WHITBY'FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAYJUNE 15, 1983, PAGE 3ý Watch signs wil ,be installied Whlt by's Town Coun- CiH has accepted a rcommendtion by the operations commiittee, approvlng installation of Neighrood Wat, ch sigs iln the Pringle Cru*k area, despite pro- teste by Couneillor Mur- cdi Brunelle. The docision, reache Monday evening, lsaa stop towards reducing vandaliam and break- ina in Pringle Creek. "Tero's a aregular forst of Signa in town,"p said Brune. 6Th«ees no sense adding more signa. I'd rather see money invested ini the neighbourhoods than on signa on the main stret."y As Weil as plactng Neighbourhood Watch sign at the entrance ways to Prfinge Cree, the town bas agreed to place signs at major on- trance ways into the commnunity. The Pringle Creek Neighbourhoocj Watch group Must purchase the signa and the town bas agreed to instali and maintain them. Counillor Joe Bugelli said the signa would serve as a means of en- couraging the use of the Neighbourhood Watch progami throughout the müunicipality. Reg1iaI Councillor Gerry Emm was also aupportlve of the signa. 11I support sBigna that bave a message to tell," he said. Mayor Bob Attersley supported the idea and said ho hoped it would catch on ini other areas YMCAt a ing plays chool registrations The Durham Region Famlly YMCA ia pro- sently taking registra- tions for Playschool i the Whitby,- Oshawa, Port Perr and New- castle areas, for sep- tember, 19u. Thes pre-school pro- gramai for eilidren ages' two-and-a-half to five years offer participants a wide variety of activi- ties, including creative crafts, painting, cogni- tive activities, along with free play with other children their own ge. As well, there la circle tinie wlth stories, sangs, finger plays, and games. These programa proide ail children with a learning experience i a seting autside their own homes. The 'Y' also offers "Af ternoon Fours"p, for the four-year-old who la needlng something ex- tra ta help pass the time beforo entering Kinder- garten. SUNNY BRAE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB I 2 Forl1 Deal (2 play for the prie of 1) WékasOniy Epires June 3W8e ee RlNl(~lfk. - uu- __ __ 985-2076 R.R. 49 PORT PERRY 83 There will be a Fren- ch Immersion program for the tdre to five- year-olds in both Whitby and Oshawa, beginning in September. For further informa- tion regarding the 'Y' Piayschools in your neighbourhood, cail Eleanor Holman at 66&- 6668. COMMODORE VIC20IC64-ATARI Software- Books- Magazines 106 Byron St. S., Whltby 86&62212 (next ta Dodd & Sauter) JOIN MAY PATERSO-N AND THE WHITBY SENIORS. ON A TRIP TO DEER LODGE JuIyl1S- 21 $305 per person twln' A 6 dayl5 night pragramme with fuliy supervised daiiy activities * 16 meals pl us evoning snacks* Live Evening Entertainment and yaur favourite record requests piayed by aur. charmlng guest RAY SONIN * Deluxe Mator Coach Transportation * Baggage Handllng * Taxes and Gratuities are ail included LUXURY CRU ISE TO BERMUDA .Ieavlng August 7 -13 $649.00 per person twln Your Bermuda COmis. Ineludes: *Round Trip Deluxe Motor Coach Transportation to New York City * 2 nights accommodation ln New York City* 4 nlght -5 day crulse ta Bermd Shore excursion In Hamiton, Bermuda 0 4 sump- tuous meals daily on board shlp * EntertaInment nightiy Inciuding a Nlght Club Show * Dancing ta the sounds af two orchestras Daliy Movies* Casino * Port taxes * New York City Tour* FuIIy Escorted * Optional Trip Cancellation Ins. 0 Mf the town. "lWe bave bad indica- tions that Bluegrasa Meadows would like the Neighbourhood Watch program n hitheir area," he said. CUSTOM MADE THERMALLY INSULATED WINDOWSý ENAMEL FINISH S IN ANY 0F 12 COLOURS Manufacturnd y Free Estimates aOuck Delivery à Installation mi a m728-1633 y4Isalto WHITBY FENCE COMPANY 'I I I.5Oprnar foot (depending on terrain> 5 foot high coer wood fonce. " custom builit on site. " ail materlais and iabour. " choice of fonce designe. " oniy hand plcked top grade cedar wood la used. " main posts are creosoted and piaced ln cernent. " this fence speciai good unti 1 June 30, 1983. OTHER WOOD FENCE DESIONS ALSO AVAILABLE. Stain or paint extra. % Y W HI BY AFiEE lITrN 66 .M O FATHER'S SPEC.IAL. 30M80% OFF Sslected Timex Watch Models McCULLOUGH JEWELLERS'ý 217 Dundas St.E. Whltby 174 Wliiowvdui Ave. Wlllowdab, Ont. M2N M,8 Coli Toli Frft for mors information 1-*800-268-6609 1