Whitby Free Press, 29 Jun 1983, p. 19

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY JUNE 29o 1983, PAGE 19 Whltby's Most WideIy Read CltAS5iýf1F1D AD1)S Tenders are invited for the demolition of a one and a haif storey houae and septic tank situated on Part of Lot 35, concession 8, Town of Whltby, Regionai Munlcipaiity of Durham. LOCATION The property la Iocated 1/8 mile east of Durham Road 23 and 2 miles forth of Highway.7 on the Brawiey Sideroad. "Open for Inspection" signe wiii be posted. Demolition muet be compieted in accordance with the provisions of the tender documents. This property may be viewed from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, Juiy 13, 1983, when a repre.' sentative from the Ministry of Government Ser-. vices wili be In attendance. Tender documents may be obtained from the rep- resentatIve or from:- Mlnistry of Government Services Public Tenders Office, Room MI-43A, Macdonaid Bock Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1 N3 Telephone: (416> 965-1152 Seaied tenders wiil be received until 3:00 p.m.,, Friday, Juiy 29, 1983 at which tîme they wili be opened I public., Tenders îvIIi be>opened In Tor- onto. NOTE: For- further Information, please contact Martha ýMcBurnie,'Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Toronto, Ontario, Telephone: (416) 965-2040. Please quoto file M807-1. The lowest or any tender wiil not necessa'rily be accepted. T.O. 057 Mnstryof (~) Government, Services Ontario, fr)~.jTH-E CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY REQUIRES CASHIER The Town of WhItby Treasury Department requires a Cashier. The successful candidate shahl; have a minimum Grade 12 education, minimum typing speed '60 W.P.M. Experlence with mini- computers, business machines, and credit and collection wouid be an asset. Salary to be commensurate with experience and qualif ications. Acknowledgement oniy to those applicants suc- cessfulIin obtaIning an Interview. Applications accompanied by detailed resumes are to be submitted to the Admlnistrator's Off ice, noted beiow, and muet be received by 4:30 p.m., 'y -~1 w-w - pILY ATTEND ONETHIS WEEKEND CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN- AUCTION SALE FRIDAY,, JULY i 6: 30 P.M. 3 miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsy/,ttleBritainRd. 4matcblng presaback chairs, oak , wall telephone, green Ad- mirat wagher & dryer, Hlarveet gold McClarey fridge & stove, Partial toilet set, pine table & benches, antiques, dressers, 6 b.p. roto- tiller, Oak office desk, mantie docks, G.E. 2- door refriderator, 2 pce bedroom suite, 14 ft freezer, 5 b.p. bolen riding Jawn mower, quantity of tools, china & glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1, Little Britain 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, JULY 2 6OP.M._ At PEARCE AUc- TION CENTRE, on Shirley Rd. 4 miles south of 'Port Perry. With furniture, appilan- ces, guns etc., Wajax trencher, gas dryer, Westinghouse fridge, wood-burnlng cook steve, rocker, <22 autematlc rifle witb scope, 16 garage' shotgunroto-tiller, padded stacking chairs, wheel balance, weed sprayer and many items not yet picked up. Con- signinents welcome. We take Visa & Master ÇCard. SPEARCE AUCTION SERVICES M-L7402 GENERALCONTRAcTORS Interior and Exterior Repaireand Painting at the Durham Regionai Centre, WHITSBY, Ont. Tender No. 0548.103 Seaied Tenders wIll be recelved until 2:00 p.m. local time on FRIDAY, JULY2n 1988 Tender, Documente ma y be ob tained from the Ontario Ministry of Govemment Services, 0,1111a Dlstrick Office, 24 James St. E, Box 790, 0,1111e, Ont. Note: For further Information regardlng the tenders, pisses celi the Tenders Office at the above addrëess.Tlephone (705) 325. 