Whitby Free Press, 22 Jun 1983, p. 13

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WHIiBV F REE PRESS, WED NESDAY JUNE 22j 1983, PAG E l13 SPOIRTS WEEK Legion aires tied for first and". The Whltby, Leglon- aires moved into a firat place tde ln the Oshawa City and istrict fast- bail league last Tuesday wlth a .3-2 vic tory over Oshawa Carlo lectrie. Bob Muir belted a double and single for the winnlng squad ,wbile Dan Denyer cranked a home-run. Jlrn Spiers picked up the victory witb six lose in tourney final The Wbltby Legion- aires men's fastball team' rebounded from an openlng game defeat, te wln four straigbt games and advance te the final of a tourna- ment i Port Perry this past weekend. The, finger of fate was not pointing Whitby's way as they were beaten "- by Greenbank in the final. In the first game, Wbltby were trounced 6- 0 by Janetville.' The Legionaires rebounded te, defeat Goodwood 7-4 as Doug Seely, banged out tbree bits. Wbltby pitcher Mike Gorman was named'the game's most valuable player., Whltby then squeezed past Mr. G's from Oshawa by a 3-2 score. Legionaires' hurler Dave Witblers was the game's, MVP 'and Wayne Owen also tur- ned in a strong perform- ance as he belted Whit- by's only two bits. Lacrosse acetion By TOM FRAN Tbis comlng Satt and Sunday, June 2 269 is Witby-Ga Road Lacrosse C Bantamn-Mlcget Toi ment. Our Peu Sports bantam. wilibe playing Iroquols Park Arei 81, 12 and 9 on Sua Our First -Clty Mid wil be playlng at sarne Urnes at Vil Mémorial Arena- Brooklln. AUl chamI sMip garnes winlxb Iroquols Arena star at 3:.*15 on Sunday. S taters are M welcome te corne and urge on Whifl local tearns. Visil tearna hiclude Pe borougnfli,9 'Glouce.i Kitchener, St. Chri plier H=se and mor 1In lageplay9 F cock Sports beat & borougb Bantanis V Greg Vansiekie & Steve Dyment eâ ucored 3, Steve No had 2, wbile Wayne C niali and Rlch Dymi scored the rest. Pet borougb Bantarna ci for an exhibition gan Peacock Sports g. thern en 8-4 lesson coi tesy of 5 goals by M miii and singles by Vu sickle, Steve Dyme and Ernery Carnpbe Rici Dyment's passii erned hlm five assista Witby's major pe wee tearnfrom ti Hideaway won ovi vislting Peterborough te 3. Pairs by Man Ainsworth, Andre Vandenlinde and Bra TIIey with singles b Midges Wbitby's Dunedin Construction Miciget teain made their pres- once known -ths past weekend I the London tournarnent.1 Barrie was the oppos- ing tam in game one as Wbitby beat the nortii, eres9-3 with excellent pltcihig by Bian Yorke, and Grog Iap- narilli. Tlhe tbree rnes bY'Barrie were al un- Wbutby thon- facod Derek Jones, Mark yr Smitb;, Chris Page, à Chris Tucker and Keith 1 Prirneau. Julie Kerno- b 'an earned 2assists. * Wbitby ,Optliists r were represented well i by the major novice *teanis as Witby won 13- 3 over vlsitig Peter- boftug novices. David Wood bad> 3, pairs by Derek Ellls Greg Fawoett and Dennis Directo. Other scores were by Brandon Smith, <Alan Frank (3 assists), Matt Cook (4 assiste) andChris Thompson. The -Wiitby-Garrard Road minor novices bave also been busy. Tbey returned from the Guelph tournament too late te meet laut week's press deadline. But tiiey bad-won the B Consola- tion Charnpionsbip 50o they had cause to cele- brate. Their first game was a 12-5 'lau te Wallaoeburg. Wbitby came back with a M- win over Pelham. I the cbampionsbip g ame, our novice Il tearn beat out Arthiur 7-2, led by Kelly, Vipond with 4, goals and singled by Jonas -Derks, Craig Shannon and Ann Wind- over. Zach Hayden ear- ned2 asssta. I exhibition play at Harmon Park in Oshawa,' they bad another 12-2 wln thanks to, 6 goals by Derks, ^4 from Windover