'E..a AIR CONDmTONER, G.E., rollable compresmor, 3,000 BTU, have wall brackets for Installation, 5 years aid,- out of use last yoar.,Asklng prie $125. Pimase Cal afler 5 p.m. at666.2149. APARTMENT SUZE humidifier $50. Pasecati 66&.2785. BRAND NEW 24 volume of ency. ciopedias, 10 vol. children's claséecs, 4 val. medîcai book. Worth $12 00.811 for $89. PioPleaCli 728&2370. CALL 0004111 ta place your ar- ticle for aie.« COMPLETEeset of mon$ rlght hand golf clubs, bag lncluded, $30. On@ pair of mon'* Etonlc golf shoee,. brown, size 9, $75. On. 2epoce pool cue end case, 17 ounces, $40. Phone 686.057. DUNCAN Fy fe table, two beaves, cent ral pedestal, $125. Chain »aW, good workng condition, $50. Girls and boys bîkes $M each. Old dlning room table $75. Phone 683463. ELECTRIC lawnmawer, Sunbeamn deluxe, $100 ýor beat offer. Cali ELECTROLUX rug sh.mpooer, now condition, used twico, $200. One moto-cross bîko, excellent condition, $50. One 20" chiid's bîke $20. One glru 20" 3-speed $45. Phono 5764M93 8 PUCE kitchen mt wlth brawn, phitdchairs, excellent condition, MO0. Chll' deek and 1atching chair $25. Cali after 5 P.M.1111164. FOR Immedlate rosuits, advertlse ln the Free Press* Emporium. Check your closots, attieý and basement - start pummer with cash In hand and your sprlng cloanlng done. Calil 668111 now. ~~rnoeuu FOR SALE - "Roxton" mapie china cabinet. Excellent condi- tion. $6X0 firm. Phione 579.264. .E. HUMIDIFIER $75. Baby crlb $2. Vogurt maker $15. Portable bIllilard table, 38"1 x 71", $55. Phoneof66882. GRANOFATHER dlock for sais. A llteaver 6 feet tall, solid cherry.' wood, Westminster diock, Lyre 6%" pendular. Finished to your requirements. $850. Phane 655- 4097. GUNS' FOR-8ALE: 20 gauge $60. .22 cal. $50. Cali 728.4849 and ask for Ken. HEAVY duty car jack $60. Camp' stove $20. Iran frame aid achool, deak $40. Large old crock $35. TypewrIter $30. Phone 6834638. JUVENILE chiffrabe $50. Change table $20. Couch and chair $75. Ail ln good condition. Phono 668- 7253. KUBOTA Flail mower, new, 5 feet wide, fine cut, model 3661, $2000. Plhonse65-3477. MUST SELL 2611 color T.V. $200.- Beautîful pîcture. Two 12" black & white TV's $100 or $60 each. Call 683-7017. NEW black swlvel bar stoal, rogular $10995, asking $50 or bout offer. New large Tanks toys, askIng $10. On. bookcase d $30. One triple dresser mRd-mirror $60. Box opring and mattreso, A. 1 condition, $" 100. Coleman gas iantom $20. Beavor table $aW, 8", $300 or beat offor. Black & Dock- or Skiisaw $50 - sabre saw $30.ý Craftsman ander $30. Cail 668& 006. 1060 EVINAUDE, 25 h.p, $125. Standard typewrlter $25. Three 5x7 vinyl coverod room divIders wlth loe, $15 each. Four floor polishers, $25 mach. Phono 576- 0769. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESODAYJUNE 8, 1983, PAGE 20 j Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the f ollowing conditions. ARTICLES RTICLES FOR SEFOR SALE M OVING SALE - One crib $55. One baby waiker $10. One baby chair $15. One record player with AMIFM radio $40. One dinng rocm kitchen suite with revoivlng chaire $00. One sofa and chair $125. One sectionai sofa $20. Ail Items In excellent condition. Phone 668-776. ONE heavy duty set of acetylono torches, by Ilquid air, complote wlth cutting tIp end houes, $200. New heavy duty air hammer $40. Phono 66-U74. ONE KIrby vacuum cleaner wlth uphoiutery and. rug shampooer. JustIlhke new. Oniy used once. Going choap - $500. Calil 66& 9042. ONYX CHESS SETS, Aztec style, assorted col ore, $55 mach. Frigi- daire autamatic drier $100. Hocver spin washar $100. Record collection,, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 man lent $160. Bally race- way pInb.li machine, noedu noms, work, $35. Phone 985- 925. - PINO0 PONO table $55. Nover used 2 man tent $15. ChIldron'e binoculars $5. Mon's 10-speed $85. Tri-levol chose set $12. Lamp $5. Oid Viking sterea $20. Phono 666-3712. W0 ALUMINUM heavy duty TV tower, six sections, gond for Ham radio operator. Asking $30. Phone 579-3353. FOR SALE - Convertible bicycle, 20" wheel, Canadlan made, ln ex- cellent condition, $60. Cal 668- 6087 alter ô pi. FOR SALE - Mandoiin banjo $150. Sun lamp $2M. Cali 655- OR SALE - 1978 Honda XR7S, mInt condition, $400. 