7403, Telowest or any Tender not mec.ssarflysoccepted. ®Ministry of Govemment' Services Ontario T St. Jh M nbuinee'hae been irMited te b. à part of their iIext ndred yearo. GO hm eàacait. Leam how te hep. TYKE ALL4-STAR BASEBALL On June 20, the Atter- sley Drillers Tyke AUl Star basebail tean. was defeated 21 te 8 by Peterborough. David Winchester and Grayson Hefford bad two singles each for the losers. Jeremy Harnesa had a sige and a double 2ie singles went to Darryn Christie, Chris Harper, Brian Cole, Michael Creed and Shayne Keddy. Mike Fulton drove'iii tbree runs wlth a triple. Single runs batted in went to Matt Grahamn,'David Wincbester, Grayson Hefford and Michael Creed.1. In a high scoring LEASE0F TENDER Tenders are Invited for the isase of a two bedroom f ram house, iocated at 1998 Lane Two, Squires Beach, Pickering, Ontario. Occupancy Sept. 1, 1983. Proceed south on Brock Roadf rom Highway 401 East. Turn east at second stop light to McKay Road and foliow road to Intersection of McKay, Road and Montgomery Park Road. Turn right a 't this Intersection to Susan. Drive, and proceed south. "Open House" signe wili be posted. The property le accessible to the Pickering "GO" Train, and serviced by Diai-A-Bus and a achool bus. This property may be viewed f rom 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Thursday, Juiy 14, 1983, when a represen- tative of ttýe MinIstry of Government Services wiii be in.attendance. Tender documents may bé obtalned from the representative onthis date, or f rom: Minlstry of GovernmentServices Public Tenders Off Ie Room M1-43A, Macdonald Block Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1 N3 Telephone: (416> 965-1152 A certlfied cheque or money order for the f irst month's rent must be submitted with the tender documents, and wili be promptly returned to un- successf ui bidders. Seaied tenders wiii be recelved until 3:00 p.m., Friday, Juiy 22, 1983 at which t 'Imethey wll be opened ln publiec. Tenderswlii be opened ln Toron- to. NOTE: For further Information, pieasé contact Rajah Gurudevan, Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Toronto, Ontario, Telephone (415) 965-2040. Please quote File No.: M767-45. The highest or any tender wiil not necessariiy be accepted. T.0.064 ~ Ministry of Government Services Ontario Ontario Giovernment 1he Canadian Tire Minor Peewee soccer teain lest a 4-1 decision te the Oshawa Rangers last Tbursday. Elliot Quelch, on a pass frein Mark Blaaak, scored the lone Whitby The Oshawa club, one of the strongest ini the league, was beld scoreless until the 30 Sim co H allminute mark of the first Ann Galbraith, Sandy Pegg and Ian MeNab, representing the Simcoe Hall Chiidren's Scott MeadweII Centre In Oshawa pluck some of the money, totalling over $1,200, displayed on a monor Played net for Whitby in In Mr. G's, Slmcoe St. N., In 'Oshawa. Steve Givelas, (second from left) on behaif of Mr. the second hall and th- warted the Oshawa 6f- G's customers, donated the money to the Centre's fund raising drive. The Whltby Rotary fenaive on al but -two- Club also came through wlth a $10,000 donation. occasions. wqr 277 gaine on Jutie 2s, the At- tersey' Drillers lost to, Kingston, 18 to 14. Jeremy Harness had four singles and two runs batted ini. Mike Fulton belted a double along wlth two singles. He also bad two RBI's. David Welr bit two singles and drove in two runs. Other bits went to* David Winchester with a double and Jamie Watters and Chris Har- per each with singles. Harper bad two RBI's wbile Watters bad one, Scott Spencer also bad a run batted in. Other, players worthy of note for their fine defensive play are Michael* Creed, Darryn Christie and Sbayne Keddy. The Whitby teain plays -in, the Peter- borough, Tyke Tour- nament on the July lat weekend. The next regular home gaine la against Cobourg on July 4 at 6:15 p.m. at Peel Park on the south diamond. ýPeewee Basebail The Whltby Peewee's won their fourtb gaine in, a row Tuesday June 21witb 12-3 win over Port Hope. Dave Grant, a- first year Peewee, with a lot of talent, rihght field, stole- second and. third and scored on a double by. Mke Macapagal. Wbitby beld that one run lead until' the third innlng wben they put together three ita around. two Port Hope erors and came out of thelnhning with a 5-0 'ýlead. Port -Hope closed the gap to5-3 in the fifth in- .Wbltby pulled away when they scored five runs in tbeir half of the fifth. After two walks, back te back doubles by Kevin Mitchell and Greg Rennie, singles by Andy Reff, Brad Chalmers. and a beautiful bunt by Tom GoSleigb and another singly by Dave Grant closed-out the innlng. Other players getting bits for Wbitby were Greg Rennie wlth two, StJohnAmbulance Theraednm«chwçm

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