and others by John Emin and Mike Willlams. The àinor novices also went to, the Orilia teurnament. Theystart- play weli Essex i garne two anai qulckly got on tne score- board, teo ot distance them 8-4. More fine pit- ching by Yorke and Ian- nanili and the consist- ent defense around the bhoni by Bian Grylli, Steve Gibson, Ian Par- ion and Dave Irneson held the opposition te 3 bits and one earned run. Sunday's action pitted Wnty againt the Whitby met Oshawa R&H early Sunday morning and took an 8-2. decision. Doug Seeley knocked ifour 'runs to, capture MVP honors. Later Sunday, Whitby whitewashed Oshawa Carlo Eleéctric 7-0 on a strong pitcbing per- formance from Mike Gorman, who also bit two singles. MVP was catcher Jim. Spiers, who bad one double and two singles for tbree RBI's. ed the day with a very close 8-9 loss to the host club. Derks scored 5 tirnes and Windover had 3. Their second. game was a 10-6 w.in over Hun- tsville.,Windover bad 4, pairs, by Zacb Hayden and Derks and sigled by Tommy Smart, and Todd Cyr. In the champ- ionsbip game, Whitby met Orillia again. Tbey must have been tired i the beat as this Urne tbey lost 8-1 on a Derks' goal. The peewee Il team, wbicb is rated as C, trled their skills against some tougber A division teams at the Mississau- ga tournament. They beld Six Nations te, il as tbey scored 4 on 3 goals by Garrett Campbell and 1 by Shaune Ayles- wortb., Wbitby goalie Derec Elieff deserves special mention as he held the Mississauga 1 team te 16 goals as the rest of bis team was shuteut. The WGR team then beat Brmapton 4-1 witb a pair by Campbell and singles by Chris Husted and, Chris Vanclief. I the Silver Cbampion- sbip gameP 'Wbitby downed, Mississauga II by 7-2 tbanks te the play- naking of, Troybann Santos witb 5 assists and a goal. Hustedscored 3, AylesWorth, ,Brian MIunro and Bian Grieve had 1 each. The peewee 2teamn won tbe silver nedal. Stan Mercer was narned as the most sportsmanlike player. kj-eimne ~ u ut meyjus neyer got going. Greg Ells went the distance on the mound Superb catching by Scott Tutton and the Wbitby Bats were just as consistant te pre- serve the game and put the Dunedins in the finals. The final game pitted Wbitby against the teain from Sarnia., The stemach butterflies and »ervUmes crept into the Wibites and it showed up defensively as Wbitby iest a wSqak- er 44 in extra IMalag. strikeouts over five Inn- lngs. Dave Wthers en- tered the game witb runners on first and second and none out in, the seventh innings and retired the side wltbout any damage being done to pick Up the save. He fanned four batters and gave up pnly one hit the rest of the way. Whitby , opened the scormng in the second inning as Bob Muir doubled and scored on a single* by Peter David- son. Denyer clouted a round-tripper to in-' crease Whitby's lead- to 2-0 in the third inning. Whitby increased its lead to 3-0 in' the fourth inning as Peter Sidor- kiewicz. singled and crossed home plate on a single by Peter David- son. Oshawa scored a pair of runs in the fifth inning to close out the scoring. Durham Gfrls- WHI TBY AI Soccereague668, Soccr LegueADULTS - 4 - SQUIRT DIVISION Elght -2 Gus Brown Motors.1,.. iWbtbyLeglo.......O Weekenc Jessica Iamomiao 1MDVSO 15 Pickering Kitchen Place.............s Whitby J.M.T. Sports..6 Janie Smith 3 Nicola Mitchell 3 Brooklln lUnettes... 3 Catherine Camnpbell 1 Naonu Langer i Arlene Quinn SPEEWEE] Port Perry Printlng ... 