1978 onda -XR7S, ond condition, $350., Phone 855-3977. 8S CEDAR 4x4's, 8 foot iength, $5 each. Phono 655-420. 3 .P. air compressor, 4 months aId, 30 gallon capacity, $850. Air file $85. New fathor duster $75. Impact, gun $65. Torches $150. Phono 6864874. TWO AR-14 bookehoif 2-way speakers rated at 1W0 watts mach $225. Two Shuro SM-57 micro-' phones complote with desk standse, 10w impedance, $150 for pair. One large Lazy Boy recliner, leather,,slightiy worn, $75. Phone TWO MOPEDS, Mondas, 11ke new, $60 for both. Phone 668-1367. 200 WATT P.A. Amp, ed 8 Chan- nel Mixboard. Great for recordlng or performIng. Excellent condi- tion. Paid $1,800. Asking $90. Phone 686-4868 afier 6:30 p.m., VACUUM - Filtor Queen with at- tachinents. Excellent condition. $150. Phone 743-092. WOOD tathe $100. Four aak chaire $15 mach. Six vinyl- covered chaire $17 each. Phono 6634636. THERE ARE PEOP LE wvilIlng ta pay gond money- for thingu you've tired of. Place your adver- tisemont ln the Whitby Fre Pros Emporium Section. As fast as a phono cmi, resuitu happent Cali 668-6111 tday. 100CHEVELLE, 4 dr., gond rmn- nIng condition, needu minor work for certification, $20 as lu. 1978 Mondo 400 twln, minI condition, ber box, highway bars and meg whe.is, muet b. sien, $1,200. Twa burgendy bed chairs, liko new, $O»Pair. On* York oxercise b.nch with leg exorciser $60. Cali 668-2912. NOTHING boats an ad un the Fre Presu-M08-111. -PLEASE READ - When the advortlsod Item le sald, dlspased af, or unavaliablo for whatovor reason, the Item willtb. doemod ta have bssn said and a commi'lsion wiil b. charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE ase Ilustrated b.iaw, rogardiesu If prîce lu stated with Ibest offer". If the Item sa NOT SOLD, or dispased of, the ad wiii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00will appiy payable ln sdvance af publication of the firet ad. Othorwiso a $7.50 charge will ap- piy If bIied whlch'muet b. pald upon receipt of bill. The above' minimum charges wlii be applled ta the final commission due butiln any case the hlghoramaunt wiil b. charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pro-paid; 87.50 bliied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail sdvortIsements muet b. piuced on an ex- clusive basis with the WHIT BY FREE PRESS and run atiest ans manth If nat sold. RATES (If article la sold): 5% of advertis.d price Up ta $400.00 EXAMPLE., Sold Item advertised for $120.00. Commisson due $6.00 (minimum charge lu $8.00). Private advertising anlyl Please natify the Whitby Fr. Prose, lmmedlateiy when Item le sold no that we may eflte fit from the falla *wing Issue. Ail mOu nat fittIng the ýmporIumn guidelines wiii b. treated and charged per week as regular ciassifisd ade an a prepaid basIs such as: services, heip wanted, cIothIng, rosi estate, and persanai message type ade, or adu nat quating price or quantlty. Private ciassiflod mOu may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriats hoadinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 2086 WhItby, LIN 581 If ln doubt cmii: esa-Bolil OR DELIVER TO: 131 rock St. N. Whitby, Ont. I IVOTIVE éHUSEOLD IA GOO AUTOMOTIVE PARTS FOR SALE - One new eloctronlc Ignitian' conversion kit for ail *GM V8's 11959 ta 1974 and AmerIcan Motors V8's 1963 ta 1974 wlth Delco dIstrîbutors $50. Phono 579-2352. CUSTOM built pick-up &sat wlth fold down console, red crushed velvot, excellent condition, $275. Phono 655-8787. 