juiy 22, 1983 at which time they will be opened ln public. Tenders will be opened ln Toron- ta. NOTE: For further Information, please contact Rajah Gurudevan, Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Toronto, Ontario, Telephone (415) 965-2040. Please quote File No.: M767-45. The highest or any tender wlll flot necessarly be accepted. T.0.064 Ministry of Soerice ®oerent Ontario soo ARTICLES ~ B ~ ' FOR SALE FOR SALE CHESTERFIELD suites, love- asia, sectionals, leas than Va price. Large selectlon. McKeen Fumiture. 524 Slmcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. "IHEROES of the Bibls" colouring book avallabis at Dickson Print. lng & office Supply, Aax Plaza, 831968. Dealer inquiries ln- vited. GEOTYPE press-on Ietterlng now ln stock at Dickson PrInting & Of- lice Supplies ln the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large select Ion of styles and sizes. Why pay more for a smiller sheet of letterlng? MATTRESSES and box sprlngs at hait prie. MoKeen Furniture, 524 SimCoo Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. THERMAL Wl NDO WS Onlysl 4.95 sq. ft. Installed Mr. Timo 759-7485 FOR SALE ares treet m&ps, Whitby, Pickering, Ajax, Oshawa and West Hii. Dlckson Printing & Office Supplies store, Aax Shopping Pluza,683.1968. DealIer InquIrles lnvtsd. WASHER & DRYER, 1 yr old asklng $700. Cal 723.72eà after a p.m. 2 FIBER GLASS 13 ft. Kayaks $125 for both. Pease cmli 728. 8W. WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE, bedroom fumiture, 2 chesterfleid suites. CaiI 668. vice. Fib uerpar. a raiîumînum 1 BEDROOM CONDO, unfur- earga ergd lass sup. nished, St. Petersburg FI&. lg. Plies. Plastic shoots, tubes and swlmmlng pool, tennis, A rode. Oshawa Glss Fibre, 341 clubhouse, fiahlng, ippliince, 6 Durham Street, Oshawa, 579 mths or yeiry rentai. Caii00&5 1433.OSSSfterp.m.GARDENINO AND ~RESORTS f IE S:OR 'SISUPPLIES LAKE ROUSSEAU INTERLOCi<ING BRICK WALK.WAYS LodgeDrawlng Provlded MUSKOKA RED ROSE * 3 excellent meis daily e Entertainment LANDSCAPING * Cttaes- Frepacs *Tenis caoes fshig 598 L5 55-74 * Child supervision e Try our 2, 3. 4, 5 day specials 5"8 5. 79 For Reservation Cai: DO YOU HAVE RUSTYNARD Bob & Caroline Burns WATER? Caii Gary Young Plumb- Box H, Mnett OntrioIng and ront a water soltener or Box H, Mnett Ontrloiron fliter. FREE INSTALLATION. POB IGO Rentai stays the sarne foreve. 705-765-3380 Brookiln 655-493. 1979 MERCURY MARQUIS BROUGHAM, Fuily loided, ex- cellent condition.'Best offer ac- ceptedI. Ple acii 66&.2464. 1975 DATSUN B 210, new parts, bis to prove. Aaklng $1,300 or beat offer. Caîl 723-2243 days, or 578.5866 eveninga. 1974 CMEV. TANDEM DUMP TRUCK, 65,000 miles on a new 427, V8, 613 transmission, 15 ft. diesel dump box, 25 ton holat. Asklng $7,500. Phone 66&3291. SCEVCE DAY CARE avallable, my home, any age, any hours, hot meals, fenced yard. Phiones86663557. BUTTERFLY Daycare Centre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. to 6 p. m. Quaiified Staff Chiidren From 18 Months to 2 Years Hot Meais German Lessons 309 Beech St., Whitby 668-8927 OR 571-0031 NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTH ERS ALL PERSONS HAV ING CLAIMS AGAIN5T THE ÉSTATE 0F MAY TAYLOR (ALSO KNOWN AS MAY JOSEPHONE TAYLOR AND MAY MARY TAYLOR,)Late of the Town of Whîtby, ln the Reglonal Mun- clpality of Durham, Widow, Deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of March 1983, must file par- ticulars of the same wlth the undersigned, on or before the 28th day of Juiy 1983, after which date the executor wlII distrîbute the assets of the estate having regard only to thqcdaims of which he shall then have had notice. Dated at Toronto, this 4th day of Juiy 1983. ALBERT GURLAND, Exocutor, 20 Madion Ave., Toronto, Ontario M5R 281 1