3 Whitby Kiwanls ...........1 Joanne Aru Bowmanvlle.......0 AMax Greenshielda ... DIVISION Whltby'Rotary ......2 Cathy Vanderbeyden JUNIOR DIVISION' Ajax Nelson Hobbies. .1 BrookliuGroup-'74 0.. MOSQÙITO DIVISION Whitby Legion.... Jennifer Lindup 2 Heather Fleming 2 Jodie McPhail 2 Whltby Knlghts of Columbus..........1 Stacy Goyrner1 Peewe-es win The Whitby Legion Peewees of the E.O.B.A. won their third game in a row on Wednesday, June 15, with an 8-0 win over Cobourg. This brings their record to 6 wins and 2 losses over the first hall of their 16 garne sche- lule. Any Reff pitcbed 5 in- nings te record the win, giving up only 3 bits and 1walk. Mike Nevilis ame on in relief, and itcbed te eigbt batters, iing out six and ralking only one. Collectig bits for fhitby were Dave xrant, Mike Watters, dike -NeviUs, Brad hairners, Rob Dawson rid Kevin Mtchel. An- V Riff was voted player, r Ig 0 c nJ 9 ' G id a lu Ajax Phillips & Moore.i Ajax Murray Rug & Tle. ........... THE CORPORATION 0F ~ I~~~iTHE TOWN OF WHITBY TOWN OF WHITByQ Q PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Q îý ~SUMMER DAyCAMPQ ART ADVENTUR E CAMP le a fuilday programn that runs from 9:00 arn to 3:30 pm. This camp offers chlldren an excltlng and fun program wlth ail klnds of activities such as arts and crafts, painting, clay mouldlng, nature crafts and Smuch more. SThe camp wlll Include a speclal trip to Ontario Place or a sleepover. A pro-Q gram of thîs -nature, provîdes the camper wlth an opportunity ta be wlth W other chlldren. "A dally halflhour swlm Is lncluded". SThere wlli be four sessions offered startlng SJuly 4th to July l5th 60Julyl18th to July 29th SAugust 2 to August l2th SAugust l5th to August 26th. For further Information regardlng thîs Camp, caîl 668-7765. iý Registration dally Monday to Frlday 9:00 arn to 9:00 pm. at Iroquois Park ý SComple.% W.G.A.A. SQUIRTS JUNE 13, 1983 West Lynde G.A ...17' Pizza Delight ....... 18 JUNE 14e 1963 Peacock Sports ...33 Bailey Phanacy ... . il JUNE 15, 1983 West Lynde G.A.. 18 Peacock Sports ...21 Midway Datsun ...17 Pizza Dellght ....... 16 Bailey Pbarmacy .... 23 Jon's Auto......... 26 NOVICE JUNE 12, 1983 Master Precision..16 Cbeyne's.......... 19 JUNE 13, 1983' Master Precision ...10 Mr. Rent-al....... 13 JUNE 14,1983 Kinsmen.ý.......... 9 Henry Buildal...21 Brookin L.A.,......12 - Cheyne's........... 18 JUNE 15,1983 MatthevW-. ........ 16 MWr. Rent-a%%½...17 BANTAM Levis Paper........12 Rotary Clubs....... 10 JUNE 13,1983 National Trust...19 MWI Paper.......... 6 Signet Signs ........ il Lions Club ..... ... 9 Rotary Club ........ il Scott's Colonels...1<2 JUNE 16,1983 Vickery Electrie..27 Levis Paper ......... 7 Scott's Colonels ...15 Matthews .......... 8 JUVENILE JUNE 12,1983 Foenwood.Ford.i Fleming Realty.1ý...l .JUNE 13,1983, Dual-Lite .......... 3 Pueckrin & Son...... 15' WHITBY TIGERS '83 Sponsor:, IAN BARRON MOTORS LTD. 166&-1511 Located at the WHITBY IROQOUIS PARK *For al1 ages & skil11 levels, beginners welcome. Thursday 7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. Sunday 9:30 p.m. 1'1:30 p.m. Cali Richard 668-0584 (anytime) or Ian 668-5591 (realdence, after 8 p.m.> -Whitby places al-stars Tbree memfbers of' Whitby First City Developers have been Selected te the two- Ont- ario LIacrosse Associa- tion Junior' A League ail-star teanis. Developers' -Andy Perroni, defence,, and Kevin Van Sickle, for- ward, were named to the first ail-star squad. John Fusco was also named te represent the Wbitby squad as a,.for- ward on the second ail- star teant. An additional Wbitby> player, forward Todd Tran, will. play with the ail-stars in'a game June 26 against tue defending Canadian champion Peterborough James Gan at Peterborougb's Memorial Centre, start- ing at 8p.m. mq nrp.ojàma hist fhoir illof

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