1970 DATSUN STATION WAGON 710, Ideal for mochanfic needlng good parts, $200 complote. Phono 655.300. 1973 STANDARD VOLKSWAGEN for parts. Good body parts. Tires on rima and 4-speéd transmis- sion with swing axies. Parts $5 ta $75. $150 for aI. Phone 282-8760. RADIAL TIRES, two GR70-15 tires, faîr condition, $45 pair. Cal after6 p.m. 668-388. QUEEN-SIZE watorbed wlthý brown veivet button tuft, four poster wlth wator mattresa, heat- or, waterbed shoots and mattroe caver Included. $M0. Cali WB- 6998. 1981 HONDA l ntorstate, 14,000 km. Toc many options ta 11.1. Ex- cellent condition. $5400. Cati 655-3917. 1900 YAMAHA Endura 175, low mileage, veuy gond condition, $1,000Ofirm. PhoneOOS6644. HARLEY Sportster oextended chromo tubs front end $25. 250 Ducadi front end $75. Harley rear wheea and sprocket $22. Used Yokohama tire $2. 1977 Ca Am. 175 cc, 1,900miles, $60. Phono WOOD STOVE Fisher Mamne, A YN E S $280. Dining room suite, FormicaMU IA and wood table with extension, 4IN T U E S wood and ciath chaire, $95. Cali GOOD CRIS (comploe $15. Baby .WN!IE1S MNT 65-3U8. cardage (fulll szo> $15. Car be NHNNR Tango Il M Accardian, $2.50. Tennis table, $25. Coleco 96bstalyrcniind Telstaba$s, totaiiunit ondltione5. Toluar 5. hoi uni (seel ~- $»0. Phono 668-7965 aftsr 5 p.m. Horse $2. Cali 668-7317. A OMOBILES ON Gncrnifnlvosa PLACE your ad iln the Whltby FO SLE $M5, One Gendron child love ët 'phone oli, resuits happenl Cati $50. 'Bath lnogond condition. "11 1075 BUICK. LE SAURE,. 4 door, Phone 685-3575 after 5 p-m. and _ __________ hardtop, mochanlcally sound, weekends.SLER NE ecrl chr nese body wortc. As la $65. Cali __________________ chor 668-8543 after5p.m. organ, 72 chorde, good condition. 1073 FiREBIRD "*ESPRIT", noodu body work, $1,100 In new parts. Wililmail for sarne. Negotiabie. Caii 728-605 after 5'p.m. 1073 PLYMOUTH ýFURY, .318, automatic, power brakes, power steering, heavy duty, runs good;- needs saine body work.. $250 as lu or trade for air comprossor, mmnd biasting equlpinent or paint equlpinent. Calil 68-785. 1078 TOYOTA, ase, gond for car parts. AskIng $200. Phone 688- 0303. 11071 MAZDA' 018, neplacod motor, reconditlanod brakos, emeiiy certified, rodone body, gond tires, sterea. '$495. Phone 1071 OLOS DELTA 0,V8, auto- matic, In gond condition. $55 as le. Cali 668-1400. EiOUSEHGLDI ANTIQUE bureau, dresser, mirror ~ R I E S and nlght stand $45. Queen size - bodmpreed, drapes and sheere lu3 Box TRAILER, 4 Mt x 8 fi. x $100. Phono 668-2551 atter 4 p.m. 30 Inch mides, 3,500 pound o«pa- weekdays. AIl day weekends. city, 14 Inch tires, $575. Phone SOX TRAILER $M0. Phono 668- 59Mafter 5pm. FuSALE 1974 CHEV TON' with'cap, 64.000 original miles,* V"r good runnlng condition -« body needu work. $1,000 flrm. ' Phone 660& 463 b.twesn 6:30 p.m. and 9 P.. FRgNCH Provincial buffot, hutch and dIning table with six chairs. Very good condition. Aeking $1,5OO. Phane 839-3731. FRIDGE à STOVE, for maie, avo- cado calor, with hood fan, excel- lent condition. $50 for pair. Phono 668-68. MOVING - Complote living roorn set, new, custorn maode ta match, off-white volvot. Large sofa, love- ucat and two swlvei chaire. Exqui-' site. Pald $3500. Asking $2500. "1ii668-2395. SALES DOWN? Reverse This Trend Today QUICKLY * ECONOMICALLY * CONVENIENTLY Advertîse your product or service in the Whitby Free Press. IT.-PAYS TO ADVERTISE Cail Now WHITBY FREE PRESS, M FRDYIEIU TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 'ARCLES1 ATICLES1ARTICLES- 1i FRSALE FOR SALE FOR SALE Y 2% of balance over $400.00 a e e e e 1 e a e e e a e e 668-m61 11